

Ash_Will · Fantasy
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4 Chs

WHO IS Yu Ree ?

Taehyun, " I like you , let's date. You dont have to answer me right now, think about it and then let me know".

Sunhee, replied as she was stunned to say anything, " It is a lot to take in, i will think about it".

Hearing Sunhee's reply, Taehyun got his hopes up, thinking atleast she didnt rejected me directly. I still have a chance.

Both of them, then said goodbye and left.

Sunhee, in her room thinking as she lived alone about what she should do.

" I have a test tomorrow, lets focus on the exam right now and think about it after the exam. I still have some part left to revise"

As she started to revise and then went to sleep, the next day is going to be quite hectic.I have a test and i haven't thought about, how to face him. We even kissed what was i thinking, i should avoid him for now and think about it later.

The next day, At the front gate of the school, thinking what will i say when i see him.

Jihoon called from the back, " What are doing not going inside. Are you waiting for an invitation, let's go."

As they both started to walk towards the classroom. At the door of the classroom, Sunhee stopped.

Jihoon, " are you not feeling well? you are acting kind of strange". As he began to check her forehead."But you dont seem to have fever"

Sunhee, " enough with your talking, lets go in "

As both of them walked inside the door, Sunhee sneaked a look on Taehyun table but he wasn't there.

As she sighed in relief, 'lets get to my table quickly before he comes."

she walked a bit and stopped by hearing a familiar voice from behind, "Good morning".

'its Taehyun what should i do, should i just act like i didn't hear him or act dead. No lets think rationally, just greet him back and act like nothing happened, but how can i act like nothing happened. He confessed and we kisse...'

Taehyun grabbing her backpack, "Sunhee, are you okay. Why aren't you replying. About last night".

Sunhee, ' is he going to ask me about the confession infront of everyone. what if he asked me about the kiss. I am in trouble'.

As she gathered the courage and saying loudly, " what about last night. we just went home nothing happened".

Her eyes shaking, praying ' please dont say anything, please dont say anything'.

Taehyun replied with a smile, " i was just going to ask, if you slept well. What did you think i would ask?"

Sunhee, "nothing".

Jihoon," Sunhee, you are acting suspicious, did something really happened last night!".

Sunhee, " Nothing... why would anything happen". covered in sweat she replied.

The teacher is here, ' thank god i am saved, i have never been more happy in my life to see teacher. Teacher you are really my lifesaver'.

Everyone take your seats, and pass the paper and get started. As they all began to write the exam.

Everyone did a good job, i will tell you the results tomorrow. Okay the take care.

A bunch of classmates crowded around Sunhee, as she was the class topper, to check their answers.

Sunhee, 'thanks to them i will be able to avoid him for a bit'.

Lunch break,

I didnt think about the lunch, what if he came to eat with me again. Lets sit on the table where there is only one seat, so he wont be able to sit next to me. How am i so smart, lets not get carried away and execute my mission.

As she entered the dinning hall, looking for a single seat. ' I found it, i should be safe for now and the guys next to me still has a lot of food to finish so it will take sometime to finish. Mission accomplished'.

The table started to murmur, look Taehyun is coming here.

'although its been a little while since he came but he is quite famous, yeah he is handsome, what am i thinking. He is coming over here but sorry there are no seats available, my plan is perfect. since you cant sit here you will have to sit somewhere else and i will leave without you noticing.'

Taehyun stopped next to sunhee asking the person next to her, if she had finished.

The girl," yes , i have. you can take the seat".

As she began to get up, Sunhee grabbed her arm," but you still have so much left, you cant leave"

The girl," i am already full and i have somewhere to go".

She the left, As Taehyun sat next to Sunhee.

She not looking at him, as both of them started to dine in silence.

'I have finished and everyone left. I guess i have no choice but to wait'.

Taehyun suddenly started talking, " if you dont want to talk to me, you just have to say it. You dont need to avoid me".

Sunhee, " its not that, i just didnt know what to say, its the first time someone has asked me ."

Taehyun, " its my first time asking a girl too. Lets try it together and give it all our best".

Sunhee, " okay let try it".

Taehyun phone ringing, ' yu ree'.

"Sorry, i have to take this call", as he went to take the call.

Sunhee," is everything okay,".

Taehyun," it was my mom calling, sorry".

'Why would he lie, other day i saw his mom called him but it was saved as mom not Yu ree. Who is this Yuree?'.