
Unexpected Pregnancy Brought Me The CEO'S Dotting Love

"Tyler... I love you! Will you marry me in the future?" Caroline. "Car, I promise to love and marry only you!" Tyler. SEVEN YEARS LATER "Caroline, I've never loved you, much less marry you. The only person I've ever loved is your sister, Yasmine. And to add to that, you cheated on me on our engagement night!" Tyler exclaimed. "What a joke! I, Caroline Clark, vow to make you all pay for ruining my life!" Caroline seethed. Caroline's engagement night was a night orchestrated by her parents and older sister to drug her and have her sleep with a stranger, which led to her name being splashed all over the news as the unfaithful fiancee. The once cheerful and sweet Caroline turned resentful, swearing to make everyone involved pay for her misery. That is until she crossed paths with Jack Mickelson, the handsome, wealthy CEO of Glory Company, who pledged to love and marry only her. But Caroline looked into his eyes and declared, "You... Mr. Mickelson, do not deserve me or my heart. No one does!" *********** Jack Mickelson, the most handsome, rich, and famous CEO of Glory Company, ended up sleeping with the wrong girl the night his grandparents deceived and drugged him. "Little Jack! You are no longer my grandson if you don't find that girl and marry her!" Grandma Beth threatened. "She doesn't want me, grandma! She even called me a PIG!" Jack fumed. "What?" Will Caroline be able to heal and open her heart to love again? Will Jack be able to win her over, even after being insulted? What if Tyler decides he wants Caroline back? What about Caroline's unborn child with Mr. Stranger? Will Caroline finally find happiness? With whom? To find out, continue reading...

DaoistruhAil · Urban
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I Will Ruin Your Lives

As they waited for the ambulance and the police, Caroline sat on the couch, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings and the fact that someone lay in a pool of blood next to her.

Yasmine cradled Tyler's unconscious body in her lap, tears streaming down her face.

Daniel and Emma were in shock, staring at their youngest daughter with disbelief. They have indeed made a monster out of her.

The sound of the ambulance and its pitiful siren brought them back to reality.

"Finally!" they exclaimed in unison, surprising each other.

Caroline was referring to the police's arrival, while her family waited for the ambulance.

"TYLER!!!" Familiar voices sounded as the Riverdales rushed inside. Of course, they all recognized the voices of cries.

The paramedics quickly came in and wheeled Tyler away for immediate care.

Mr. and Mrs. Riverdale followed, focused their attention on their son's well-being and disregarded everything else.

Yasmine followed, her clothes and hands stained with Tyler's blood, looking distraught and worried.

Deep down, she wanted the Riverdales to kill Caroline right then and there. But Tyler's condition was the top priority.

"You bitch! How dare you hurt my cousin! I'm going to make you pay!" Rebecca screamed, charging towards Caroline as soon as she entered the house.

Before she could reach her, Caroline suddenly slapped her with a loud smack, causing everyone to freeze in shock again. It seemed Caroline was going to give one shock after the other.


Rebecca was taken aback. "You slapped me?" she asked incredulously, as of not believing what just happened even.tjough she could still feel the pain on her cheek.

Caroline smirked, looking down at her with a condescending gaze. "Yes, I did. I already bashed your cousin's head with a vase, what's one more crime to add to my list? Trust me... I wouldn't mind smashing your head with another vase as well, if you dare to run that filthy mouth of yours against me again!" Caroline spat furiously.

She was incensed that if it weren't for the arrival of the authorities, she would have smashed Rebecca's head with another vase and made her join her cousin at the hospital.

"Miss Clark, you are under arrest--"

"Yeah yeah, yeah! I know, no need for the same old tedious speech you give to everyone." The police officer was in the midst of declaring his arrest warrant when Caroline rudely cut him off.

The other two policemen and their leader glared at her disapprovingly.

But Caroline didn't care. Her life had already been destroyed when a stranger violated her virginity that night, with brute force.

Furthermore, her fiancé and childhood sweetheart had admitted that he never loved her as a woman, but only as a sister.

Not to mention the fact that all her misfortunes stemmed from her biological parents and sister, who drugged her and allowed another man to take her innocence.

So with all this suffering befalling her, what else could she possibly care about?

If they want to send her to prison, then so be it. After all, she lost her soul the moment that stranger took her virginity.

Without another word, the police handcuffed her and took her away.

However, just as they were about to leave the house, Caroline paused in her track and turned to stare at her parents with bloodshot eyes.

Her parents also gazed back at her without a trace of guilt or remorse on their faces. They didn't care how much they had destroyed their younger daughter's life. Were they even her real parents? Did they truly give birth to her?

Tears welled up in Caroline's eyes, but she refused to let them fall, making her eyes turn red and feral.

"I, Caroline Clark, from this day forth, DISOWN you as my parents! Just as you have ruined my life for the sake of your eldest daughter, I promise to ruin yours for my INNOCENCE! Never forget this day!!!"

After uttering those words, she turned and ventured unaccompanied towards the police car.

The law enforcement officials stood bewildered. Typically, it is the guardians who renounce their offspring. How did the situation alter in this instance?

Regaining composure, they exchanged glances and proceeded to the still and silent young lady, patiently anticipating their approach to the police vehicle.

Soon, the grand abode was devoid of any occupants except for Daniel and his wife.

Caroline's final statement caused trepidation to stir within their hearts. However, they steeled themselves and consoled one another that she wouldn't have the audacity to harm them. After all, they were her parents.


After the ambulance and police car had departed, a black SUV appeared out of nowhere in view as it trailed behind the police car without anyone notice.

The person inside the car promptly retrieved their phone and placed a call.

"How is she?" Inquired a resolute and deep, muscular voice from the other end.

"Boss... something grave has occurred!" Responded the driver following the police car.

"What do you mean? What has happened to her? Is she alright?" Came multiple questions from the deep voice on the other end.

The driver trembled upon hearing his employer's cold inquiries. Even without being in their presence, the driver could sense the disapproval etched upon his Boss's face.

"I do not know what transpired within the house, Boss. However, her fiance was--"

"EX-FIANCE!!!" Came a cold and sharp voice.

The driver quivered once more as his Boss interjected with those two frigid words.

"I apologize, Boss... Uhm, her former fiance was transported to the hospital by the ambulance. Whereas Miss Clark was... was---" The driver stumbled over his words.

He did not know how to deliver the news to their Boss and feared his reaction upon hearing the distressing information.

"Martin, if you suddenly find yourself unable to articulate a sentence, then it is best that you never show yourself in my presence again!" Came the severe and callous words from the other end.

Martin's face drained of color upon hearing his employer's threat. Although he doubted that his Boss would actually fire, it was better to be safe than sorry.

With those thoughts in mind, Martin braced himself and carefully chose his words. "Boss, Miss Clark was taken away by the police. I believe she may have caused injuries to her ex-fiance. I am on my way--"

His boss cut him off once again, impatient but apparently concerned. "Text me the location, I'm already on my way."

Martin dutifully followed his instructions, quickly sending the location where he suspected Caroline might be taken to by the police.

Ever since his boss's encounter with that enigmatic woman two weeks ago, Martin had noticed a change in his boss's behavior. He couldn't believe this was the same man who had never shown any interest in women before.

Perhaps it was his upbringing, with both sets of grandparents being very traditional, that had finally caught up with him.

But Martin couldn't deny that his boss seemed genuinely smitten with Miss Clark.

"What spell has Miss Clark cast over my boss? Will I have a madame soon? And why was she even arrested? Looks like the Mickelsons are about to welcome a new daughter-in-law with a great character!" Martin chuckled to himself as he followed the police car.

But will everything be okay as he thought?