
Unfortunately Sold

{WARNING.... MATURED CONTENT} “Put me down...!” Nalani’s voice ranged inside the walkway as she thrashed her legs in the air and all of a sudden, a spank made her stop abruptly. Her eyes widened like a disc when it dawned on her that he had just spanked her ass! “You meant to seduce me... right? Well... congratulations! You did a good job..!” Norman said adjusting her on his shoulder as he made his way into his room. “So be a good girl like you are.... stay still and take your punishment...” She felt a shiver run down her spine at the unexpected words. Just like that, Norman walked towards his bed with her in his arms and for some reasons, Nalani knew was done for. **** Ever dreamt of a love story with a happy ending? Living well, getting married to the love of your life, having kids and growing old together? Well... this was the same dream Nalani walker always had, a young beautiful 21 years old lady with a pretty petite figure. Waking up one day to be told that she’s getting married to a stranger. No... it was no marriage. She was practically sold to clear her father’s debt to a dangerous Mafia drug lord. Whose name is Norman de montes. A cold hearted handsome young man, whose name resonates on every mouth in the underground drug dealing business. Pussy or his life? He would gladly choose pussy. He doesn’t believe in love or anything like marriage. All he ever wants was money and a good fuck. “Will Norman agree to take Nalani in place of his money? “Would Nalani agree to be sold to a cold hearted stranger?

illustrator · Teen
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7 Chs


Miss A.D pushed a door open and walked in with Nalani. Three girls could be seen, two of them were blonde while one was red haired.

"Nalani here is your new room mate, teach her what and how we do things here... I won't want any mistake done... Understood?" Miss A.D said walking out of the room without caring if they responded to what she had said.


Nalani muttered.

"You've gotta be careful with the way you talk..." One of the blonde girls cautioned, standing up from her bed.

"Hi, my name is Bella.." Bella said with a smile.

"this is Whitney..."she introduced gesturing at the red haired girl who waved at Nalani with smile she immediately found contagious.

"And this is Fiona..." Bella introduced.

"I never asked you to introduce me bitch..." Fiona said in a smutty manner, staring at Nalani with hateful eyes.

Standing up from her bed, Fiona strutted towards Nalani maintaining an eye contact.

"Well.. welcome to hell. Let's see how you are gonna last a second here..." Fiona let out a chuckled, brushing Nalani aside with her shoulder as she walked out of the room.

Bella cleared her throat, clearing the awkwardness in the room.

"No need to worry, that's how she is... Come, Come..sit here." Bella said showing her to a bed beneath the double bed which Whitney's was on top, the bed will be her's from now on.

Nalani didn't say anything as she walked towards the bed. Laying down she murmured a thanks to Bella with a forced smile.

Bella nodded."Well then.. I'm here, if you need anything.."

Bella said and walked out, she knows what this situation feels like and what Nalani needs right now was enough space.

Nalani on the other hand couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She whimpered silently till her eyes closed up in a deep sleep.


Inside a master room, dark paintings and horrific arts could be seen on the walls of the room. The ash painted room was dark and void of any hint of light. One could hardly see a thing if one hasn't been there before. It was practically scary. If smokes could make a sound, that would be the only sound in the room.

Norman stood by the window of his room smoking heavily. His upper body was unclad and the light streaming from outside was enough to showcase the tattoos he had on his chest, arms and waist. His eyes was extremely dark and his blonde hair was ruffled up in a mess that look dangerously handsome. With this look, he had all women wrapped around his fingers except one petite girl who had the guts to call him ugly...

Remembering her, he let out a scoff.

"I doubt she can last a second there.." Falcon who stood by the side said as if he heard his thoughts.

"There's no need feeding and keeping her here.... when she could make money for me at the slave house.." Norman said taking a long drag from the cigarette he was holding.

After a few minutes silence, he spoke.

"Get me Sophia.." He ordered.

Immediately, Falcon made a bow and left the room. Few minutes after he left, a female figure entered the room.

"Boss... you sent for me." Sophia said with a light bow. She stood there not less than 10 minutes but Norman didn't say anything. It was when she made to asked him again to...


Came his voice.

Immediately, Sophia's excited hands went to her clothes and she removed every piece of clothing she had on her body. She strode a little closer to him.

" Get your hands on that table and give me your back..." He ordered without glancing at her. He has never had woman on his bed, he's never gonna plan to and even if he plan to she won't be the first.

Sophia did as she was ordered and immediately, she could feel his presence behind her.

With the cigarette caught in between his lips, Norman held her waist as his thumb trailed her gates. Sophia's breath hitched, immediately she felt his hand on her body and her whole body burned with anticipation and she couldn't help curse inwardly.

However, a moan tore out from her lips immediately Norman inserted a finger inside her thrusting in and out of her roughly.

"Bo.. Boss" Sophia's lips parted in a moan. To her Norman was going too slow but she wouldn't dare to voice it out. Her eyes went shut, giving in to the pleasure. But she wanted more.

"B..." Her words was caught up in her throat when Norman thrusted into her and her walls stretched.

Fuck..! Finally!

"Gawd..!" Sophia moaned in pleasure as Norman grabbed her fleshy ass and drove himself deep inside her, going faster and roughly deeper.

"Ahh.. Ahhh" Sophia moaned, her breast flapping on her chest while her hands gripped the table tightly.

Muffling sounds and pants filled the room as Norman drilled her. His hands were on her ass, holding her in place as he screwed her roughly, spanking her ass at intervals.

Beads of sweat could be seen on Sophia's face as her moans filled the room. She could feel her hands slipping on the table as a painful pleasure engulf her body entirely.

All through his drilling session, Norman neither groaned, moan nor show any sign of pleasure. All he needed at that moment was to get to the edge which was his only was of calming down.

Finally getting on the edge, Norman pulled out, spilling his seeds on her ass. Turning, he walked towards the bathroom.

"Get out.." His voice was deep and void of any emotion. He opened the bathroom door and went inside.

Sophia hurriedly got down from the table and fell down to the floor. Shit..! Her middle burns like hell..!

This man is a beast... A sex God..!

My poor pussy..!

"Ughhh..."She moaned painfully. Slowly getting up from the floor, she picked her clothes and staggered out of the room.