
The Beginning

A new place for the new beginning. Amaryllis along with her family reached City A railway station. It was completely new place far away from her home in exact words toatlly in opposite direction. She was waiting for the bus for her new journey. She was tensed and nervous but it was not obvious on her face. She was looking at the road without any expression. Suddenly she saw a yellow bus approaching and lifted her heard to see the board and that was it. It was the moment she was waiting for. It was her college bus. She completed her school and now was going to pursue her aim. She breathed a long sigh and grabbed onto the luggage in her hand and hopped into the bus. Everybody down were pushing and pulling to get in the bus. But somehow she managed to get into the bus along with her parents and secured the seat. Her father arranged the luggage and sat down comfortably. Her mother was complaining about the nuisance craeted by the people to board the bus. The bus was fully occupied. The driver started the bus and the sound of engine roaraing could be heard. Amaryllis looked outside the window and was anticipating to reach her destination. It was in the suburbs, 30 km inside the city. A long journe from the city. Her parents were also looking outside along with her. All three of them statred the conersation. Her mom started telling about the do's and don't's. While the bus was moving they were looking outside nad discussing about the city having simiarilty with their hometown. And the journey of her new life began.

They were still in the bus and it came to a halt when some vendors started approaching the bus for selling their goods. Few of them started buying and others were just asking the rates. The bus was completly a hub where people from all the states of the country were there. Amaryllis started looking at the people and noticed people from the south of the country, north of the country and so on. She then started telling about her observation to her parents and they were keenly listening to it. Even they started observing, in the meanwhile the bus again started and once again it started moving. Amaryllis was looking outside and enjoying the scenic beauty of the city. She was then lost into her thoughts.....