
Chapter 17 Acting!

She sat there on the bed looking straight to his eyes as he explained.

"I want you to act..." He took a pause and continued "like my wife."

"Your wife! No ways!" Arien denied without thinking twice.

"You'll have to!" He ordered again.

"Who you think you are to order me!" Every time he ordered her like his servant, she becomes furious. "Explain it, then I'll think about it."

Knock knock!

The knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

Dean entered. It doesn't seem a good time to enter.

"Assistant Dean" Arien spoke "you are here really at a good time tell your director to take in account, his anger and bossy attitude."

Dean was shocked. He looked at Arien then at Devian then back at Arien.

"What should I say now!" He thought "it really doesn't seem a good time!"

"Director........" Devian gave a glance and Dean suddenly shut up.