
Chapter 46

Alex woke the next morning to some rustling about in her kitchen. She rolled over and looked at the clock. Six a.m. "What in the heck are they doing up so early?" she thought. She rolled out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen.

"Good morning, dear, how did you sleep?"

"Fine, just fine. Ah, why are you guys up so early?"

"We always get up at this time. Besides, it's Christmas Eve Day. There's much to do, lots of pies to bake for tomorrow's Christmas celebration at JoAnn's. Where are all your baking goods, as well as the pecans and cherries for the pies?" her mom asked as she tore through the kitchen cupboards like a crazy person.

"I don't have baking goods. Remember? Until recently, I've had no one to bake for."

"Oh dear, well, hurry up and get dressed so we can go to the grocery store. It's Christmas Eve Day, I hope there are some supplies left on the shelf," her mom said excitedly as she shook her head in disappointment.