

Audrey closed the book she did her assignment with a snap. She had been looking at her time before she even had her breakfast. Today was the Saturday Lucas promised taking her and Aubrey out but Allison had refused to tell them if she would grant them the permission to go out with Lucas. Both of them had waited endlessly after the dinner the previous evening expecting that Allison would mention it, but they didn't want to incur her anger because they knew she hated Lucas, so the twins kept quiet and did not ask her.

'The house is always boring on weekends when you have nothing of interest to do.' She muttered to herself as she put her chin on her palm starring at nothing in particular.

Aubrey in her room laying on the bed with indignation was playing game on her phone. She was cautious like her twin sister not to infuriate their elder sister by mentioning Lucas' name to her. They had both looked forward to this outing but it was as if their hope on mingling with people had been dashed by Allison.

She heard a knock on her door. 'Come in.' She said not taking her eyes from the phone.

'Aubrey are you busy?' Her twin sister asked from why she was standing by the door.

'Not really, is there a problem?' Still not taking her eyes off the phone.

Audrey walked to Aubrey's bed and sat down.

'I'm restless Aubrey.'

'Why are you restless?' She kept on playing her game.

'Don't you think we should talk to our sister on today's outing? At least for a change since we came here.'

'How do you want us to talk to her?' She sat up and rested her head on the head board. 'She doesn't want to hear Lucas' name and she has refused to grant us permission to go out.'

'Why don't we speak to Adams? He could override her decision.'

'You think that would work?'

'I don't know but we can give it a try.'

'Is Adams still around?'

'I heard him talking to someone on phone before I entered your room.'

They both went in search of Adams and met Allison by the stairs.

'Hey girls, why are you both looking unhappy today of all days?'

'We just feel that we have been stuffed in the house for too long.' Audrey said.

'Stuffed, what do you mean?' Allison asked her.

'We have been indoor since we came here except on few occasions you took us out for shopping.' Aubrey replied.

'But Lucas promised to take you out today?'

She told them to surprise them.

'Are you granting us permission to go out today?' They both asked excitedly.

'I'm not only granting you permission but, I'll be there all along with you.'

'Really sis?' Aubrey said hugging Allison.

'Of course. I'm also tired staying indoor without any excitement in my life.'

'Oh, thank you sis, you're the best.' Audrey said joining in the hug.

'I've sent our address and time to pick us and kid sisters,' she looked at her wrist watch. 'You have just forty five minutes to be ready.' She said with an adoring smile as she cat walked away.

Lucas was thrilled when he received the address and time he would pick the Green girls. He immediately swung into action and made quick reservations at higher price at one of the talk of the town restaurants.

Lucas pressed the door bell and waited for someone to open the door, but to his surprise, Adams did.

'Hi Lucas.' Adams was friendly which surprised Lucas the more.

'Hi, I came for the girls.' Lucas was hesitant.

'I know please do come in.' Adams led him to the living room. 'Trust girls, they would want to look their best in every circumstance.' He conversed with Lucas.

'Let them take their time, we are not in a hurry.'

'Then feel at home. Drink?'

'Scotch is fine.'

'I'm a vodka person.' He went to the bar and poured them drinks. 'Here you are, welcome to my humble abode.'

'This is yours?' Lucas asked looking around and was impressed.

'Yeah, this is mine without Ian Green's contribution.'

'This is simple and very nice. I like your interior decor.'

'Thanks. Actually my sister did it.'

'You mean Allison?' Lucas asked surprised.

'Are you surprised that she could do such things?'

'Well, we never had time to know each other well but I'm really impressed.'

'She's good at what she does but dad never gave her the freedom to express herself in the virtues she possesses.'

'Your father must have really trampled on her abilities.'

'You can say that. He's an expert in burying people's talents. He believes everyone is a competitor.'

'It's obvious you're not in good terms with him.'

'He's an asshole.'

'Come on Adams, he can't be that bad to his children?'

'Not what he did to my mother, Ali and the twins. I always have bitter taste in my mouth anytime I call him dad.'

The girls walked in to cut short the men's conversation.

'We are ready!' The twins said.

Lucas saw the twins first and nodded his head in appreciation of their beauty but, when he sighted Allison, he could not help himself but he unconsciously shifted his head slightly to the left to admire her the more.

She was in a simple silk blouse on a black pencil jeans and a high heeled sandal to go with. Her make up was a light one but it enhanced her natural beauty. Looking elegant, with her hair packed up to reveal her long neck, Lucas was spellbound with her.

Allison was embarrassed at the way he was starring at her. She coughed and spoke. 'When you're done quawking at me, would you then let us go?'

'I'm sorry, I can't help admire the God's work of art in my front.' He complimented her.

Allison blushed at his compliment and hooked her hand through the twins to hide how Lucas' statement affected her. 'Shall we go then?'

Lucas drained the remaining drink in the cup, placed it on the nearby table and turned to Adams.

'Nice talking to you and I look forward in discussing more with you.'

'You're welcome Lucas and thanks for taking my sisters out.'

'The pleasure is mine.' He hurriedly follow the girls out.

Allison was quiet during the drive while the twins chatted non stop with Lucas. They were jumping from one interesting topic to another. She was taken by surprise that Aubrey who hardly talk could be this of a chatter box. Although she enjoyed their conversation but she kept her cool waiting for Lucas to make a move.

Their first place of visit was the amusement park. They got tickets for various rides but Allison refused to have ticket for the roaster coaster ride. She has always avoided it since the first time she rode it at age four.

The twins were ready for everything and when Lucas saw that Allison could not be persuaded by her sisters to ride on it, he bought ticket just for the twins.

They rode the horse, tramp even drove the cars. When it was time for the twins to be on the roaster coaster, Lucas held Allison's wrist and moved away from there.

'While they are at it, why don't we get them ice cream?' Lucas suggested.

'It's not a bad idea.' She muttered.

'By the way, you look so beautiful and gorgeous.'

'Thank you.' She muttered again and looked away.

'I thought you weren't coming with us?'

She shrugged her shoulders while answering. 'The girls are not used to you and I need to chaperone them to put them on line. They can be funny at times. You know children.'

'How old are they?'


'You must be very happy having such healthy younger ones.'

'But they are handful.'

'That's the joy of it. I have three stubborn brothers who used to make my days way back when hell.'

'Where are they now?'

'Two have their business outfits while the last one is in the college. You will meet them one of these days.'

'What do you mean I would meet them one of these days? I only accompanied the twins not you.'

'Are you sure this is just for the twins?'

'Of course who else?'

'What of me?'

'You? You are history.'

'Do you believe that yourself? Ali, I want us to give each other a chance to get to know ourselves.'

'Lucas, for the fact that I knew you through my dad has disqualified you as one of the people I would want to get close to.'

'Are you playing hard to get? Allison, look, we are good together. I want you to forget how we met, we would surely meet somewhere or through someone. I like you a lot and I've not been able to take you out of my mind. If you don't want us to meet through your dad, can we start from somewhere?' He stopped walking to face her thereby stopping her in her track. He stretched his right hand towards her. 'My name is Lucas Lawrence.'

'I'm Allison Green.'

'It's a pleasure to meet you Allison.'

'Same here.'

'I will like to know you better Allison Green.'

She couldn't hold her laughter again. 'I will not want to know you more than this Mr. Lucas Lawrence.'

Lucas touched the place his heart was and feigned heartbroken. 'That was too harsh Ali, this heart is beating too hard for you, please don't break it.' Allison laughed harder and he hooked his hand through hers and led her to the ice cream place. He bought various flavors and they both headed back to where the girls were but in a very friendly atmosphere.

The twins were excited when they saw Allison and Lucas with various ice creams wrapped in their hands. They rushed forward to meet the two of them.

'Are all these for just the two of us?' Aubrey asked.

'There are more than enough for the four of us, what you need do is pick your flavours.' Allison told her.

'I want strawberry and chocolate flavours.' Aubrey announced.

'I want vanilla and cookies 'n' cream flavours.' Audrey requested.

'Here you go girls.' Lucas handed to each of them two cones of ice cream. 'Have you used all your tickets?'

'We have two more.' They said in unison.

'We also have two more so, let's have our rides and then go for lunch.'

The girls rushed to the next one while the adults went for the ghost cave.

Thirty minutes later, they were on their way with the girls feeling satisfied with their outing.

'Lucas, will you take us out again?' Audrey asked once they got in the car.

'Once I have the chance. I'm a very busy person but I can create time for you guys once a while.'

'Thank you and we will look forward to it.'

Aubrey said.

'Does it mean that you and Allison are now friends?' This was Audrey.

'Audrey!' Allison cautioned and Lucas chuckled.

'But we saw him kiss you the other time?'


'I like Lucas.' Aubrey confessed.

'Really Audrey?'

'No it's me Aubrey.'

'I'm sorry I get confused identifying you separately.'

'Audrey is the bold one while Aubrey is the reserved one.' Allison explained whispering to him.

'I like you too; for Ali.'

'Audrey please.' Allison was extremely embarrassed.

'Don't you like him sis?'

'Aubrey, you too?!'

'Lucas, are you courting our sister now?' Audrey asked.

'Girls, why don't you allow your sister and I to come out with our decision?' Lucas said saving Allison from more embarrassment with her sisters' comments.

'Thanks you.' She said softly.

'Anything for you Ali.'

The restaurant was having a lake on the right side and lush green garden on the left. The view they were sitting was exhilarating with fresh air naturally blowing at them gently. The twins took permission to walk to the lake after they finishef eating while the adults watched them from where they sat. Allison felt like staying there foreever.

'This is real nature, the breath here is fresh.'

'I come here often to get closer to nature and I always get inspired.'

'How did your locate this place?'

'Through adventure.'


'I was actually driving around and I fell in love with the terrain here and in the process, I located the restaurant and since then, I've been patronizing them whenever I have the opportunity.'

'I love this place, it's beautiful.'

'Would you want us to come here on a date?'

'Lucas don't start.'

He held the hand she placed on the table and run her palm with his thumb. 'Don't be like that Allison, what if I take you out for dinner tonight? Just the two of us.'

'Are you pushing your luck?'

'I want you in my life Ali. I want a steady relationship with someone who wants me for me.'

'How do you know I want you?'

'Your body language is different from your words. Okay if you think i'm rushing you, why not start from being friends.'

'It's fair enough but I'm not going into relationship with you now or later.'

'Is that how you want it?'

'I'm comfortable being your platonic friend.'

Lucas was not happy but he knew he couldn't force her to like him. He shrugged his shoulders and gave her hand a little squeeze. 'I understand.'

Allison felt disappointed that he just dropped the topic like that without much fight. She removed her hand from his and stood up. 'I think we should call the twins.'

'Yeah, we should head home now. But can I call you as a friend?'

'Yes you're free to call me.' She said breathlessly with a new hope rising in her heart.