
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime & Comics
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342 Chs

Leniency For Those Who Confess

Wu Shitian and Kim Jung-Mun's frowns deepened. The cleansing thing was not as good as they thought.

But then Kim Jung-Mun let out a sigh. He was worried about his family, but he also knew that what Heero was doing was best for the Hero League.

"What is your motive? Your motive for doing this! What is it?" Wu Shitian put down the chopstick and questioned Heero harshly.

"The motive is very simple! I want my family to live in a safe place. I don't want any danger, whether it's internal or external, I want a safe environment for my family to live in!" Heero replied immediately.

Wu Shitian looked into the young man's eyes. Then he noticed that the young man was firm in his answer. From his experience, he could tell that the young man was telling the truth.

"A safe place that does not even need me to protect. I want to enjoy my retirement, and the rest of my life with my family, without being disturbed! That's the main reason I founded the Xing District! That's why I founded the Heero Academy!"

"Only that?" Wu Shitian couldn't believe it. He doubted it. He felt that there was a hidden motive behind his actions.

"Just that? It may seem trivial to you, but my family is the most important thing in my life. That's why I'm not a hero and that's why I prefer to take in disciples!"

"I am not a saint, I am just an ordinary person with a little power who wanted to enjoy his retirement in peace with his family. That's me!"

Heero summarized in front of the three old men and his wife.

"Aren't you a little bit selfish? Not a bit actually, in fact, you are very selfish! You sacrifice the lives of many people just to get this? A safe place for your family? Why don't you live separately from us, leave Star City!"

Wu Shitian did not back down. He seemed to be dead set against Heero's purification plan.

"Sacrifice many lives? Huhu..." Heero chuckled at the old man's words, "What about you, the great families? How many lives have you sacrificed for the Wu Family to reach the position you are in now! You know it more than me, so don't be a hypocrite, Elder!"

"How do you feel now? The younger generation of the Wu family used your family name to oppress the people! You, the Wu family at the top, are doing more harm than good itself than my ideal safe place! Do you want proof? Give me a week and I will give you detailed proof!"

Heero challenged the elder without hesitation. Actually, he was not angry with Old Man Wu, he was fine if the old man wanted to protect his family.

But he did not like the way he made him look like a crazy villain. The old man was twisting his words to make it seem like he was doing great harm, when in fact he was helping many people.

"Why the Hero League? What about the Ranker Alliance?" Wu Shitian pointed out what he thought Heero had missed.

Heero shook his head disappointedly. He thought as someone who stayed on top of things, he could see the big picture instead of a short period of false harmony.

"I don't know what you want, Elder Wu. Your words, as if telling us what I am doing is a crime! As I said, I have permission from the Chief Executive! I don't care what you think. Try to stop me if you want."

Heero did not bother to convince Wu Shitian anymore. If the old man did not agree, then they would go their separate ways. If Bai Xian Ming took back his words, it would mean less work for him. After all, his goal was still the Ranker Alliance.

"I will support you!" Kim Jung-Mun gave his agreement, which shocked Wu Shitian.

"Jung-Mun! How could you..."

"If we don't stop the problem at its source, it will only be a matter of time before the Hero League falls. It will only be a matter of time before the Kim family falls, just like..." Kim Jung-Mun did not finish his words, but the other two old men understood him.

Of the twelve founding families of Star City, only four families remained. Bai, Wu, Kim, and Musashi.

The Bai family was facing a crisis as many powers coveted their inheritance. The lack of a proper heir deepened the crisis.

Kim Jung-Mun understood why Old Ming was very supportive of the purge. It was to avoid the crisis by letting the other powers confront Heero.

As for why he agreed to the purge, he did not want his family, which he had built together with his ancestors, to fall and become history.

At least with him still alive, his family would easily survive the Purge. They could rebuild everything they lost during the Purge with him around.

Why did he not do it himself? He simply could not bear to do it to his own relatives.

"But I disagree if you show them no mercy. You should at least give them a second chance!"

"Sure, there will always be a second chance. But not everyone deserves a second chance, it all depends on..."Heero did not finish his words, but the elders understood.

"Leniency for those who confess, I would say. Death for the worst crimes while being stripped of their position and starting all over again is the lightest sentence! We will hold a proper trial and you can be part of it! So don't worry about being prejudiced!"

"Leniency for those who confess..." Kim Jung-Mun repeated the words and nodded his head.

The talk was just beginning, the real talk continued for a few hours after that, until midnight. However, Wu Shitian did not agree with the idea of cleansing until the end of the meeting. Kim Jung-Mun was very supportive.

"In three weeks I can give this time to those who want to confess. You can send a letter or make an announcement or whatever. Tell them about the cleansing! I will start the purge in three weeks!"

"I will set up an independent team for this! I will give you the details later. It's already too late." Heero waved at the three old men and went back to his noodle shop.

The noodle shop was closed, but the lights were on. The three girls had not returned yet. They were waiting for Han Ying.

Although the wedding was small, the four girls prepared it meticulously. From the invitation, to the food, to the wedding dress.

When they entered the shop, Hong Yu pulled her sister along with her.

Looking at the four cheerful women, Heero held his chin as he thought of something. He followed the sisters and stood next to the four women.

"I think it's about time!" Out of the blue, he said what was on his mind.

The four women turned their heads to Heero at the same time. Confused was the right word to describe their expressions.

"I think it's time I told you about my past! You deserve to know!"

Heero wanted to tell his wives about his past. The fact that he was an ancient human of unknown age.

"You don't have to force yourself to tell us about your past. We love the present you, not your past" Han Ying was the first to answer him.

The other three women nodded in agreement. They agreed with Han Ying.

However, Heero insisted that he was determined to tell his wives about his past.

"You have a right to know my past!"