
Unforgettable Night.

In order to save her father company from bankruptcy, Ina decided to help her father. Ina is a cute and mischievous girl who can easily make any man fall for her. But her way of help is not an ordinary one. To spend a night with the most famous/bachelor, Womanizer in the whole country. Damien Rey! Will he be able to forget about this wiled kitten that has crossed his path? That is a question that can only be answered through time. ...... Follow me on Instagram Author_Cornflower

Cornflower · Urban
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223 Chs

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Author note.

Hello my dear readers, I just wanted to inform you that this story is coming to an end. Maybe ten to fifteen chapters are left. It's been a great journey with you guys. Thank you for the support and your comments.

After Unforgettable Night, I will start to update my third novel, It All Started With Hatred, Daily.

Please support and add the novel to your library, Don't forget the votes and the comments and please, Review the novel.

Thank you so much.








 "You look beautiful tonight, Don't get me wrong, You look beautiful every day, But tonight you look sexy, You better behave yourself or I might have to drag you to someplace and fuck you until your throat become hoarse from screaming." Damien whispered, making sure no one heard them.

making sure no one hears them.