

It was just a normal day like any other working as a personal chauffeur, one day i got assigned to a different task of picking visitors from airport and bringing them to my boss house which i carried very well.

After a week the visitors left and i dropped them at the airport,i latter realized they were looking for host of their 2 girls who got admitted in a nearby boarding high school which my boss accepted to host the girls.

Days and weeks passed and the admission date finally arrived and i was sent to the airport to pick up the two girls and bring them to my boss house which i did and they finally got in to the school and after a month of study midterm is here and since it was short, the girls had to spend it at my boss house.

The two girls were quite social although my boss used to keep a barrier in between us, whenever i take them for a shopping we had to be accompanied by someone from my boss family, that didn't stop us from knowing each other and that's where things started taking a new turn.

One day after two years of studying, i got a chance to drop them at the airport alone and we had a long conversation and i realized they are kind of loving my company and when time came for them to get back to school, one girl didn't show up, we were informed by parents that they decided to separate them into different schools so i had to pick one girl only.

Years passed by and my boss realized i had no interest with the girl so picking her up and dropping her off was left to be my task without any company.

Her final year is at the corner and deep in me i was kinda loving her behaviors,she was respectable, calm and always social despite the fact that she was from wealthy family, after dropping her off she used to give me a token of appreciation and her final word was she'll miss me.

After her final exam, she was done with her high school and i knew the only thing that might bring her back is either her results or just a normal visit, by then we were great friends and we used to long friendly conversations when together either when picking her,, dropping her or taking her for shopping but didn't know something bigger than friendship was on the way.

She finally completed her forth year exam which was her final and my boss family did a small party for her and bid her and her family farewell and i dropped them off, and before her final goodbye we got a chance to exchange contacts and that was it, i watched as they head off to check in and i drove off knowing I'll never see my good friend again.

After several days of silence full of flashback memories of that beautiful student i used to pick and drop of a phone call came,checking the number it's her's, i was really happy.

We had a great conversation and told her how much I miss her and hell broke loose when she said she wouldn't mind having such a wonderful man like me, i took a deep sigh, lacking no words, kept silent for a moment but as a man i gained enough confidence to take a step forward and replied with a soft tone of request for a chance, i was not scared of Her but Her family although my fifth sense decision to make a try.

After days of thinking, there was two instincts fighting in me,whether to give love a try or not but finally i decided not give up, one night i called Her, gave her all sweet words, promised heaven, and since i was single i tuned her well to an extent she felt madly in love with me and we became lovers, luckily she got admission in one of the universities within the town i was working in and since no one was suspecting us we had a good chance of meeting and spending most of time together.

After two years of romantic love full of great promises, we planned for visiting parents from both sides for introduction and since i knew there will be no issues in my family we started with our home, i was nervous since i didn't know how she will respond to our rural lifestyle which was 200 miles from the town i used to work in but fortunately She was very happy with the recipient from my parents and siblings, things started going north after getting back to the city where i used to work, she went back to her parents home which was 500 miles away from town i was working in.

After a week it was my turn to pay a visit to her parents for introduction, she immediately changed and became quite rude, some of my calls went an answered and huge demand from her, even though i was not financially stable, i could manage to buy Her wonderful gifts although after years she kept on changing, becoming a burden, she declined my visit and after pushing Her so hard she said Her parents can't allow her to be married by a broke guy like me unless i have a great title like doctor, engineer etc.

That was a beginning of a new life on my end and i really felt so much heartbroken, i tried all i can to coup up with heart break and tried to assume nothing has happened, i lost appetite despite pretending to all my friends that everything is alright but nothing was well,i asked myself hundreds of questions, why this after all those years but i battled on, after six months my wounds started healing and i finally accepted the fact that it's over between us.

As time went on, I lost her contact, deleted my social media account and changed my number just to find a way of forgetting Her completely, surprisingly in my new Facebook account i got private message,boom it's her, She was just checking on me nothing more, by then i had received numerous promotion at work from driver to manager and salary tripped, but i kept that as a secret, i told her all is well with me without disclosing more details, after almost five years down the line, things had already became well on my side,I was already dating again, with good job, financially stable and driving my own car, i was on my normal duties of field work and driving around town center and spotted a familiar face, after getting closer, boom it's my ex girlfriend carrying a baby on Her back, that got me by surprise and made a stop just to say hi.

After seeing me, she was shocked to see me and broke down in tears,she gave me a big hug, she made several comments on how I've become big and cute and of course i would tell things are not so good on Her side by just looking at Her, she took my contact again which i did not decline to give but i didn't take Her's, that evening She called me up and we had a long conversation, she said she's struggling with life after divorce from abusive marriage, she said how much she regrets and she even went ahead to beg for another chance but all was gone, i told her I'm in serious relationship and i cannot risk what i went through, she became so much heartbroken after i declined to give Her another chance but i already had someone more serious with life.

That relationship taught me a big lesson of love life, made me have the value of love, made me realize that financial means nothing in a relationship, and made me understand that no situation is ever permanent,respect whoever you come across in life without discrimination.