
Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the most unfortunate day which also the luckiest day for Xing Heero, his village was attacked by a specter. He lost family, his childhood sweetheart, he lost everything. However, on the same day, the strongest man called Saint picked him up as his disciple. After years of training under the strongest man, Saint. To fulfill his Grandfather's dream to be a Great Hero, Heero started his career as a Hero. Heero was determined to kill specter and would not let any child experienced the same experience as him. However, maybe he had used all his luck to get the strongest man as his Master. Somehow, all of his achievement was stolen by the other heroes. The unfortunate event kept happening to Heero which led all of his achievement being robbed by the other Heroes. In the last of his unfortunate event, he tried to kill God Specter, but it only ended him up sealed in Eternal Ice. The last moment before Heero lost consciousness, he vowed he would retire as Hero. "Father! Mother! I will be obedient! I will stop to be Hero and continue our family line, please release me from this Eternal Ice!"

HotIce · Fantasy
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366 Chs

Heero's Little Scheme

"Fuhuhu…" Kang Seo-Yeon smiled flirtatiously, but the guests pretty much ignored her as all the guests glued to the screen.

"I know you guys have a lot of questions and I ask you… Please refrain from asking, because everything will be answered during the show!"

Right after she finished her words, an attendant with the same attire as Heero's entered the stage. He pushed a trolley with an exceptional box on the top.

"He is the best in swordplay, at least, he is one of the strongest when it comes to a sword. He will demonstrate the difference between the normal sword and Conscious Sword!"

"But before we go with the play, I will go further with the details about the Conscious Sword! Just like its name, the sword has its consciousness!"

As soon as Kang Seo-Yeon reached this point, almost all guests raised their hands. She dismissed the guests with a helpless sigh.