
Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Han Yue Ling, a peerless beauty with a great personality, but she carries a lot of secrets. She loved a man for 10 years, but on the day of her wedding, fate decided to play a cruel joke on her and take the man away. Three years later, she decides to move away. She stumbles upon Lu Tian, the ruthless and cold CEO of Lu Corps. Thinking it was just an accident, she stumbles upon him again and again. Before she knew it, the man is already living with her! Is this an unexpected second chance at love? Will she be able to love again? ------------------ [Note to readers: Please be courteous towards other readers. If you don't like this novel, feel free to move on to the next one. Thank you, author.]

Abeehiltz · Urban
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959 Chs

She wouldn't give you

While Yue Ling and Lu Tian head to the Lu family house, in another part of Imperial, Liu Shan's red Audi r8 pulls up to an abandoned factory. The exquisite car parks in front of the building and the engines shut off.

As Liu Shan steps out into view, he didn't forget to look at the details of the place. He slightly frowns at how shabby and broken down the building was. He swore it was like if he were to throw a rock inside, the entire place would crumble into dust.

"Then again, this is a pretty good hideout."

When Qin Jun called him, he decided to come here since he was off work. However, seeing the location now, he isn't too surprised. It was one he would never expect the three men to hide in as this place had long been forgotten.

"Well look who it is."

A man's voice sounds from the left of the assistant. He (Liu Shan) turns his head to the person and see who it is, he scoffs a chuckle then close the driver's door.