
Chapter Hundred and Twenty eight

I walk in as my heel click on the polish floor, a lot of staff turned to stare. My glare toward them made them to turn back to their work. I walked in the elevator and waited for it to pull open before making my way to my office, My assistant was already there to have me my note pad. "Olive said I should give you this" I collected it and made myself comfortable on the seat.

I scrolled through it and found out that a meeting has been already arranged with Frances, so fast and clean. "I hope you'll be so hardworking as him" I told him without looking up, I remembered what Frances has told me about a lot of people hating my presence here and one look toward him showed me that I can't trust him enough.

"If you don't know Mam, I worked with the previous manager so well and hardworking and he hasn't had any problem with me". I clicked my nails on my desk. "Your fired! I said watching the expression on his face. "What! You can't... You can't fire me...just like that and I had work for the company for Years without any bad report to my name". "And that's why I want to fire you" I said calmly and watched the shocked expression turn to an angry look before he turn and walk out with rage almost bumping into Olive who was about to come in.

Olive stare at me in Question and I decide to explain to him this time. "U fired him". "I'll make arrangement for new assistant". "I need a female assistant" I said and looked down at my laptop to start working when I looked up he has already left And spent the half of my day working and engrossed in laptop, it was the perfect way to spend my time to forget about a lot of things and it was helping, I looked at my wrist watch and found out that it was already afternoon. 

Jeez! I rubbed my head feeling instant headache but I couldn't stop knowing that I have a meeting  with Frances in the next hour, I just need to round this up. I ran my finger on the keyboard rounding the rest the text up that was when I heard my growling stomach. "I think I need to feed you but just wait for some minute" I said looking back at my screen and focusing back on my work.

After an hour, I heard my timer Indicating that it Was already time for my meeting and ... I was done I lean back to survey the text that I had typed satisfied with what I was seeing. I shut my laptop and headed to the cafeteria which was specially made for the executive and this was the perfect place to meet with him. 

I arrived and ordered a drink and just then he arrived with his usual smile on his face. "A lady who's punctual" he came forward and I shook his hand. "And You're surprised?  "Let's see how It goes" he sat down and ordered a drink "So how you wanted to see me" "Yes" I raised my glass you my lips "And now I'm here, I was bit surprised when I saw the message about the meeting so I didn't want to postponed because Um more than curious to find out". 

"Yes, I dropped my glass and stare at him "What did you think if we work together? I asked waiting for his reply "And I like you let's say more about wanting" he gaze traveled down my body and I saw him his lick lips slowly. I chuckled and sipped my drunk and focused my gaze at him. "We want wants something that would benefit us so, you want me to work with you and I was t you to be my lover so how's is it"

"Seems interesting" I Raised my glass toward her very interesting". "Without you still not giving me any reply I know know you can do better seeing how tough you had come out". "By wanting to sleep with me?  "No, because of how bold you are and that way you can take a lot of step toward something"  "I see and now you're thinking about being my lover I think I'll see about it". 

He traced his hand on the top of his glass wine "Waiting to get my reply would stop me for not accepting your request, I like you". "That's good to know" I leaned back on my seat. "I think I'm famished, so we could order food now". "Me too" I smiled to myself before calling the waiter. As much as he looks cool and okay that wouldn't stop me on hating him and the only thing now I wanted was his influence and of course I miss the warmth of a man beside me. 

I think this agreement would work perfectly because now it was my turn to play my own game to rule in my word and not allowed order to rule over me, I have nothing to lose here. I was still getting want I wanted and at the same time a man that would be there to take away half of what I feel just for the fame and nothing else. 

I reminded myself again that I wasn't the Fragile Becca again, I was going to take hold of everything opportunity and live without regretting anything. I looked up at the man in front of me. "I wasn't going to regret anything now I was going to be the woman without a heart and that's what the world has moulded me into. 

I digged in on my food and tried to filled my carving stomach, this was what I was going to be and that was no going back. I looked up with a smile in my face. "What if I invite you for dinner...

I walked into my house tired and ready to drop, my gaze traveled to around the house and I couldn't believe that I haven't been to the other part of the house except the dinning table and my bedroom. I just wanted to explore and I think today was going to be best the house interior was bigger that I can ever imagine a house to be but it was all mine and now I can make it look like one.

A servant appeared to take my jacket Andy bag. "Informed the cook you prepare for two I'm having someone over" He nodded and disappear to give out my information, I sigh and headed upstairs to my room just a daily routine for me work and get home to rest. Their was much work that I need to devout all my time to sort out, I can't make any mistakes because I want the best. 

I slipped off my clothes and pressed the bell that would send the maid up here, just in few minutes a maid appeared in front of my bathroom window. "I need a massage! I ordered and saw her nod and immediately moved forward and sat at the extreme of the tub, Just then  I felt her oily hand on my shoulder. She had applied a massage oil that was in the cabinet in her hand, I talked deeply as her hand move on my shoulder.

I moan and threw my head backwards, this was what I need after a day work, just to relax and forget about anything that would make me down.  She kept on working perfectly on my shoulder making more relax than ever, I dismissed her later on to prepare for the dinner. I take this time to prepare myself emotional and physical.

I was doing my best to hide the pain I feel while acting as a perfect boss and would be host, I turned and walked slowly to where I had placed the flame picture of me and my daughter. I watched her beautiful smile and reached out to trace her face with my finger. "Mum, loves you do much and everyday that passed by I just can't thing about you" tears dropped down from my eyes and I wiped it away from my eyes and walked toward where I had placed my cell phone.

I just want to hear get voice that's the only thing that would make me happy now to hear my sweet daughter's voice, I dialed the he number and waited for someone to pick up but no one did on the first ring, I failed again and waiting wishing for someone to pick. All I want I'd to hear my daughter's voice, my wish came through as I heard a feminine voice at the end of the line.

"Hi, I spoke not waiting for her to asked who I was and what I wanted? "I'm Sunny's mum and I want to speak with my daughter". I spoke and waited for her response "I'll be right"back she said and put the call on hold, I took a deep breath and wait to hear my daughter's voice  "Hello, Becca" And that was the woman I hate most in the world speaking. "Can you put my daughter on the line, I want to speak to her". 

"Becca, she called slowly but I didn't want to hear anything she was about to say all I want was to hear my daughter's voice. "Can you please put my daughter on line, I want to speak with her". "I wish I can but Sunny is already asleep, it 7'o'clock in the night she had Already slept off due to schools stress, you can call early in the morning or wait when she comes back in the afternoon"

I swallowed and Wanted to yell out my daughter's name but it was totally useless in doing that. "Don't you dare lie to me! I spoke with a clenched teeth forcing myself to relax. "I could put you on video call through my cellphone abs show you, your daughter is asleep you can speak to her all you want tomorrow" I swallowed hard in tears and pain as the call got disconnected, I felt a stabbing pain as I lean back to the wall to endure the pain. Just tomorrow and I would be able to speak with my daughter.

A knock on the door distracted me. "Come in" I turned toward the door to see one of servants standing there to announce that my guests has arrived. "I will be right there" I respond and waited for him to close the door before burying my face in my palm and forced myself to calm down and take some breath, It was going to be alright.

My hand reached up to touch the necklace that I was wearing around my neck at least I still have this, I smiled and looked again toward the picture. I was definitely going to take back my daughter just you waiting Sunny. I stood up and headed toward the door as Frances word played in my head. "Be wanted me to be his lover and that could benefit me more by raising my fame around the country and also that of my company.

Bring with him would make a lot of improvement toward the company then I can show anyone of those who doubt me what I was truly made off, I climbed slowly down the stairs and headed toward the dining table. I walked in and watched as he stood with a smile on his face. "We meet for the second time in a day". "And that's what makes it special" I hugged him perceiving his perfume before withdrawing from his arms. 

"Let's eat" I smiled and took my seat, unfolding my napkins and watching him through my lashes as he does the same. "The food taste so good even without eating it yet" I looked up at him "Like you Becca, Just like you...

Love fromCasey❤