
Chapter Hundred and seventy one

 "How is she doing? "Fine but disappointed, she couldn't make it to the Fair". "Do you think she'll ever forgive you?  "Of course, she's my daughter and whatever I want or tellp her to do that's what she'll do"

"Let's hope she wouldn't cause a

L tantrum". "It time for you to know that the only people she'll listen to in thus world is us, we're her parents and she'll do as we say......

Sunny took the elevator and rushed toward the conference area, Maybe she'll get to see him. "please lwhere are you" she muttered and almost bumping into someone. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to....." She stopped immediately when he found herself staring at the white hair man she had been searching for.

"Are you looking for someone? She couldn't hide her smile, finally.... "Finally....." She muttered standing properly "it seems you're in a hurry"  "Ummm, yes...no ... Actually....." Sunny took the break to soothe her cloth. 

"I was looking for you". "why me young girl? Can I help you with anything? She didn't know what exactly to say to him or what she wants to hear "I want to know everything". She blurted out holding her breath. 

John chuckled. "I don't seem to understand what you're saying young lady but I can tell you for sure that you can't know everything". He patted her shoulder and started walking up to the direction of his room.

"Please Mr. I really want to talk to you, please. it urgent, I just want to know if you can spare a few minutes and talk to me, I really need an explanation"

"On what exactly? I think you should go and do something else, I have a lot to attend to". "please, I just need you attention, why won't you just listen to me! You said you were my mum's friend and now I just need some little favour from you"

John stopped to look at her. "what are exactly did you think I can help you with". Sunny couldn't speak for some moment, she didn't know exactly what to say. 

What if she had been wrong, what's if this man couldn't help her, what if this man didn't know anything about Rebecca despite being her friend. "I....I thought you'll be able to tell me a lot of things about her". 

John chuckled as she said that. "I don't think you're ready to hear the truth so I'll advise you to leave it and go spend your time with someone else"

It really hurt her hearing that from here. "what so wrong with learning the truth, I really want to know everything". "You can't deal with it, so forget all about it and just go"

Sunny stood and watch him as he walked away, why wouldn't he tell her. She wanted to know the Truth and If he leaves her this way how then would she be able to learn the truth.

She was ready to deal anything, age watched as tired if being lied to, she was not to be silent and allowed everyone to treat her as if she didn't matter. With this she hasten her steps and held by the wrist.

"I'm ready to deal with it! John turn and slowly turn to watch her "Deal with what exactly? 

"Deal with the truth... I'm ready to know what happened because I overheard my father saying the reason he took me in was because Tara was barren, I need to know the whole truth"

She blurted as fast as she could "I know their something more that I haven't been told and you're the only person....."

Without any word from him, he turned back around and made his way to the eatery. She smiled admist the sadness she feels, was she actually ready to learn the truth.

What was she even ready to hear, she didn't know but she was ready uncover all the lies she had been told.  "What do you want to order? John asked as they both sat down.

When she didn't respond, John ordered a glass of water for himself and after a few sips he focus his attention towards her. "what do you want to know young lady"

" I just want to know everything" "Like I told you, you can't know everything, you have to tell me what exactly you what you want to hear". 

"I overheard my father talking to one Mr. Mark, they spoke about Tara being barren, they also spoke about ..... taking custody of me when I was a kid....I didn't know about that or any of this...... nobody told me"

"Yeah nobody told you that because they're plan was to brainwashed you and make you believe they care so much about them while slowly detaching and separating you from your real mother Sunny"

It came like a hot slap across her face, she found herself speechless as she shook her head. How could this be possible, this means that everything Rebecca had told or or tried to explain to her was the truth......

She felt like screaming but she jumped at found herself staring at the man in front of her. "If you're not ready to learn the truth, you're free to Walk away.....I'll give you 3 minutes to think about your options"

She would have done exactly that if she hadn't overheard her father conversation but now it would be so foolish of her to walk away from the truth now.

And also knowing she doesn't have all the time to waste "This means that Rebecca had been saying the truth all thus while? 

 "You call her by her name because you haven't known the amount of sacrificed she made for you, you should call her on the title and role she's known for, child". 

How would that sound, she thought to herself, she had never acknowledge her as a mum and it feels weird.

"Your mum fell in love with Sam when she was a teenager and in medical school, she finally got pregnant with his child and thought that Sam would accept her and the pregnant but instead he denied the pregnancy.

And even flamed her that she was having an affair with one of the teachers, he never believed that she was with his child and thus caused your mum.... Rebecca to drop out of school to raise you after having a hard time deciding weather to live.

Your Aunt, Emily"s mother decided she should come with her and start over, which she did while trying to live her best life and also to forget about Sam.

She found a work to try to support herself even though she was being fed by her aunt, she is wanted to live, to move on and when she gave birth to get child....to you... Sunny. 

She fell in love with you and after five years of working and raising you, Sam came back for you ......". "I thought he rejected me".

 "That's the cruel fact right? "He came back when he realized that Tara couldn't bear him an heir who would succeed him after he's gone, that's why he came back to you.....

"He shouldn't have, why ...... would she ever agrees to let him take me!  "Just like you have overheard Sunny, he took custody of you bribing the judge, trust me....it wasn't easy for you mum.

She was admitted and broke up with her fiance" "You.... mean Andrew?  "Yeah, like your mum had told me, they both had planned to get married and start a family but she broke down that where I came into the picture.

Your dad being my long Timr enemy after causing a great lose fir my company I decided to ask your mum help to get revenge on your father and she helped me do that......". 

"This the company his trying to recover after all this years? "Yes, I have your mum that company to do whatever she wants with it". "Then..... she left for years without even calling! 

"That's not how it is Sunny, I made her to leave because if she keeps living here, keep seeing you at the house of a man she hates so much, I don't think you would have known who you mum was when you're of age.

She would have been in a mental hospital or worst, so I made her to leave to recover from the heartbreak and whenever she comes back. 

She'll be able to fight for her daughter, all those years she left, she told me she sent a tons of gift and message which probably wasn't given to you by your parents and have you ever asked yourself why you moved.......?

"She was keeping me away from my mum". "Not only your mum but every person related to her and that's the reason for the constant vacation, to keep everyone away from you"

"I didn't believe her even for one second" John struggle taking another sip of his water. "I hurt her after all these pain....." She looked at the man in front of him, his expression told her all she needed to know.

He was angry at her because she had failed to learn the Truth, all along she had thought Tara was the one that loves her unconditional but it was all lies.

"I hate myself, I really do". She watched him stood up from his chair after gulping down another glass of water. "You should but not for long, you still have a day left to sort and amend everything". 

And with this he left here sitting there, what do, what did she expect? Fir him to console her. She did not need any of that she thinks, it wouldn't help the amount of guilt she's feeling inside.

Frozen like hell after learning the Truth, she slowly made her way up to her room thank God her father wasn't back.

Did she just called that man dad? After all the lies and wickedness, she just needed sometime. She sat on the hotel bed waiting and also trying to process what she has been told.

She had been wrong all this while, age remembered the awful dream.....the pain in Rebecca's eyes when she left and gave up on her. She covered her face with her palm and fight the tears and allowing her guilt to wash over her.

The pain she had all been through, Sam rejected her and when she found out that Tara was barren. She had been rejected by the person she thought had love her so much.

How could she take all this in, how could she live with this, knowing all whole life was a lie, the pain came as a cold chill.

After what seems like an hour, she found herself looking up at the wall clock, it was time to leave. She sigh not sure what to feel when that man open the door.

She just wish she could lay down and never wake up again, she hated herself just for being ignorant and stupid. Her stupidness disgust her so much, it just feels as if the guilt was running through her vein.

Destroying and reaping her apart, she just sat frozen for as long as she could remember, then as expected she heard the knock at the door.

She went over and pulled opened the door. "It Time to leave Sunny"  she nodded, wondering why she had not seen the truth all this while. 

After they made their way out if the hotel, she had looked around to know if she'll see the man again but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

She somehow wish that she would see him but theirs no reason to see him again, she had been told all she wanted to hear. Sunny wiped the tears from her eyes before her dad......

Why did she always call him dad.....now it just disgust her and she was mad already.  All through the drive to the airport was silent, she kept convincing n watching him from the side.

Wondering why he would do such a thing but nobody knows this nice dad More than she does.  He had hurt her but Tara has asked her never to speak of it again, it is in the past now.

Each time she looked at that face at the front seat, she feels like screaming and tearing her hair out. They had lied to her about Rebecca and the only thing she has to do was go seat down here and pretend that their was nothing wrong.

Rebecca had tried all thus while to explain, even to ask for her forgiveness but she ignored every words she had said while listening to Tara.

It still feel unreal, like it wasn't true maybe the old mat was messing with her head but what about what she had personally overheard. Was that one also lies?

She covered her face with her palm and tried to breath while fighting the tears and anger. She doesn't know how her friends would feel all she knows that they would definitely hate her.

She had promised them to be at the Fair but had end up disappointing them what sort of friend and daughter and as she?

Jade stood and watch Gina pricing some shining bracelet at the Fair, she really wasn't feeling the vibes here. She had expected to have tons of fun thus night but she doesn't know the reason she was standing here without even attempting to have fun.

"Theirs a lot of things to do instead of standing here and watching orders do it". "I'm not interested". "You have to be, you're here to have fun and not to mourn". 

"I'm not feeling like it, Just want all this for end". "The night is too young my dear Jade". "Don't call me that! She shoved Josh with her shoulder. "I'm just trying to help"

"Then thanks for your help, it was helpful". Josh ignored her and looked over to Gina who was now playing some card in the mist of lot of people, who had earlier put in money for their assume winner.

"She's having fun" Josh said as he watched her. "Yeah, I could see that". Josh nodded and they both stood watching the happy couple..

"How are you not sad or even angry for her to disappoint us this way". "Of course, I'm sad but I'm not angry at her, she might have her reason"

"Reason for lying and disappointing us, she should have told us earlier that she couldn't make it, instead of lying that she would be here.

She made us wait like fool's and it's annoying" "I think we should wait for her to get back" "After ignoring your call and leaving you outside, I don't think she want to speak to you ever again for some reason"

"We only have few weeks to be here, so I think whatever it is would be sorted out before I leave" "Let's hope you won't be disappointed like us when the times comes"

"Let's go and do something fun, I think it would help" Josh tried to lighten up his mood after his father texted him and told him his mother couldn't make it today.

He had been so angry and have decided that maybe talking with Jade might help a little. But instead they both stood there watching a lot of people their age engaging in different activities.