
Unexpected Pregnancy Brought Me The CEO'S Dotting Love

"Tyler... I love you! Will you marry me in the future?" Caroline. "Car, I promise to love and marry only you!" Tyler. SEVEN YEARS LATER "Caroline, I've never loved you, much less marry you. The only person I've ever loved is your sister, Yasmine. And to add to that, you cheated on me on our engagement night!" Tyler exclaimed. "What a joke! I, Caroline Clark, vow to make you all pay for ruining my life!" Caroline seethed. Caroline's engagement night was a night orchestrated by her parents and older sister to drug her and have her sleep with a stranger, which led to her name being splashed all over the news as the unfaithful fiancee. The once cheerful and sweet Caroline turned resentful, swearing to make everyone involved pay for her misery. That is until she crossed paths with Jack Mickelson, the handsome, wealthy CEO of Glory Company, who pledged to love and marry only her. But Caroline looked into his eyes and declared, "You... Mr. Mickelson, do not deserve me or my heart. No one does!" *********** Jack Mickelson, the most handsome, rich, and famous CEO of Glory Company, ended up sleeping with the wrong girl the night his grandparents deceived and drugged him. "Little Jack! You are no longer my grandson if you don't find that girl and marry her!" Grandma Beth threatened. "She doesn't want me, grandma! She even called me a PIG!" Jack fumed. "What?" Will Caroline be able to heal and open her heart to love again? Will Jack be able to win her over, even after being insulted? What if Tyler decides he wants Caroline back? What about Caroline's unborn child with Mr. Stranger? Will Caroline finally find happiness? With whom? To find out, continue reading...

DaoistruhAil · Urban
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5 Chs

She Totally Lost It

All eyes fixated on Tyler amidst his outburst directed towards Caroline.

He stood tall with a belligerent air, his piercing gaze devoid of any warmth towards the woman he had once proclaimed his love for.

It was as if he was facing off against his archenemy, not the woman who had been by his side all these years. The woman who went all the way to support him and his career. But Tyler didn't care.

His stare cut through Caroline's eyes as though branding her a sinner or a betrayer.

"Caroline, have you not caused enough harm? Yes, I may have had feelings for you when we were younger, but you were the one who pushed for us to be together.

I went along with it to spare your feelings, but in doing so, I disregarded my love for Yasmine. And how did you repay me? By sleeping with someone else and publicly shaming me?" Tyler's voice grew louder in anger, cutting through Caroline's heart.

If looks could kill, Caroline would have been slain under Tyler's intense glare.

"Don't be angry, Tyler. Caroline is still young and has much to learn and understand. As I told Mom and Dad, I believe it was just a mistake.

Since you have already broken off the engagement, why not just let bygones be bygones?" Yasmine stood up and came to his side as she spoke with a righteous tone, her eyes filled with concern for Tyler.

"Yasmine, you can't always excuse her behavior. She's not a child anymore and must take responsibility for her actions. And after bringing shame to our family name, she is no longer welcome in this family!" Daniel spoke gently but firmly to his eldest daughter.

"Your father is right, Yasmine. Do not interfere." Emma spoke up, walking towards her daughter.

More tears streamed down Caroline's face, this time out of anger and pain. Was this really her family? The family she grew up in? And Tyler, was he the same kind of man she had fallen in love with?

And what was Tyler saying? He agreed to be with Caroline and forgot all about his love for Yasmine. What a Joke!

"Caroline, look at your sister. She has always been fragile since we were children. But despite all the hurt you have caused her, Yasmine always forgives you and stands up for you. How could you be so cruel to her?" Tyler's words stung Caroline deeply.

"On what should have been our engagement night, you were the one who cheated on me. And now you dare to stand here and condemn innocent people? What gives you the right to do so? What has filled you with such confidence?" Tyler spat angrily at Caroline, causing her to back away with each word.

Was he really blaming her now? How could Tyler be so cold and blind to the truth?

More tears welled up in Caroline's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Seeing the true nature of those around her, Caroline found it absurd to cry over them. No, they did not deserve her tears.

With that, she caught a glimpse of the wicked and smug smirk on Yasmine's face in the corner of her eyes.

Caroline felt disgusted and wanted to vomit. If they wanted her out of their lives and their house, then so be it.

But she wasn't leaving without unleashing at least half of her anger.

Staring coldly at each face, she approached Yasmine with bloodshot eyes.

"Car--" Emma tried to speak, but Caroline cut her off.

"Don't worry, Mom. I won't kill her. Not yet, I guess. I just want to give her a little something before I leave. After all, you all said she's been good to me. The least I can do is leave her a gift of gratitude." Caroline said with a devilish grin.

The redness in her eyes made her look like a demon from ancient times, ready to devour her enemies.

Before anyone could register what was happening, the sharp sound of a slap echoed in their ears as Yasmine fell to the ground, clutching her cheek in disbelief.

"YASMINE!" Emma cried out in shock as she rushed to her daughter's side.

"CAROLINE CLARK!" Daniel roared in fury, wanting nothing more than to strangle his own daughter to death.

But before he could reach her, Tyler beat him to it.

Tyler was seething with rage after Caroline had slapped Yasmine. It felt like the slap was not only meant for Yasmine but also for him.

He raised his hand to strike Caroline, but before he could, she had already grabbed another flower vase and smashed it against his head.

The vase shattered into pieces, but it was nothing compared to the broken relationships and fractured trust in the room.

The shattered remains of the vase lay at Tyler's feet as he collapsed to the floor, his face bloodied and unconscious.

"TYLER!!!" The cries of Daniel, his wife, and Yasmine filled the room as they rushed to his side.

Yasmine's sobs echoed off the walls as her mother frantically dialed for an ambulance.

Daniel strode over to his youngest daughter, his intentions clear. However, when he caught sight of Caroline's cold and unfeeling expression, he froze in his tracks.

"What? Why have you stopped, Dad? Don't you wanna teach me a lesson? Come, come and strike me as you often do.

H.O.W.E.V.E.R... I see that there is another empty vase over here. I wouldn't mind putting it to use. Which one of you would like to feel its impact?" Caroline's words were laced with a playful and menacing grin.

She was no longer the Caroline they all knew. The person standing before them was a demonic incarnation.

"Dad..." Yasmine whispered, signaling her father not to approach the angered wolf.

"Are you afraid...? Hahaha! What a joke! You all conspired against me on the night of my engagement. And now that you have succeeded, you want to cast me aside as if I am not the victim here." Caroline's evil grin remained fixed on her face.

However, as she finished her words, the grin vanished, replaced by a savage look immediately. "Do you think you can so easily destroy me? Dream on! Listen to me, all of you. I, Caroline Clark, will one day make you pay for all that you have done to me!

I will make your lives a living hell! I will make you kneel in front of me and beg for my mercy! You will regret ever trying to destroy me! Mark my words. This is a vow I will strive to fulfill before I die!!!" Caroline vowed with bloodshot eyes.

No one dared to speak or move, fearing what Caroline might do next. However, to their surprise, she calmly took a seat and glared at them with a frigid gaze.

"Don't worry, I am waiting for the police to come and arrest me. I am not a coward like you all. I know when to take responsibility for my actions."

After saying that, she took her phone and dialed Tyler's cousin, Rebecca's number.

"Well, if it's not the shameless whore who betrayed my cousin on her engagement night!" Came the sarcastic and disdainful voice from the other end.

"If you don't want me to smash another vase on your scumbag cousin's head, you would watch what to say," Caroline replied with the same sarcastic tone.

"What did you say?" Rebecca almost yelled from the other end.

"Don't bark like a dog! My ears are precious. You scumbag and an idiotic cousin is lying here in a pool of his blood because I smashed his head with a vase. Come get him with the police so that I can leave this shity house already." After saying her peace, Caroline hung up the call.

She sat there with her arms crossed as if there was nothing she cared about in this world.

The trio in the room was struck with disbelief, their mouths agape as they gazed upon the figure sitting before them in terror.

Who was this devilish woman in their midst? She was not the Caroline they had known for all these years. This was not their sweet and innocent daughter.

Almost as if she could read their minds, Caroline smirked and proclaimed..."What? Surprised by my behavior? The naive and innocent Caroline was just a facade I put on because of the asshole lying on the floor in his blood.

T.H.I.S I.S T.H.E R.E.A.L M.E!!!" She delivered each word with a venomous grin, dripping with malice.