

"Your highness... you sent for me...?" A middle aged woman in her early fifties bowed in curtsy to the cold looking man on the throne

"Yes... I want you to prepare the princess for the match making ceremony.." with a clear and cold voice...the order was simple

"Of course your highness.. uhm...your highness,there is something that you should know... I don't know if I should tell you about it..." She seems so tensed to tell him about it

"Since you've made mention of it...why not spill it when I have some patience left....!!" This cold voice sent a shiver down her spine and she immediately began to spill out her content

" It's about Vera...she came to find me. We met up few days ago..."

" Why didn't you tell me...?" His looks changed immediately...to that of an anxious and eager fellow...if she doesn't talk anytime soon he might as well have her head

"Am so sorry your highness...she clearly told me not to inform you because she doesn't want to mess with your current happiness"

He scoffed at the word happiness....as if he has been sad all his life. A man with a wife and children still eager to hear details of his past lover.

"So... what did she say...?" He was so attentive and ready to listen to what she has to say

" She asked me of your well being and also told me of her years in the palace. But your highness something feels off"

" What do you mean...?" He stared at her like a wild wolf ready to strip off the skin of it's prey

"I feel she's not happy...she hasn't had enough sleep judging form the thick dark circles under her eyes and her lips conceal so much. Am sure she doesn't know about the Old regent's death"

" It's just a big blow that there wasn't any other evidence to trap that loser... murderer! Besides stopping her was useless...she won't listen to me anyway. But am sure she'll definitely do worse if she finds out about it... and all her love for that monkey boy will turn into an unimaginable hatred. And then I'll take her back...." This is clear obsession....

"If she doesn't come back... what about the queen...?" She couldn't help but ask still having her head bowed

"It doesn't matter... I haven't crowned her yet... besides my heir will come even if Vera doesn't..."

Alice talk with me about Vera brought an image of the very last night we shared together. Even with all her resistance... I had her to myself. She tasted so good and for once I felt fulfilled for having her in my arms but the moment she cried for Zuma my blood boil but I make sure I got satisfied leaving my seed in her.

Speaking of my child...how is my daughter...or my son...? I hope Zuma doesn't harm a hair on him if not I'll wreck his whole kingdom


Prince Zainrald on the field with some warriors practicing swords...he was able to attract the attention of other warriors as well...that they begin to gossip

" Prince Zainrald is really good...his skills are amazing" one of them nodded

" But when it comes down it the truth...we all know who plays with sword the best...!" Another teased

"Princess Violet!!!" They chorused, laughing out loud

" Gossiping about the princess...?" A voice asked and the guards turned back to see who's talking

"We dare not your highness...!" They bowed in fear...

"Cowards...!.." he walked passed the guards and move towards his brother " Well done brother..." In his hands were a jar of water and some towels

" Thanks.. but let the servants hold this for you next time." Zainrald said while gulping down the water and cleaning his sweat

" I want to make good use of my hands... besides there won't be a next time... I don't really like the show of long swords play" Zealot added with a laugh

" How about dagger play...?" Zainrald teased

"I won't be available for that either..." Both laughed and smacked each other

"Hey..." They chorused and laughed again

"There is news about our dear Aunt... She's coming for a visit!" Zealot announced

"What does she want...?" Zainrald has never been on a good terms with their greedy Aunt

" Well...form what I found out.. it's a royal decree visitation" Zealot kept on blowing more bombs for Zainrald's anger

"Why would father want her here...? I demand an explanation..." He dashed out and headed straight for the palace hall

"You need a mother figure.. which the queen isn't currently because of our loss. So Ronian will fill in..."

"Don't tell me you are...."

"Am not marry her Zainrald.... she's just going to be here to take care of your"

"We are not kids father... we have been okay ever since mother died and our responsibility proves that"

" All these talk isn't needed...that greedy snake can't stay here"

" I have my purpose on this one...so stop all these nonsense. I hate it when am being questioned. In conclusion....am not taking her ad a wife because I already have one... and the door is that way...leave!!"

The two men left the hall looking more confused

" Whatever plan father is up to...my guts is telling me it's not good!"

" How can you be so sure...?"

"I forgot you are father's favorite... you won't see the nature of things"

"You silly scumbag..." He chases after him like a toddler playing catch.... laughing and yelling.