
Unfiltered In MHA

got the image off of Pinterest free, didn't have any credits on it, if its yours and you want me to take it down just tell me. As a young child Sebastian developed savant syndrome in the field of physics and mathematics as a result of a fall off of a building while playing, this came at the unfortunate cost of a slow and permanent necrosis of some parts of his brain, beginning with his short term memory and advancing to his fine motor functions and emotions, eventually losing all ability to feel emotions at all, as well as some of his processing abilities, and now as an adult he begins to find himself with more extreme symptoms, periodic temporary amnesia, and an inability to process basic things, getting diagnosed by a doctor he finally becomes aware of the extent of the damage to his brain, and understanding that he only has so long to live, and will likely soon lose all higher brain function, decides to end his life early, now he finds himself in the world of an anime, one he had never watched himself, and only knew of from passing mention and memes. And with the ability to see reality in its raw form instead of the color and sound he is used to, as well as spatiokinesis, energy manipulation, and telekinesis, watch as he slowly rediscovers what it is like to feel.

kokishorttail · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 3

It has now been just barely 4 years since my birth, the milestone having been crossed just hours ago, as I lay on the floor of my room, I have come far since my birth, and have learned much, I have managed to define the information in my mind enough to understand language, and generally be able to understand the world to an equal degree as my previous life, my perfect memory allowing me to never forget what means what, I have also learned the language used wherever I live, including how to read it. (I will now begin to write conversations in a normal way as the Mc can now understand them.)

In my time here I have learned that I seem to live japan, although the world seems to be considerably different to my original, with most of the populace having a unique superpower like ability, called "quirks" I am reminded of a popular manga from my last life, MHA it was called, I never read it, most of what I know about it coming from memes, and considering the bulky blond haired idiot with an unnaturally wide smile giving a speech on tv, I seem to have been reincarnated into that very world, and I can only regret never reading it in my last life.

My eyes boredly scan over the book in front of me, a mere glance cementing the information within my memories in perfect detail, it is a lexicon, mandarin to be specific, one of the many things I have exploited my newfound memory for is learning the world's languages, I am currently fluent in every european language, and have moved on to asian languages, a process I would have already finished if it did not take till just a month ago for me to convince my parents to buy me lexicons. Having to convince them that it would not interfere with my other studies, and that I could in fact, learn a language as fast as I claimed.

My parents in this life are unique people, both successful entrepreneurs, they run the Mycelium conglomerate, a widespread conglomerate with influence in many major countries, they have lots of influence in the world's economy.

  My father, A serious no nonsense 185cm (6ft 1 in) tall, and thin but muscular man, with dark black hair, complemented by onyx black horns, and eyes that look like stars, has a quirk that allows him to see falsehoods in reality, a lesser if not more esoteric version of my own abilities, he heavily exploited his abilities in order to one up competition, the legality of the action becoming nothing more than a mild consideration when you have friends in high places. 

While my mother, a beautiful, 197 cm (6ft 5 in) tall, muscular but slim, platinum blond woman, with a pair of wolf ears and a long tail, perfectly matching her fierce but elegant looks. Glowing golden eyes, beauty that would make runway models boil with jealousy, a quirk that allowed her to manipulate her own biology. And the personality of a pack leader, her charisma and aloof nature naturally attracted others to her, she was the Ceo of the Mycelium conglomerate, and acted as the companies representative in both public and private settings.

They had been childhood sweethearts, and despite their powerful quirks, were both realistic and intelligent enough to use them to build up a dominant company with global influence, I truly was born with a orichalcum spoon in my mouth, they were both incredibly busy people, but they were good parents, they treated me with love, and had the foresight not to spoil me, always a good Idea when raising children, especially the children of the elite, as being spoiled as a child only leads to festering incompetence. They had high expectations for me as the future heir of the company, and as such they hired many tutors to teach me despite my young age, I quickly gained a reputation as a genius child, and while my previous life may have had some influence, most of the credit can be attributed to my perfect memory, any concept even touched on sticking to me forever, and any equation I had ever solved, or been given the answer to, always instantly solved the moment It enters my mind, the answer simply filled in from my memories even without my input.

My musings are interrupted by the opening door, as I close the lexicon, my mind automatically organizing the new information in the background even as focused on the figures entering my room, a rather large room, contrasted by its stark emptiness, the lines of bookshelves filled with all manner of informative books, from calculus to physics to lexicons, clean floors, and a distinct lack of toys, you would never guess the room belonged to a child.

A laptop I bought with my own money sitting atop a desk, money I earned from publishing novels and comics from my old world, some may call it cliche, I call it an easy way to earn capital in another world, I may not have been big into comics, but I was an avid fan of fiction, even after my emotions had faded into obscurity, I still read many stories on my own time.

And while it may sound strange for a 4 year old to be making their own money, and it certainly is, my parents were very proud of the fact, thinking they had done a great job raising me to take up the company when I grew older, I initially began this venture due to their parenting style having them spend minimal amounts of money on me so I dont become conceited, greedy, or spoiled, and money is an important resource, although they did help when It came to setting up a contract with some publishers.

I watch as my parents enter the room, remembering that today was the day I would get my first quirk checkup, as I had just recently awakened my quirk, while I was born with abilities in this world, they were not my true quirk, to make things simple, they were the passive form of my abilities, as I had recently acquired the ability to manipulate space, energy, and my biology, seeming like a combination of my parents quirks plus extra, when I demonstrated my abilities they threw a massive party, even canceling important meetings, as they invited friends and family, as well as a deluge of rich elite hoping to curry favor with the family.


  I stare boredly at the party going on in my honor, already regretting showing my parents my abilities, as I wished to return to my studies, and novels. When my parents come over to me with another couple I don't recognize, also wearing cloaks, before bringing me and the couple to a private room, where they deactivated their cloaks,  the women, a semi tall women, about 178 cm (5ft 10in) with a voluptuous figure, looking like the kitsune of japanese folklore, with red hair and white tips, carrying a child, looking similar in age to myself, followed by a man who seems to be her husband, given the matching rings they wear, smaller than his wife about 170cm (5ft 7in), he looks like the stereotypical japanese salaryman, tired eyes, wearing a worn down suit, they don't fit the rich aesthetic of the party.

As the group approaches, I see the tiny child's eyes light up, and I already dread the interactions to come, the little menace sharing the fox features of her mother, and the black hair of her father, as she excitedly babbles to her mother in barely legible japanese, demanding to play with me, as she can't stand how boring the party is, I look to my parents for salvation, and my mother chuckles at the dread in my eyes.

  I have grown good at displaying emotion with my eyes, even if I don't feel much inside, although I have noticed that I am capable of emotions unlike my last life, likely due to the lack of brain damage in my new body, my emotions are nonetheless heavily diluted. And I don't even try to hide the disdain leaking into my eyes, my father shooting me a pitying smile, as the parents walk off to catch up, my father having given me a quick explanation that the four were long time childhood friends, which at least explained their presence at the party.

The sky has suddenly become a lot more interesting, As I pretend to focus on the clouds, the gremlin I was left with decides to ruin my peace, as they demand my attention, and force me to play with them, it is only a few hours later that the party ends. As I stumble back to my room exhausted, my mother decides to rub salt into the wound.

"Well you seemed to enjoy Nier's company didn't you, Fenrir." she quips, as I spin around staring daggers at her. Nier being the name of the child I was forced to "play" with earlier, and Fenrir being my name in this world, Based off of the god killing wolf from Norse mythology, it sounded a bit strange rolling off the tungue as a native english speaker, but who was I to complain.

I stumble into my room, and collapse onto my comfortable bed.

*flashback end*

It has been less than a month since the party, but it seems that my parents have already set up a private appointment to get a quirk checkup, a trusted friend of my father having been hired to come to our house, as I stand up to greet my parents, and follow them out of my room to the living room, which has been fashioned into a temporary office for the doctor to work from, all of the necessary equipment having been brought in beforehand. Perks of being rich.

(an, the mc's looks take inspiration from Lappland from Arknights, with the addition of the horns, and of course the fact the mc is male. Also yes Nier is going to be the love interest of this story, I know some people don't like oc love interests in fanfics but I don't care, no Nier looks nothing like, nor borrows from the automata anime game, it's just a nice unique name that I managed to come up with on the spot. Also a bit of a rant here, but there was a 4 hour blackout today for maintenance, which was not announced beforehand, so now I have to rush to finish all my homework for tomorrow, so that was fun.)