
Chapter 1: The Emergence of Truth

As a student of Greenwood high school I always wanted the best for myself and I wanted to learn from people in other to achieve it, the best way to learn is learning from others. I can choose to learn from the popular kids who only think about defending each other and cares less about who is not with them or I can choose to learn from the average kids who are in normal range in the school. The people I choose to learn from are the Greewood high bible class. Am Ashley Thompson. Growing up my parents Mr Thompson and Mrs Thompson always taught me to put God first in everything I do cause without God a man is empty. My father owned on of the biggest churches in the state (Thompson worship center) and I always hope to inherit it from him so I can start working in the Missionary and make people's connection with God stronger than ever.

My father woke up in anxiety after having a dream that I was going to get kidnapped by a group of thugs. He told me I should pray before I live the house. I became scared and the first thing I went to do is have a communication with my creator God. I remember when my father said "you can take me but leave my children out of this" my brother and I became afraid cause we thought we were going to loose our father through this difficult time.

My brother Asher and I were on our way to other Dad's church, when a coffee shop got robbed by thugs. Asher then said to me "Its to dangerous to follow this part let's follow another street" as we followed another street we started hearing gun shots and people screaming. As the cops arrived the thugs fled and went to hide behind my Father's most priced possession his church. The thugs decided to rob a church instead of a coffee shop. As they were trying to break the door my father arrived and told them to stop what there doing, the thugs pulled him down and then threatened him if he dosent give them the key. My father was trying to break there hold but it was too tight and as the thugs heard the blaring siren of the police, my father was shot. If I never listened to my brother to follow the other part we would have been shot dead too,I finally knew the reason why my father told me to pray before I live my house. As I am my brother arrived at the scene my father was already bleeding uncontrollably and we couldn't do anything we gave a call to our Mother as soon as she got to the scene my father said "God this is my family take care of them for me". As soon as he said that he died. All I could here were the sounds of my Mother Mourning and the sirens of an Ambulance van.

As we got to the hospital the doctor said there is no hope the bullets got into him to deep. For a whole week my mother was Sad and didn't feel like doing anything or talking to anybody. I'll go close to my mother sometimes and try getting her to talk all she would say is am not in the mood for games my Daughter. Asher,My mom and I then went to the court the next day and I inherited my father's church,Asher inherited my father's houses and My mother inherited his riches. My mom called me one day I told me the truth about my father, she said to me that his not your real father. She then said "I was a prostitute who sleeps with 3 main men every week, your father would always see me when am dressing in skimpy clothes then he would ask me if I wanted to go to church or to stop doing this work. I never listened to him until one of my clients got me pregnant and abandoned me by the dumpster. Your father was the only man that came to my rescue when I was pregnant for you. He said your child would begin to prosper cause am making myself the new father of this child"...

chapter 1

It's always good to listen to your parents cause you'll never know what is going to happen till it happens.

Damian_Yusufcreators' thoughts