
Unfortunately unexpected

Action reality detective mind games truth seeking revenge

Imaginetor_of_life · Action
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13 Chs

the unknown chapter 5

Mike was booking a room and ther was a phone call from a Mark told him after the Manga gang leader was dead ther was new leader smuggling drugs to changed to human trafic organs sellers after that they become like shadows ther was many officials protecting the the world has no trade of Manga gang after a that mission and. Ther was many children kidnapped sroun our country number victims 87 child in 7to9 adults case negative I got some information about all case. And Mike don't look in to past we are living in the future. OK send me your details and if I have second mission fellow me and accses all security cameras got it out. Mike called a detective and told I have information about child case I will send it to you and all case are same if ther is one high way all small ways will connect in to it don't look big picture look small picture also and Alison is sleeping bye. Detective got the case about 87 case of child kidnaps and got Shoked all cases are looking same cctv are out no person viteness clean perfect he told his team mates mates we have bigger fish ther was 87 case of child kidnaps ther was also big officials bhind it do you guys want to hunt them one bye one team mate shouting yes and check all near cctv footage around the area if ther was car it will easily spotet by people look into bigger cars vans look in to if there is same. King of vehicles theri need a full detail of the car and where did they gone ok it was midnight ther was black long ckout guy calling . Day 2 morning Mike phone was ringing Mike answered a phone and ther was Mr x was talking on the phone hello Mr Mike did you woke up ok your 1st task was done here is you 2nd task hand over Mike asked what hand over mhaahhaha hand over the kid to this to the tissue factory and wait for your 3rd task and finish it and take your mia and we two will go out ways if don't do it you k ow the consequences Mike told wait I can hand over Alison but 8 don't have garuntee you can give my mia after 3rd task I don't believe it give your 3rd task now after finishing it I will give Alison and take away my mia Mike Mike I know who you are and you know who's child is Alison right I won't take a risk for that Mike if you finish 3rd task early you will come prepared and die one me not you right then how would I trust you Mike do it you have to give her within today night 9.30am if dond or late to 9.31you will see you mia blood flowing out of her head we are living in the future Mike. ok I will do it. Mike was going to give mia time. Was 9.00 am Mike was driving Alison was sitting next to him ther was a black hoodie guy stanting and looking this car with killing intened Mike was coming through the gate ant telling one his guy the good Hase arrived the black hoodie guy running down with anger and seeing Mike like a freousius beast that want tear his flesh Mike was got down the car black hoodie guy slowly approaching him and one guy wants to Alison away Mike told do you dare guy showed his gun black hoodie guy told him put his gun down Mike walking to get Alison suddenly a kick from a black hoodie cursing Mike with anger m***&$**r you beast curseing him hitting him hard Mike was fighting back the black hoodie guy and Mike was fighting fearsly the group of thugs cheering and shouting and Mike lock him strangling him he telling him kill me now you distroyed everything kill me now Mike was loosing his grip from the words the guy come a showing a gun to a Mike to release him suddenly ther was a police forse surrounding a plase was coming in with guns shooting a guy who aimed a gun to amike and some were killed and some were cupterd and black hoodie guy was unconscious and detective comedy in and give a hand to Mike and lifting him and thise was the guy who kidnapped mia and Alison I need to see him and lifted his hoodie and mask Mike seemed very shock and calling pester. And a detective team mates shouting and calling defective ther was 16 child were found in dungeon and guns and a drugs were in ton and you give a photo of girl nammed mia is not hear Mike was in a dizziness because he seeing a brother who was died in front of him his lovely doughter was not here defective was shouting go and search the plase throughly and he asked Mike Mike are you ok Mike was normal and told Alison was sitting. In a back seat detective run twords the car and saw Alison was in crouch in back seat dedective called her name she was so happy and hugged him and told him Mike uncle told me if ther is fight qukly do thise dedective was smiling happyly she asked father mia is ok Mike uncle funded mia? He said no and Alison run twords Mike and hugged him and. Dedective get the guys in to cars and get information about the black sheeps of our department.

HI guy's hope you enjoy this chapter love take care bye 😊


 Writed by khaan