
Chapter Hundred and fifty

She stood at the balcony not sure that Josh would come by today till she saw a faint figure staring up at her, she chuckled. 

"Just the thought of him and here he is?  She waved a bit and turned silently and walked downstairs, if she was ever caught sneaking out.

It was going to break his mum didn't and she didn't want that, she always wants her to be happy and not sad but today she couldn't stay inside Josh have the right t know. 

She successfully made her way outside to where he was standing. "Hi" she greeted and rubbed her two hands down her clothes. 

"I thought you wouldn't come and see me" He voice sounded sad. "Why would I?  "I don't know maybe a lot of things that I didn't know". 

"Yeah, I muttered and turned away from him "it kinda of complicated and you're dad might have told you all you have to know". 

"My dad told me that she dated your mother more than a date, she planned on marrying her and....she was that gave birth to you". 

I turned in shock and I felt tears as the corner of my eyes. "That's so cute" I whisper. "Yeah, it is....but I told her that.... Your real mum is Tara and he said he can't answer that, only you could?

I took a deep breath and bent over on the sandy, drawing a large meaningless circle to distract myself, Josh bent over and placed his hand on top of mine. 

"Is this going to help?  "No, just a way to distract myself". He smiled and watched me continue my meaningless drawing.

"Tara is not my real mother, Rebecca was..... I stopped and looked at him, his smiled beckoned me go continue. 

"But Tara is the one that I have known as my real mother because she has been there for me when I needed her while the person that called herself my real mum wasn't there for me, so.....that's the reason....

"Last night, It would have been nice if Rebecca had married your father but that would mean that I would have a different live and I don't want that, AI love the life I had with my parents"

"I had thought my dad was your father" he said making me to look at him in surprise.  

"No, you don't have to worry my father told me that Sam was your real father and not him, that makes everything to fall in place for me" Josh said.

"What did you mean that everything has fallen right in place". Hr chuckled and stood up and stretched his hand toward me, I took it and sat up. 

"It would be really weird for me if you're Andrew daughter". "Of course, I am but not blood related". 

"Me too" he said as we walked to the bench nearby and sat. "Andrew is not my real father..... My mother had me before he married my father, so you don't have to feel weird being with your junior". 

"I don't think, anything think anything is wrong with it though, I smiled but part of me sighed in relief. 

"So.....what about your mum? I asked kicking the sand with my foot. "She left". I turned and found him looking into the space, I really understand that feeling.

It hurts so much, Making you to feel alone despite having a lot of people by your side.

 "We came here just for s break, Dad had his leave and mum was free from her job, so....we decided it was a good thing to have a family time and for my parents to work out things but I think it doesn't work out like we planned.

"It okay, I think she would be back, she just needed a time for herself to sort herself out.... I think" he nodded and stuffed his hand until his jacket. 

"You know, my father used to carry your mum picture.... "She's not my mum" that came out fast than I expected. 

"Sorry, he said. "It okay" I tried to wave it off. "I just wanted to tell that my dad used to carry Rebecca picture always in his wallet and it got to the time my mum would freak out about it.

"And he told me that she's such a good woman..... He turned and fixed his gaze at him.

 It really off that I'm here listening to him talking about Rebecca not only talk but he was portraying as a good woman while she's the very opposite". 

"If she was such a good woman as he had said why then did she leave him, why were they a lot of pain in his eyes.... Sunny chuckled, this was really weird....

How could people be so blind to call such a woman....good. "I think it left for you to ask him, but I can't see any reason my father would lie about this if she was the opposite of what you're saying"

"I know that woman, she's heartless and the only thing she cares about is herself, she left me for ten years without even calling or asking about me and the next thing, she's back and want me back, I hate her more than ever"

"Did you know the reason she left?  "What other reasons except that she's only thinks about herself and not of others, mum said that"s the reason she left, I guess she doesn't want anybody to be a burden to her". 

"Sunny" Josh called slowly and reached for my hands. "I just wish my mum would come back despite leaving me without a goodbye, I don't care the reason she left, I just want her back....

You can ask my dad about your mum well enough and that way you would know the truth". She snatched my hands away from him. 

"I don't think you understand, my parents can never lie to me and I think I have known enough about her" she stood up "I'll be going" and without another words she headed to the house.

She doesn't need to know anything about that woman, it was enough that she left her and had never for once asked about her.

She couldn't sleep, she feels so restless, Josh didn't know Tara or her Dad, did he mean they have been lying to her all this while.

 They were the once that had raised her and her mum have promised you come back for her wish she never did till after ten good years.

She spent the night sketching on her drawing board, at least it would help calm her down.

"Sunny" Tara called sweetly and she looked up and saw her staring down at me. "You look really worry?

"I'm fine mum, I smiled and turned back to my food. "Are you sure? You know I'd anything us bothering you, you can tell me". "I know mum but I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I'm okay". 

"You Know what?  "What? I asked knowing she would try her best to lighten up my mood. "Your father and I decided to send you out of the country soon, we want you to have a lot of amazing time"

"That's great, thanks mum" "You're always welcome" she kissed me on the cheek before leaving me.

I made my way to the Josh house in the afternoon, Mum doesn't have to worry about me because she was out and Dad took. So I don't have to worry". 

Josh has earlier send me their address even though I haven't told him anything or give him any assurance that I will show up at his house.

After getting dropped by an uber, I found myself walking up at the house that bears the name of the address I was holding.

I took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. After some minutes, I heard noise at the door and watched it open to reveal Josh who was standing there with a pair of short.

"I'm glade you came by" he said with a smile, he beckoned me inside and, I looked up when I heard noise at the stairs. "Hey Sunny" Andrew face lit up when he sees me.

He came and gave me a hug. "I still can't believe that I'm here with you". He hugged me again. "It seems unbelievable after all this time,  I thought I would never get to meet you again"

"Come, I have lunch prepared for us". "Okay, I smiled and followed him to the mini dining in the kitchen. "You love this, I still remembered you love the food I used to make". 

I turned to check out on Josh but he's not where to be seen, I think he decided to give us some privacy but their was nothing wrong if he was here with us.

I just wanted to ignore the question coming up in my head to ask, a lot of questions but I could choose to ignore the question if I wanted to.

I just don't know what I'm going to do right now as I watched him scooped out the meal. "So how's your mother Sunny?

He asked making her to look up. "Ummm I don't know, she's probably okay". "What did you mean?  "I mean, she left for ten years and now she's back so I don't know she might be fine, I don't care"

Andrew let down the plate to look at her. "Why would you say such thing, like you don't really give a damn about her". 

"Because I don't, I don't care about her". "Why? Andrew asked bringing the food on top of the counter and sitting on one of the stool. 

"Don't you know why? Or are you just asking me?  "What are you talking about Sunny, I and your mother got separated after so many years and we both walked out different years*

"Who caused the break up? Sunny asked staring down at the food. "Eat, don't just stare at it, it would get cold". 

She picked up the spoon and scooped the food into her mouth. "Things didn't work out the way I wanted it to". 

 "I just need you to tell me, I'm not just a child anymore, I want to know if she was the one that broke up with you because the only thing she does, is to destroy one happiness"

"You don't have to ever say that about your mum, she's a nice woman, you're still with Tara right? That's why you have assume such worst things about Rebecca"

"I'm not assuming, Uncle Andrew, that woman left me for ten years, she never cared about me". "Sunny, he reached out gently and placed his hand on my hair. 

"You misunderstood things, you mother loves you so much". "That's the opposite of what Dad and Tara told me". Andrew sighed and looked at the baby he had speed so much time with when she was little.....

He couldn't forget the sacrifice that Becca has made for her daughter, how she worked for the both of them and how broken and ripped apart she was when she was taken away from her.

She had shut down everything and everyone and had suffered herself till she was lost..... He looked at Sunny now, she had been too young to know or remember any of these.

Tara and Sam has succeeded in lying to her and making her believe such a horrible and terrible things about her mother. 

"I'm so sad to tell you this but the truth is that those ones you called parents had been lying to you all your life"

Sunny clenched her fist against the spoon she was holding, the last thing she expected from him was to try and make her parents look bad just to justify that woman.

"I think you're the one lying here, the parents I know would never lie to me, they treat me like a queen and are always there for me when I needed them....

I know you love Rebecca but that doesn't mean you have to say such a bad thing to make her look good that woman is bad and selfish and I regret being being her daughter!

I stood up and pushed the stool back from me. "I think I'm fool and I really made a huge mistake in coming here". 

"You might not understand or know the truth but I know how much you mean to her, I won't force you to hear me out but whenever you feel like you like knowing the truth, I'll be here" 

Sunny turned and made her way out if the house, this was not what she expected but she won't sit around and hear her parents being called a liar just to justify that woman.

I engrossed myself in working with John, I just decided it was the best way you make myself not to worry to death or do anything stupid.

"You have been working since morning" I heard John speak and I looked up to find him leaning on the wall. "I just have to keep myself busy and calm". 

"But you know you have to go and get your daughter". "It isn't easy, it could only be that simple if my daughter has accepted as her mum"

"What did you think of doing about that? I shook my head. "She wouldn't listen to me or even give me a chance to see her, it really hurt but I don't want to hurt her on the process, I just have to tale everything easy.

"She's such a stubborn child like you" John chuckled making me to smile. "I'll be here if you need my help, you need you daughter back". 

"Thanks John" he nodded in appreciation. "How about a dinner". "Oh, that would be great, I smiled as I watched him leave.

I have decided to stay here and I had already sent a client to get me one of the nicest house in town and he had called me to show me the house in the afternoon, I'm going to surprise my sister if it suit my taste.

She was the closest person to me and I had understand what she meant at the hotel, I can't just stay there forever. I have to look for my own house.

And I have a feeling that I'm going to love this house that I'm going to see this afternoon, it was going to be a start if moving forward in this city.

And my greatest wish was that I would finally get to live there with my daughter, it was going to make me the happiest woman on earth.

I have to fight hard to show my daughter who truly I am, to show her how much I love her, I just wish that everything has gone so well the way, I had wanted it.

"I love you Sunny, mommy is coming for you baby"

Thank you readers for being patient, new chapters are ready to be published.🥰🥰🥰