
Chapter 53 A perfect dress.

The dress was black with minor details carefully done, not too heavy yet it looks classy and elegant, especially when she was wearing it as if it was made for her.

"Miss, you look beautiful in this." the lady helping her put on the dress could not help praising how magnificent Arien was looking.

Arien was hesitant for a while. Seeing that, the helper stepped forward.

"Mater would surely like it" she said pushing her out.

As Arien stepped out, every eyes were on her. Even the women staff were not able to take their eyes off not to mention the men there.

Devian, at first glance was also mesmerized.

This girl only belong to him.

He kept on looking at her for a long while without speaking and his gaze made Arien blush unintentionally and she became a bit uncomfortable.

"Devian..." He didn't speak for a while so Arien anxiously called out. "Do I not look good?" She asked with red face.

He walked to her and leaned closer.