
Unfortunate Hero Returns(FAN-UPLOAD)


dont_ask_me · Anime & Comics
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342 Chs

Challenger - Part 1

The moment Heero was appointed president of the Hero League. Heero had to immediately share his secret technique, the Ki Comprehension, and an eye technique that could distinguish a specter from normal humans.

But the Ki Comprehension he shared within the Hero League was not the same as his Ki Comprehension. It was a common Ki Comprehension in Dramonia.

For his family, Heero would not want them to learn the shared Ki Comprehension, but the one that was better than the one he shared with the Hero League.

Of course, the one he shared with the Hero League was not an inferior secret technique. It was the best among the ordinary ones. 

But he had much better ones, and he wanted to share them with his father-in-law and grandfather-in-law.

After he finished his work, no, it was far from finished. But he was done with today's work and went back to have dinner with his family, his daughters, and his four wives.

Even though he was busy working all day long, he still took the time to have dinner with his family. Half an hour after dinner, Heero, Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon left for Heero Academy.

They went to the Martial Hall where Bai Tian Ming and Kang Myung-Chul were.

As soon as the three of them entered the Martial Hall, they saw Bai Tian Ming in his tank top doing push-ups while Kang Myung-Chul was sitting cross-legged on Bai Tian Ming's back.

This was typically what a couple would do, where the boyfriend would show off his strength with the girlfriend on his back. However, these two were clearly not a couple.

The moment the three of them entered the hall, Kang Myung-Chul opened his eyes. Seeing his granddaughter's radiant face, the old man smiled.

"You are finally here."

Heero nodded awkwardly, not knowing how to react to the sight.

Kang Myung-Chul stood up and was followed by Bai Tian Ming. Despite doing a push-up, no sweat could be seen on Bai Tian Ming's face. Bai Tian Ming's face was stern while Kang Myung-Chul's face was friendly.

"I heard it from my daughter, do you want to teach me your secret technique, right?" Bai Tian Ming did not bother with a greeting and went straight to the main topic.

"Yes, Father," Heero replied with a smile and a nod.

"I tell you, I only learn from the strong. So before you teach me something, you should prove to me that you are strong enough to teach me something!" Bai Tian Ming said with a stern tone.

Bai Xin Yue wanted to say something, but Heero stopped her. He stopped her with his hand and smiled at his father-in-law.

"That's fine with me, how about we have a spar with basic movement?"

Heero had expected this and willingly asked his father-in-law to have a spar against him.

Kang Myung-Chul just shook his head from the sidelines. He had seen all the footage of Heero's fight. He had an idea of how strong Heero was.

'But it's interesting to see it directly with my eyes. I will not interfere and will be the referee instead.'

The old man smiled and opened his mouth, "Then I will supervise the sparring. You can use your internal energy, but only to strengthen your fist or kick!"

"That's fine with me!" Bai Tian Ming immediately agreed with a nod.

"Martial arts!?" Heero looked at his two wives and asked for an explanation of what martial arts was.

"It's a fighting sport or martial arts fight, but without any secret technique. You can't use your fire or lightning, but your fist and kick, that's how it is," Kang Seo-Yeon explained with a helpless shake of her head.

"Ah, that's fine with me. Let's do it!" Heero's eyes lit up and he smiled at his father-in-law.

After that, Heero and Bai Tian Ming walked to the center of the martial arts hall. There was a distance of 8 meters between them with Kang Myung-Chul standing between them.

Kang Myung-Chul looked at Heero first and then at Bai Tian Ming.

"Start!" The old man raised his hand and immediately backed away to keep a safe distance.

Bai Tian Ming's sharp eyes focused on Heero. It was not that he did not know how strong Heero was. But he wanted to try to measure Heero's strength. He wanted to know the gap between them, so he planned this.

As soon as Kang Myung-Chul's voice rang out, he saw Heero running towards him. It was a quick movement, but his eyes still managed to catch the movement.

Halfway to him, Bai Tian Ming saw Heero's attack.

Spinning Back Kick!

This was Heero's move.

Bai Tian Ming moved both hands to his stomach. He wanted to catch the kick and counter with a spinning kick as well. That was the plan, but things did not go as he had planned.

The moment he tried to catch the kick, he was doomed to lose.

The moment Bai Tian Ming was about to catch the kick. His eyes widened as the power behind the kick was beyond his expectations. The kick bypassed his hand and landed on his stomach.


Bai Tian Ming let out a painful grunt as his body bent forward and flew back.


His momentum only stopped when his back hit the wall. He felt a throbbing pain in his stomach, but he did not care or even check to see if he was injured or not. 

Bai Tian Ming squatted on his knees and stared in Heero's direction in shock. Not only him, but everyone in the room was shocked as well. They could see Heero's movement and could tell that it was not a strong kick, but...

Even Heero was shocked as he hurried towards his father-in-law. He tried to control his kick but it seemed to be too strong even for his father-in-law.

"Are you okay, father?" Heero asked quite worriedly.

"What was that? I am pretty sure that was just a normal kick, right?" Bai Tian Ming did not answer Heero's worried question, but he came back with another one.

"It was indeed a normal spinning kick, but I reinforced it with my inner energy," Heero nodded his head with a smile. He thought his father-in-law should know how strong he was now.

It was just a simple exchange of blows, but it was enough to prove that he was the stronger one here.

"So, are you interested in learning the secret, father?"

"I am!" Kang Myung-Chul was the first to answer. He was completely convinced after witnessing the spar just now.

"Good, if it makes me stronger, then I will do it!" Bai Tian Ming stood up and answered with determination.

Heero grinned at his father-in-law. He had not expected that his father-in-law would be so easily convinced.

 He had prepared a long and thoughtful explanation, but it seemed that it was not necessary.

On the day they met for the first time, it was as if Bai Tian Ming wanted to kill him at that moment with his murderous gaze after he knew that his daughter had chosen him as her husband.

 That was why he thought he needed a lot of time to convince his father-in-law. But it was the exact opposite of his expectation and it went well.


Kang Seo-Yeon let out a light cough to get the three men's attention and it worked. The three looked in her direction with a questioning look.

"We have a small problem, but this small problem attracts great attention! Heroes, Rankers, and even the citizens are making a fuss about it right now!"

She tapped her smartwatch, showing a bunch of texts. 

Kang Myung-Chul and Bai Tian Ming immediately frowned when they saw the screen of the smartwatch. Both seemed to be similar to the one shown on the screen.

As for Heero, he was clueless as usual. He approached his wife and took a closer look at the screen. "Challenger" was written at the top center and in the middle was a name, a familiar one, Ryan White.

He scrolled down and skimmed through a bunch of text. Right underneath those texts, he surprisingly found his name, Xing Heero.