
Unexpected Worrior

Adpoted as a baby to a normal family but struggled with her emotions the whole time. Creating her own pack to become a strong leader for those who really need a family and to be apart of something more. Having been raise in a normal family and learned about running a business. From their love, she has raised above her issues to help others and heal herself. Join her on this journey of bring together more to the supernatural and her family that had adopted her.

Elizabeth_Baird_6256 · Teen
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31 Chs

Chapter 12

After our short discussion, David and the others that were where we stayed at arrived. We all headed out the door. Most of the guys were in the car. Colt driver, Domanic in back with Trishes head on his shoulder, Jeremy in passager seat, and Dylan was on the other side of Trish. The rest were on their motorcycle but I did notice behind the car was the trailer that my father had been pulling. Apparently they loaded up all the bikes and it looks like they have the car all loaded up. What did not fight in the car was on the front of the trailer. As a precautian we have a storage container that can hold extra suplies on the trailer if we need that space it was there to be used.

"Okay lets get going," I said. "Mike, I would like touse as less vehicles as possible so if you guys can get in to just one or use on and ride in one we already taking would be great. But i am only asking not ordering. Make your own decission on what to do. Also Did you guys pack only one bagof what you need?"

"As rouges we move alot so we already have a bag packed and ready to go," Mike said.

"We loaded them in the back of your fathers truck," Logan said.

"Robert drives an epidition with tinted windows," Mitch said. "Most of us can fit in and also who does not itlooks like your dad has room for the rest."

I looked at everyone and than something had me looking towards the woods. There was a family there tending to their young children but what got me were the three men standing there. It looked like they were going to attack the young family. After a while I saw enough and started to walkinthat direction.

"Alpha Pheonix," Mike said. "Please do not get involved. This happens all the time and it gets worse when some one trys to help out."

"Well than itisgood that Iamnotlike the others that has tryed to help out before," I responded. "First I am an alpha. As an alpha I tend protect my pack. Second off I can step in and offer protection. Or if they want they can join my pack. finally i hate seeing bullies and love to put them in their place."

Mike had nothing more to say but watched sadly as I approached the group. The woman saw me but their child ran to me escaping the men. One turned ready torun after the child but I had her in my arms as my beta cane up behind me. I handed her off into my beta hands as Iapproached the group.

"So you guys enjoy picking on the weak," I said. "Lets all go into the woods and youhave a go at me. Or is it only the weak you go after."

"We own them," one guy growled. "So we can do whatever we want."

"Really," I said. "All I see is three pussy ass men who enjoy going after weaker targets. What afraid I will be to much. Come on I am giving you a choice here."

"No you are not," said the second man.

"Oh but I am," I anwsered back. "Out here in the open or in the woods I will be kicking your asses. And I will be enjoyingeveryminute of it."

"Pheonix," Dad yelled. " No killing, only injuring. I donot want to explain any bodies this early in the morning."

"Yes father I understand," I responded. "But I will draw as much blood as possible."

"Your a weak female," stated the last guy. "There is no way you could beat us all."

"Alpha," Ralph called to me. "Wipe these guys across the floor. They need a big adjustment in their thinking."

"I will keep the family by me," Davidsaid. "You tend to these guys."

The first guys eyes widen as he heard what a couple of my guys said.

"Females cannot be Alphas," secondguy interjected.

"Oh really," I saidas I shed my shirt to a work out sports bra. "Than I will prove to you that it is possible."

My guys who have seenme fight just shock their heads.

"Why are you guys not worried?" Hunter asked.

"Oh there is noneed to worry," ralph said. "They should worry about the condition they will come out in. There is a reason why she has our undying loyalty. Also a reasonwhy we call her our blood bath queen."

"You mean you guys would stand aside at let this female fight," th e first guy stated. "She is going to be the one injured."

"Oh but this is what you are missing. Have you heard of the Reaper Worrior Pack?" Ralph asked.

"Yes. In fact it is said that their alpha is the deadlist," the first guy anwsered. "Why do you ask?"

"Well if you heard of them than all I can saw meet their Alpha," Ralph continued. "Alpha Pheonix Zeva Winter. She is very deadly especially to those who harm others. So have fun and enjoy because we have seen her take out rouges who attack everyone no matter who they are. Even a pack of rouges who destoried a whole pack of wolves."

"Well I got to see this," Mitch followed behind me as I dragged one of the guys into the woods. Everyone else followed including the young family.

"So you guyslike to own and bully those weaker than you," I said. "Well I am of the weaker sex. Why don't you attack me? Show me how big, bad and strong you are. Or are you guys all talk and no show."

After I said that they all growled at me and I just laugh my ass off. Than one of the men lounged at me and I just dodged him while I continue laughing at them. The other two came at me together think it would be best toattack as a team.

"So now it looks like you are taking me serious," I comment as I stop laughing and dodging their attemp attacks onme. "So is that all you guys have. Well if this the best you have I guess it is time that I give you a lesson."

They continued to attack me while i dodged them. Shaking my head I when from defense to offense. As I attacked them they got more aggravated and shifted to their wolf forms but I stayed in my human form. While I attacked I went for broken bones and pressure points.

By the time I finished the three men had shifted back from wolf to human and was just laying there on the ground naked whimpering.

"Your all talk," I said. "This is your one and only warning. Change your waysbecause if i find out and I always do. i will be hunting you down to kill you."

"Y-y-yes Alpha," all three men quivered and ran further into the woods.

"Now as for you guys," I said to the young family. "I am inviting you to be part of my pack but this is your choice. If you do not want to be part of my pack I have another pack in mind so you guys can decide what you want as a family. Oh and until you do make your choice I am having you guys stay with my pack. Also i have created a temporary link to the pack so you can reach us at anytime."

"Can we get going now?" Ralph asked.

"Yes and we are taking the family with us," I said. "I want you and Jake to help the family out. Have them pack their clothes and only what they cannot replace. Like pictures, family harlooms and some basic items along the lines of a few blankets, towels, wash clothes. Anything else we can get agian. On top of that I also may have a job for them depending on what they are good at so if they feel like I am giving a free hand out and not want it. Tell them that they would be able to pay me back if that is what they have chosen to do."

We all walk back to where everyone is ready to go. Ralph approached Jake and told him of the little change they were going todo.