
The beginning of the wrong path

She end up working at her aunt coffee house, its not actually a coffee house,its more like a "village pub".A place surrounded with men and woman,drinking alcohol and singing.

Once in a while she will try to drink alcohol and singing to her heart content to wash away her painful memory.

She didn't blame anyone,its her own stupidity to fall in love to someone who actually only want to take advantage for her innocent.So she never considered Carl as her first love.

She have no friend that she can fully trust to share her pain,she keep it all to herself.She act like nothing serious happen.

When she was alone,there were times she blamed her parent,if they didn't get divorced maybe she wont suffer all of this alone.She might have someone who can protect her innocent.She will later realised that it was all a wishfull thinking.

Her painful memory keep repeating in her dream,she will remembered how painful it is to lose her viginity to someone who never see her as a girlfriend but as a cheap slut.

All of this keep torturing her to the point it affect her study,she can't even concerntrate any of the teaching.She will failed almost each and every exams.

She used to be in the top 10 at least before,now she can only be the last 10 student.That is how this incident took a big effect in her study.Besides working also causes her to lack of sleep and she always feel sleepy at school.

Every morning she will wake up and prepare to cleaned up the coffee house,sometimes she will do her homework in the morning if the day before the coffee house close so late.

This all become her routine every day,after a busy week she will visit her grandparent every weekend.The same boring routine continues until she is 14 years old.

She met this middle age man one day at her aunt coffee house,this man is a friendly man.She get along so easily with him.They talked like they already know for ages.This guy is married,but he said he is not happy with his marriage.(Is this what man always gave as an excuse to get a misstress?)

This naive Jenny will listen to his blabbering and all his problem like a good friend.It started as a friend,but this man named Sonny will tried to touch her hand accidently(she say so because he will apologize later).

Sonny become their regular customer,they end up become so close until one day Sonny ask her out.She agree without much thought,she already accept him as a friend.So he trust him.She asked permission to her aunt to library,she gave an excuse that they have group discussion.Her aunt agree because she didn't suspect anything was wrong with her going to library.

Half way to the library,she was picked up by Sonny,he drive to a remote place,he said he want to talk to her,there is something important he want her to know.

When they arrive there,there is not a single house nearby,not even a single person can be seen.She panicked,but Sonny assured her that he won't harm her.She then ask Sonny jokingly what is the important thing he want to told her that he is kidnapping her.

Sonny then confess to her that he fall in love with her,he fall in love at the first sight.He cried in front of her,he said he is willing to divorce his wife as long as he is willing to be with him.

It left Jenny dumbfounded and stunned at Sonny confession.She remember Carl,is Sonny going to be the next Carl?She asked herself,she was still thinking the pros and cons for them to be together.She is actually not willing because this man is married for God sake.

She was still in the middle of thinking when suddenly Sonny kissed her,a passionate kind of kiss.Then his hand began to snake around carressing here and there in her body.Her mind cannot think straight and she let him do it,maybe she was horny as hell too or maybe she was already aroused.She know feeling,this is how she felt when she did it with Carl before.

Before she know it,the "deed" already done,she already did it with this married man.He told her that he will be responsible to her,they will get married once she finish her SPM.The old same excuse Carl gave her.After they talked thing through,Sonny send her to the library.

Before she got off the vehicle,Sonny gave her Rm100 not of cash.He told her that it was her monthly pocket money.Jenny is coming from a average family,nobody gave her 100 not before,so she was happy.

With this money she can buy anything she want.She live with her aunt in the coffee house actually with not a stable salary paid because her aunt said that she is freeloading her.She live and eat with her aunt for free so helping her aunt should be free too.So her salary is actually based on her aunt mood.

Since that day she will met Sonny three to four times a week to have sex.She told herself that she is not the innocent girl anymore so why should she stay like one.Everytime they did it,Sonny will gave her money.She will have almost 600 to 700 each month just by having sex with Sonny.Her doomsday start at the age of 14 years old.That time she didn't give it much thought.She have money and enjoy a pleasureable "ride",killing two birds with one stone.