
It's my T-shirt

"Riya's point of view,"

It was after 10:00 p.m. by the time we got home, and traffic in Gurgaon is so horrendous that it takes an hour to get there that neither of us remembered to discuss the important news.

Harsh pushed through the main entrance and turned on the lights in the hall.

I also took off my shoes before entering the house.

As soon as the bedroom door opened, I ran to the bed, leaving my laptop bag and handbag on the side table, and lying down, telling him how fatigued I was today.

"Me too," Harsh said as he was going to change his clothes in the washroom, to which I answered, "Well, come back soon, I have a lot to talk about with you."

Waiting for Harsh to return, I took turns on the bed from here to there. I got up and started headed to the washroom to change clothes as soon as he returned.

"Why are you running away from me so much today?" he questioned, grabbing my hand in his.