
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime & Comics
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342 Chs

Third Dungeon

Two months later

Hyak! Hyak! Hyak!

At exactly 8 a.m., Heero sat on a rocking chair as a series of children's voices echoed through the martial arts hall.

It had been two months since the incident with the specters. And in those two months, Heero had trained a lot of people. Including the children who went to his wife's kindergarten.

Dozens of children in front of him were a kindergartner who wanted to be a hero.

It happened about a month and a half ago. His daughter, Miao Miao, along with Myung-Hee and Lan Lan, brought the other children to him and said they wanted to be a hero too.

They asked him to train them the way he trained his other students. Since then, the kids have been coming here at 7 a.m. and doing their daily routine training.

There was no way that Heero would let them wear a training ring and run with his students, so he taught them a series of moves that were supposed to be for self-defence.

He thought the kids would give up after a few days or a week of training. Surprisingly, the children were so persistent that they continued for a month and a half.

Relaxing in his rock chair, Heero's eyes never left his cute daughter, Miao Miao. There were two other cute little girls, Myung-Hee and Lan Lan.

The three of them stood in the front row as they delivered punch after punch. Sweat covered their baby faces, but the look of seriousness on their faces made them look even more adorable.

His life over the past two months had been satisfying, reassuring and peaceful. It had been proven that status was necessary to live a peaceful life in this city.

No one had bothered him since he accepted his new position as Chief Hero Instructor. The gadflies who came every day trying to buy his whole district were gone.

Not only that, but his home, the Xing District, had grown bigger. Everything was going well, and he was satisfied with this kind of life.

After a moment, he stood up from the chair. He walked over to the children with a big smile on his face.


After a clap, Heero instructed the children, "All right, children! It's time for rest! You have 15 minutes rest before we continue with a stance!"

At his command, the children stopped their training. Instead of resting, the children corrected their line. They stood in a proper line with great discipline.

The children stood straight, facing their leader, Miao Miao. Heero did not know how, but Miao Miao managed to make the children obey her.

"Good! You are doing a good job and you can rest now!" Miao Miao praised the other children with a proud look on her face. She was like a mother proud of her children.

Following her instructions, the children relaxed their shoulders and immediately lay down on the floor. They closed their eyes and held their ragged breaths.

It was something he taught his daughter and she taught the other children. Somehow, the children preferred to listen to their daughter than to him.

Heero shook his head with an amused smile. His days were so full just watching the children.

Then he went back to his chair and closed his eyes. 

But his rest only lasted five minutes before a little tigress lunged at him, smacking him in the stomach.


"Kohokhok..." Heero let out a series of coughs, pretending to be in pain. He curled up into a ball with his hand on his stomach.

"Oh, my little fairy, what are you doing? It hurts!"

"Hihihihi..." Miao Miao let out a giggle. Ignoring her father, she hopped down from the chair.

She looked at the child with a satisfied look and declared, "Did you see that? I told you, training is not useless! I can hurt my daddy now!"

The other children looked at Miao Miao in awe. This was not the first time Miao Miao had done this, but it was the first time Heero had been injured by her punch.

After Miao Miao's explanation, the kids broke into a murmur. Most of them were amazed by Miao Miao's feat and became even more determined in their training.

"I will try my fist against my father later..."

"I'll try it on my brother, he bullies me, now it's time for revenge!"

"I'm going to try harder..."

"How about testing our fist against the fat guy from the security house?"

"Ah, that's a good idea. That Fatty is a good sandbag..."

"Teacher Xing! Let's continue with the next session!"

"Yes, let's continue, Teacher Xing!"

The children became even more enthusiastic when they were shown the "proof" of their training. With that, the children took the initiative to continue the training on their own.

Meanwhile, Heero was left speechless by his daughter. She was proud to have 'hurt' her father.

This is not right... This is not right... But...

Seeing how happy Miao Miao was, Heero decided to play along. He clutched his stomach, still pretending to be in pain.

It was then that Miao Miao noticed that her daddy was still in pain. She rushed over and asked worriedly, "Are you OK, Daddy?"

"I-I'm not o-okay," Heero pretended to be badly hurt.

Miao Miao looked worried and a little panicked, "Did I hit you too hard? What should I do now? What should I do? Mummy will scold me if she knows..."

"Actually, you have a remedy with you..."

"Really? Really? How??" Miao Miao asked excitedly.

"T-three kisses. Left cheek, nose and right cheek! Three kisses from a little fairy will cure daddy."

As soon as Heero had finished his words, the little girl jumped on him and kissed his face. Each kiss lasted three seconds.

"I am healed! My little fairy must be amazing!" Heero immediately got up from his chair and lifted Miao Miao into the air.

After a while, Heero put her daughter down. But then the other two little girls rushed over and punched him in the stomach.

Heero was caught off guard, so he stayed still. He had not expected this and it was too late to pretend to be in pain.


Meanwhile, Miao Miao was laughing on the other side. She tapped her friend's shoulder twice and said smugly, "Train harder, hard work will not betray you~".

After giving her wise advice, Miao Miao rushed over to the other children to join the training. As for Myung-Hee and Lan Lan, they followed Miao Miao dejectedly.

They looked downhearted but not discouraged. The two little girls looked even more determined in their training.

Just like that, the children continued training until 8:30 in the morning, when their teacher, Hong Yu, came into their martial arts hall.

"All right kids, practice is over. Get dressed, it's time for class!"

With Hong Yu's words, the children flocked to the changing room. They washed their bodies and changed from their martial arts clothes to their uniforms and went to the kindergarten.

After making sure that all the children had left the martial arts hall, Hong Yu kissed Heero on the cheek and went after the children.

Heero stood up from the chair and stretched lazily. He looked at his smartwatch and muttered, "It's about time they came back!"

The 'them' in Heero's mouth were the first generation of Heero Academy students. It was time for them to return from their training.

Surprisingly, after two months of training, none of them had left the academy. They continued with the extremely exhausting and static training he gave them.

It's time to give them some excitement,' he said.

Just as he was thinking about the event he was going to hold for his students, the door to the martial arts hall opened. It was certain that it was not his students who had returned, for there were no footsteps to be heard.

Heero turned to see Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata entering the hall. Both seemed to be in a hurry.

"Master, we have the information you want! A dungeon has been found, the third dungeon has been found in the east!" Sun Zhou Yi shouted from the distance.

Sun Zhou Yi's words piqued his interest. He asked his two disciples to inform him when a dungeon was found, as he had some interest in the dungeon.

Each of the dungeons had an environment similar to Dramonia. He wanted to know more about the dungeon and research was a must.

"Explain more to me," 

Sun Zhou Yi shook his head, "This is a newly discovered dungeon. I don't know much about it,"

"The information said that it has a friendly environment compared to the second dungeon. And there were no beasts within a hundred metres of the gate! I, Zhou Yi, and the other five Emperor Class Heroes would be sent to investigate the third dungeon!" Hisashi Hirata added.