
Unfound Evolution

A 17 year old prisoner is transferred to Prison 99 which is known as the most gruesome prison in the world even though he didn't deserve it . Fortunately he gets an option to either choose to live hellish life in prison or die instead. He never knew that this choice would change his life forever.

Markiv · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Hell's Life or Heaven's Death

Prison 99, one in every hundred people around the world know about it . If it's prisoners then almost every big criminal is afraid of transfer to this prison . Isolated in an island about 74 km from Australia , an island which is occupied by best among best jail guards and criminals who commits unforgivable crimes with no remorse for their actions.

I have heard of rumors while I was stationed at our local jail about how horrible jailers treat prisoners over there and that prisoners are held in isolated crammed prisons. Prisoners can't even get a glimpse of sunlight .

They will become subjects for human experiments for different fields of sciences . Prisoners there work in mines and handlooms for about 18 hours daily .

I never heard of Prison 99 before and never have I thought I'd be prisoned there .Damn , I can't believe they are transferring me to Prison 99 . I never imagined me being held captive in jail .

The cabins in this ship are similar to jail ,bars are no exception here . This cabin here is as small as stable for a horse. It really stinks here . I have been handcuffed . It's really dark here and gets even darker during nights.

I have heard from guard that including me there are 6 other prisoners who are being transferred to Prison 99 . Also this special ship is meant for transferring prisoners like us .

Given I am 17 year old they should have sent me to juvenile or atleast prisoned me for few years . I don't deserve this . This is all their fault . I never thought I would spend my rest of my life in jail and Prison 99 at that .

How many days has it been since I got into this boat , eight , no perhaps ten . As time is passing by, my heart beat increments as though it won't get another chance to do so . This silence of the sea is even more menacing .

I can often hear the screams of other prisoners when they are getting tortured . My jailer is a fat healthy man who is lazier than sloth which I really appreciate it .

In order to sway away my tension I tried to recollect good things happened in my life to reassure myself but I ultimately failed . I tried several other ways but ended up making my tension even worse . This isn't helping at all .As I am in the process of making my tense situation even a little better, I can hear footprints approaching me .

My jailer opens the door to my cabin . A bright light with the shadow of my jailer falls in my eyes . I can hardly keep up my sanity.

Jailer hits the door three times by his baton intending to catch my attention . The jailer seems to be really pissed off and starts to yell at me -

" Hey get your ass out here punk . Chief wants to talk to you about something ".

As soon as he told those words ,first thing that came to my mind is that we finally reached our destination. As I started moving toward the door anxiety consumes me as if Sun is being devoured by a black hole .

The mere thought of being held in Prison 99 for lifetime gives chills down my spine .A wave of thoughts and possibilities flooding my brain and then suddenly -

" @@#$%$#@#$# hear me punk , get moving already ".

I got pushed outside of my cabin by jailer . It seems I got spaced out and stopped moving ,also while I got dozed off my handcuffs seems uncuffed . When I lifted my head up , all other prisoners are aligned in front of tall , middle-aged and fit man .

I also observed that other prisoners too don't have their handcuffs and their respective jail guards are pointing guns towards their heads .This is the first time I am seeing their

faces ever since I got into this ship. They all looks like middle aged and there's one old guy too.

What's going on here? aren't prisoners supposed to be handcuffed while being transferred . Also we are in the middle of the ocean and no island seems to appear yet . Why would chief wants to speak with all of prisoners here ? . Are they planning to kill all of us here ? . As several other questions arising to my mind I quietly aligned myself in the corner and jailer who brought me here pointed his gun towards my head .

My limbs are shanking of anxiety as I stood here , waiting for chief to speak . I get the feeling that if I make a move, there would be hole in my head.I can't get any details of other prisoners but I bet they are anxious too .All I can know that they are holding back their urge to speak. Speaking of, guy beside me is having big trouble holding back.

The chief walked near me ,glaring at me and keeping his right eyebrow up and started walking rightwards doing the same to other prisoners and went back to his position . He took a deep breath and with a joyous tone he started speaking.

" Well hello there my parasitic weeds of society ! It's really unpleasant to meet you . Man ! I can't believe my voyage is along scumbags like you . My point is , since your life as an ordinary prisoner ends in next 4 to 5 days I am offering you a chance to escape .But you only have one day to decide whether or not to follow through .What do you guys think ? ".

After chief spoke those words , he seems to be having fun of his lifetime and silence is maintained among us .Also ordinary prisoners ? don't lump me with them ! I haven't even spent a week in my local prison .

Also about that offer he gave us , that's just bogus . Nobody's gonna believe that shit .As soon as I thought that, suddenly the guy beside me started laughing .

"Hehehehehe.... I thought I was gonna never gonna see savior like you . Man I was wrong."

he started moving towards chief and put his hand across his shoulder . When his guard tried to act up chief stopped him .

" Now then officer what do you say. I can hook you up with lot of young girls from my country if you escort me back . After all I am expert when it comes to human trafficking back in my days . If not I can give you shares of money I earn after I got into business again . You see I should really change my money's hiding place . I heard that it's going to become construction site soon . I can even give y.." ** THUD **

Before he could finish up , chief gave him his right hook to his face . That was really one hell of a hook. That prisoner fell unconscious .

" I only ordered you to think . You got that ? I never asked your opinion so shut your mouth and think damnit ! "

He called the guard who was back of the prisoner beside me .

" Hey take him to the doc and make him cut his arm which he laid on me .Damn disgusting piece of shit ! I should take bath after this "

" Now then do you guys have any questions ?"

No one dared to even ask a question after witnessing what happened to that guy .

" I asked if have any questions . Should I please you all to open up your mouths , huh? , alright then , I will choose which one of you will be asking questions . Hey short stuff around the corner speak up ! "

Chief told that pointing me .Why me ? this isn't looking good .

The guard standing back of me is applying force via gun to my head as if he's warning me .

" Speak up punk . Chief asked you didn't he ? "

Damn this guard is annoying . What should I even ask ? . It would be better choice if I ask him any question since he is particularly asking me and guard behind me isn't going to be easy on me if I didn't . Either way I am screwed. Hesitatingly , left with no choice I replied -

" S.. Sir umm.. ho.. how are you go.. going to let us escape ? "

**claps** "Excellent question . Now that's what I am talking about . I will let you escape but you should choose how. Understand ? what I am implying is that I won't help you or escort you back home but I will be present when you are going to escape . Furthermore , all that day you will spend your time in your alloted cabin and you will have to call your jailer if you want to escape and no other equipment is allowed . So, how do you think you are supposed to escape ? come on tell me kid ."

Damn this guy . He is out of his mind .We are in middle of ocean here . We will be spending our time in our cabins and only way is to decide and tell if we want to escape . This is complete suicide . In other words he is going to let us escape ..

" By swimming ? "

" Yep ! that's right . I will let you escape if you agree to escape by swimming from here . It's up to you whether you can reach any shore . Well you have to decide whether you want to or not "

He previously told us that our life as an ordinary prisoner ends in next 4 to 5 days . I can't even swim for an hour and even if a person having lot of stamina I believe he wouldn't be able to swim for atleast 3 hours .

Ideally by chance if I found any log or object which is floating capable of carrying a human , I doubt I will be able pull through without any direction . It's just a suicide everyway .

The chief seems to be having fun of his lifetime.Then to make the matter even worse he spoke up again .

" That's about it .You can ask me why I am letting you escape . Well it's simply because I am bored. Besides I doubt anyone of you want to escape through my offer . All these years , I offered up your previous batches the same .What do you think they did ? "

The chief looked us all prisoners again and slowly walked and sat in his chair and continued -

" No one took this offer except for few who tried to take advantage of that - few sneaked into store room to take life boats, few attacked us and few who tried to bargain like that previous idiot .But what did we do to them you ask ? . Ofcourse we killed them . Anyway your time to decide starts now . I have conveyed my message . You have one day time to decide . Guards take them off , I will have to take my bath now "

After his speech , we were taken back to our cabins . So , what now ? should I just go to Prison 99 or should I die. Either way I am completely screwed . My situation is worse than being at the edge of cliff now .

Even though it's not my fault in the first place , I have taken things too far to consider I am innocent . Hell I did even worse to them . I don't regret it though . I should come to a conclusion about my choice .

If I go to Prison 99 , my life would be horrible. That's given . Even so, I would be alive at the very least . But I can't probably pull off my escape from there , can I ? . Probability of me escaping from there is about 15 to 20 percent .It would take years to pull this off , hell I wouldn't be surprised if it took decades considering I am going to one of the world's terrifying prison . Also I really detest boredom .

Being dark about outside world, completely surrounded by criminals who committed crimes several times awful than mine and guards who wish to erase our existence . Also I would be subject of bullying since I am younger than most of the criminals and easy to toy with . Bottom line is that it would be no different from hell.

It's completely obvious that I would die if I take officer's offer and I am scared of death above anything else . I really want to live longer life , it would be ideal if I can be immortal but that's just stupid fantasy .

There are many theories what happens after death but damn nothing is going to happen after death . We simply vanish from existence . My existence will be vanished from this world .I am really scared. This is too much to handle .

Clock's ticking and my tears won't stop . I am trembling with anxiety and fear . My life is coming to end . I am too early to experience this . I am really depressed. This isn't like me . I was really calm under any situation . It's all pointless when it comes to end of our life huh .

While I am having trouble deciding , the prison guard slided my food from the gap of cabin door . Today's meal is meat huh. I guess this would be my last meal if I choose the offer . It would be pointless if I can't even have last meal . I picked up spoon and started eating . Despite food being good , I can't really get off for the fact that my life is going to end . Tears won't even stop while I am eating .

It's been more than half a day ever since . I can't even get a wink of sleep . I have finally come to a conclusion . I should have died that day before I was captured . This imprisonment is the result of me who's trying to prolong my life . I can't go to Prison 99 . It's no different from hell .

I am not brave at all . I am a coward who abandons anything if it means to my benefit . So , in the end I decided to be a coward this time too. I am not brave enough to spend rest of my life in Prison 99. If I took chief's offer, Atleast I can avoid troubles and die a peaceful death .

Finally my tears stopped from continuous crying . I didn't sleep at all . Well this is it , today's my last day . I have many regrets but these are all pointless after I die , aren't they ? . I won't be thinking or dreaming anymore .

I went near bars of my cabin and called my jail guard . He took me to chief. The chief was sitting on his chair, enjoying the scenery and having his coffee .

" What's wrong kid ? don't tell me you finally decided to beg to me . I really took liking to you kid. I wonder why they decided to transfer a kid like you to Prison 99 . Well ? "

"Umm... Sir ..I .. I was thinking about the escape you told us about yesterday . umm... will you please grant me permission to escape sir. "

After I said that chief seems to be surprised . Prison guards started laughing at me .I feel like complete idiot for falling into chief's trap. I feel humiliated . after a minute ,all of a sudden chief pointed his gun towards up and shot once .With a serious voice chief started talking .

" SHUT THE HELL UP SHITHEADS . Can't you see how much this kid who's not even half our age has suffered , well ? " . After hearing those words guards became silent and chief went back to his original position . Without asking any questions about my reason he told my jail guard to take off my handcuffs .

" So kid, I don't know where you are coming from but I will respect your opinion .I can see in your eyes that you have been through alot. If it were upto me I would let you off the hook but you know we don't have any privilege of that . Least I could do is grant you your final wish . So ask me what you want kid ."

My tears started flowing again as soon as his words reached my ears . I told him my wish . He told me he would try his best to make it happen .Then it's finally time .

While I was standing there ready to dive anytime I looked at how peaceful this ocean is . I can see different kinds of fish swimming as if don't have care in the world . Even though I decided to die I am still reluctant to dive . Then chief walked near me.

" It's really takes hell lot of courage if you are trying kill yourself . Even though you decide yourself to do so , your instincts won't let you. Sorry kid I can't help you any further than this."

Chief pushed me from my back which led me dive in the ocean. Ocean's water is really cold.

Even though I know it's pointless I can't stop but swim as long as I can.

I swam.

And swam.

And swam.

And swam.

I am starting to get dizzy.

Still I tried to swim .

I can no longer feel my limbs .

But I kept swimming.

No matter how much I kept on going I can only see water every where.

My hands and legs finally gave out .

I started sinking deeper

And deeper.

And deeper.

Ocean's water filled my body parts . I can no longer breath.

My senses all got faded.

I can't think straight anymore.

My consciousness is fa.....

