
Chapter Hundred and sixty

The rest of the evening they both engaged in discussion on what's they had been up to all those years, Rebecca was happy how they kept it on social base excluding anything Private about their life.

She did not want to know because it would hurt her, it would remind her that she was the one that pushed him out, the one that hurt him because she herself was drowned in her own pain.

After the coffee, Andrew lead her out of the coffee shop that was when it drawn to her again that it was freezing outside.

And that she had sat on the bench few hours ago to freeze to death, Andrew tried as much as he couldn't not to mention his wife or step son to her.

He didn't know why but it was better to keep it private now Maybe when next they meet if he was sure they'll ever meet again.

He was happy that she didn't drown in her sadness that she finally picked up and made a huge investment for herself and he observed the way a lot of people have stared across their table and only few courageous people were bold enough to come to their table and engaged in small discussion with her.

And also not failing to tell her how much they loved her and her project, he could see that she had build an empire for herself and also made herself popular in her field of work.

"I'm proud of you". He said when they were finally outside and he meant each and every word. He watched her smiled and felt a sense of satisfaction. 

"I'm proud of you too despite what happened in the past I'm glad that we picked up instead if letting it overwhelm us" 

Without thinking she took a step forward and wrapped her arm around him just for a brief second, a brief second of not thinking.

She thinks he worth it when he pulled away she saw the look of surprise in his Face "I thought I owe you a hug...". "Thanks but I don't think you owe me anything". 

The both stared at each other before making their way to Rebecca's car Maybe now was the perfect time to tell her that he had met his daughter and he knows why she had been in so much pain..... Her daughter hated her.

Not because it was her fault, it was because of Sam and Tara. The finally made it to her car, Rebecca turned one last time to him, this was probably the last time she'll see him again or else faith brings him back to her.

Just like it did now. "This is goodbye then? I'm glad I have to meet you tonight and thanks for the coffee". She was scared to spend any more time with him but at the same time happy that she had get to meet him after year's of worrying her head out.

She had hurt him and she was deeply sorry but this was where they'll part way because their was nothing left for them again.

Andrew watches her as she turned to enter her car, he knows he was hurt and letting her Bgo like this who make him be the biggest fool ever because he knows that's he'll never stop regretting it.

"Are you happy? That was the first thing that's came out from his mouth making Rebecca turned back to him in question. 

"Why did you ask? Of course I'm happy" Andrew nodded and again watched as she opened her door, he have to tell her, he should.

"I met with Sunny" he finally said when Rebecca was already in her car and was surprised to see how shocked and surprise she was, she stopped to stare hard at him.

"I invited her over to my house one time and I got to know everything and the reason you wanted to freeze yourself out in the cold". Mentioning that's to get now made it Sounds so stupid but that had been her only option to numbed her pain.

That's not what important now. "How did you.... "Even if I didn't meet her that doesn't mean I don't know when your hurt or in pain" 

Rebecca tried to take a steady breath, she wanted to ask a dozen questions, where and how.

 "I know you have a lot of questions to ask but that would be another day, it really freezing out here. "And...I'm happy to see that she had grown into a young beautiful woman". 

Rebecca stared at him not yet finding an answer but she nodded sadly and watched as Andrew brought out a card from his wallet "This is my card, you can try to call or come over sometime I'll be glad to see you again, Rebecca stared at the card contemplating weather to take or not.

She didn't see any reason why they have to meet up but she collected the card anyway with a smile on her face with the thought that they'll never meet again, she drove home a with a mixed feeling, she didn't expect that her night would be this way she had thought that by now either she had numbed her pain or freeze herself to death.

But she was glad that she got to meet Andrew, she couldn't stop wondering who her wife was and how lucky she was, she went home and spend hours in the bathroom doing nothing, the words had hurt her deeply like she had been torn apart that's why she have to leave.

Because staying her would recreate a lot of pain she had tried numb by taking uncountable medicine, she had to leave not because she wanted to it was because she wanted to live, the pain would drown her is she stays here and watch her daughter do something unacceptable to her.

When finally she emerged from the bathroom, she wanted to call Emily, she have to know the change of plan, to know that she was leaving despite planning a lot with her.

She stared at her cellphone for long before dropping it, she would tell her but not now. 

Andrew went home and at his wife picture, he had promised Josh that he was going to make things better and he have to keep his own part of the promise.

The next day, Sunny made her way to her mum's balcony, she had promised Gina that she would speak to her mum to help and she was sure that Tara would offer to help without a second thought.

Tara looked up and saw Sunny standing beside the door, she wanted to groan loudly but she had to act nice and happy like the good mother she was "Well who did we have here? she smiled not failing to notice ow she resembled her mother so much.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a minutes please? "Sure darling anything for you" Tara need her best to smile cheerfully while Sunny made her way beside her as she took a seat beside her "Mum I really need your help with something? "What is that baby? do you need money, you know you don't have to ask of that? 'Mum it's more than just giving me money" "Then tell me what is it? do you want to go out? 

Sunny shook her head this time, I really need your help, my best friend Gina is having a really tough time and I hate seeing her so down and hurt like this and the only person that I think that would help her is you" Tara laughed a bit "Did she tell you to do this? "Of course not, she was keeping it a secret and I had to find out finally and I told her that I would talk to you"

"That's very kind of you Sunny, so tell what's exactly her problem and tell me everything she had told you"  "Well, she told me her father was owing a huge debt which she believe he later paid all of them but few weeks after that, they were chase out of their house when she found out that it wasn't all the bills that was paid"

"Awww that poor girl, you don't have to worry, Mummy would see what she can do' "Thanks mum, I know you're the only one who could help her" Sunny stood up and pecked her before going, Tara watched the exist for awhile with stiff smile on her face, she really hope that this was all she told her if not they would be a deadly consequence.

"So did you later spoke to your mum about Gina" Jade asked Sunny when she came over later that afternoon "And why is she not her, we agreed that we would come here this evening" Jane said and continue trying Gina's number which is switch off "Why is she not here, she promise to be here"

"Just give her some time maybe she'll come and you know she's passing through a lot" "Of course, I know that that's why I had asked her to come here with me.....so, did you did you later spoke to your mum" Jade asked again.

"Of course, I told my mum and she decided to help" "I can see the reason why you love her so much" "Yeah better than someone who claim to love but filled with lies" Jade gave me a look before returning to her phone and kept dialing Gina's number, even still it been a week since the encounter with Rebecca, I can't just stop thinking about her, something seems amiss.

She had wanted her words to hurt her and it did but still no matter how many times she told herself that Rebecca deserves each and every word she had said to her that day she couldn't stop feeling guilty, she hated this feeling, she hated to feel this way.

She doesn't know how Rebecca did it, how could she make her feel this way even though she had decided to stay out of her life. She reminded herself again that she should be happy not sad.

"Where is your mind? She jerked and stared at Jade who was staring intensively at her"Ummm, where you talking to me? "Of course, I was, what were you thinking madam" 

Sunny sighed and leaned back on her sofa. "what were you saying, she wasn't ready to say or even at the slightest admit how she was feeling because that would make it more realistic and that's something she never wanted.

Jade glared at her suspiciously before raising her phone up at her face "Should we be worried about her, her cell phone is still switched off" 

"I told you, you should give her some time, I don't think theirs anything to be worried about now and I'm sure my mum would definitely help". "Well if you say so but.... I'm not rewatching this episode because of her" 

This made her to smile a bit but still she was still feeling uneasy, she really need something to keep her mind off this, something that would keep her occupied and that....she looked up at her reading table maybe stretching would help her or even following her Dad to his work place.

That would give her something to think about and also feel rather than this uneasy feeling and guilty thoughts.

Gina took a deep and heavy breath outside Tara's office, she shouldn't be here but of course she was here already standing in front of her door, she had no others choice now but to go in but this would be now....

She swallowed and tried her best to comport herself but this wasn't useful she had known that already.

Tara is a woman with authority while she was just s girl, a girl who have nothing and could never be compared to this woman who in these past weeks has tormented her life and that of her family.

She exhale hard again feeling the need to shed tears why did she even think that she could fight her off to tell her what she would do for her and what not to do, she had thought all that but look where it had brought her.

Gently, she pushed the massive designed door open, she already known that she was here because her assistant had informed her about her presence.

"I thought you'll never make it in here" she said with her back leaning on her chair, for some reason she was too relax for  her liking. Gina swallowed and she stood by the door without moving. 

And Tara didn't make any effort yet to beckon her inside. "I have not ask Sunny to invite you to my office since you told her you need my help" "She was the one that decided to tell you". "So you mean you didn't ask her to plead for my help because of your poor family condition" 

Gina clenched her fist tightly and force herself to keep calm, She couldn't understand why this woman Sunny loves the most could be this heartless and will she say wicked, this woman isn't the the kind person She had claim to be, she was a monster.

"She was the one that found out about my family and insist on telling you because she trust you would help" "And you're now happy because you thought your stupid and childish plan would work?

"I never planned for any of this" Gina muttered angrily and tried her best not to show it "Yeah I believe you" Tara said sarcastically "Why don't you have a chair Gina and then you can tell me all you really..... told Sunny and also why your here because I don't remember inviting you" 

This time she wasn't smiling, she meant business, Gina hesitated for a moment before moving to take a seat.

"I'm waiting....she frowned angrily at her without saying a word Gina already understood the threat. "I didn't tell or disclose anything to her...

"Disclose what exactly because I don't remember planning or sharing any secret with you I only told you to keep an eye on my daughter since you're her best friend, Isn't it true?

Gina stared wildly at her but she didn't have any options than to nodded in approval "So what were you saying again?

"Nothing, It was a mistake". "That's my girl, so tell me Why are you here then since you never asked Sunny to speak with me?

"I'm...I never asked her to do so... She insisted on that and I didn't know She had told yohu already... "Go straight to the point! Tara ordered not wanting to waste her time any longer with this kid.

"I just want you to know...

that....I'm ..."Gina tried to breath and stay calm through this, She have to do this for her family because she loves them and would do anything for them that's why she was here, that's Why she's doing this.

"I'm ready to provide you with any information you need from Sunny" she said at last.