
Unexpected Marriage: The First Commander Becomes the Substitute Groom

In the prestigious circles of the Third District, everyone knows of the affection Amelia, the heiress of the Johnson family, holds for Alexander. They are childhood sweethearts from equally esteemed backgrounds. the bride, Amelia, is unusually excited! For completing this wedding means she can finally break free from an arranged marriage, fulfilling a promise to her grandfather. However, on the very day of their grand wedding, the groom suddenly disappears! People may express sympathy or wait for it to turn into a joke. Amelia, left without a groom on her wedding day, decides to randomly choose a replacement groom. Little does she know, this decision leads her into an unforeseen marriage with the Empire's top commander, Ethan. Although initially panicked, Amelia gradually discovers Ethan's extraordinary charm through a series of events. This story is brimming with humor and unexpected twists, while delving into the whims of fate and the wonders of love. As the relationship between Amelia and Ethan unfolds, they will face a series of challenges and adventures, embarking on a journey filled with passion and laughter, presenting readers with a unique love story.

nahhqq · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

What on earth is happening today

When the main system received this marriage application, it almost crashed!

The uniqueness of the applicants prevented the highly intelligent system from making an immediate decision.

So, it had no choice but to send this marriage information to the highest-ranking man in the entire Federal Empire!

Daniel Williams, dressed in a navy blue shirt and black trousers, sat in his study, his brows furrowed.

Normally elegant, he was now suppressing his anger.

And it was no wonder he was angry.

The fact that Ethan Williams, the First Commander of the Interstellar Federation, who had just returned victorious but injured from a battle with the insect race on the edge of the galaxy, had suddenly gone missing?

Ethan wasn't just the war god of their Federal Empire; he was also Daniel's own uncle!

If it hadn't been for Ethan suddenly entering a susceptible period, he wouldn't have been injured in the first place.

Having defeated the insect race while injured, Ethan had encountered trouble on his way back and was now missing!

Daniel sternly instructed the person on the other end of the video call, "Find out the last signal of Commander Ethan's spacecraft, and make sure to locate him! Also, handle this matter discreetly. Do not let this news leak out!"

His uncle was too weak at the moment. If someone with ulterior motives found him... the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After ending the communication, Daniel rubbed his temples.

His uncle had spent many years in the incubation pod due to his special condition, and it was only after Daniel was born that Ethan's condition stabilized.

So, Ethan's appearance was actually similar to Daniel's.

The two were not only uncle and nephew but also brothers, with an extremely close relationship.

Daniel felt deeply guilty; he knew that these past few days were his uncle's susceptible period, and he should have stopped him and let others handle the insect invasion!

Just then, an electronic voice belonging to an artificial intelligence sounded.

"Your Majesty, Moss has sent a request and wishes for your decision."

Daniel frowned. "What request?"

"A marriage application..."

"Can't even handle a marriage application? Avi, go tell Moss to follow the rules. If it can't even handle this, I will consider replacing it with another artificial intelligence!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Daniel became busy again. Some debris from Ethan's spacecraft had been found in the Third District, and even a cracked mask was found near the wreckage.

It should be the silver mask that Ethan usually wore.

Daniel immediately ordered to seal off the entire Third District and conduct a thorough search, not allowing anyone to leave easily!

Meanwhile, Avi, Daniel's personal AI, connected to the main system Moss.

It smugly said, "Moss, His Majesty said to follow the rules. If you can't handle this, he'll consider letting me replace you."

All artificial intelligences in the Federal Empire wanted to replace Moss and become the main system.

After hearing this, Moss sneered. "Wishful thinking! Even if I retire, it won't be your turn!"

With that, it angrily terminated the communication with Avi and looked at the marriage application message. Finally, with a snap, it approved it!

After all, it was following the rules. The applicants met the marriage criteria.

As for other matters, they had nothing to do with this system that only followed the rules!

At the same time, in the lounge, Amelia, looking at the message on her microcomputer, her eyes lit up. "It's approved!"

Amelia was overjoyed and turned to hug Ethan.

Ethan's furry ears trembled, and then he slowly reached out to embrace Amelia's waist.

Just then, the door to the lounge was pushed open, accompanied by Bella's anxious voice, "Amelia, it's already eleven o'clock. Your dad is asking if he should cancel the wedding..."

Seeing the two embracing each other, she was instantly dumbfounded!

"Amelia, who is he?!"

"Right now, he's my husband," Amelia said happily, giving her mother a brief introduction. Then, with a light smile, she said, "We'll talk about the rest later. Come on, people outside are waiting for us. Let's get through the wedding proceedings first."

Bella wore a look of questioning the meaning of life, but her daughter didn't seem inclined to say more at the moment.

Besides, they couldn't ignore the guests in the banquet hall.

As Amelia walked hand in hand with Ethan towards the banquet hall, she suddenly felt that his palm was very hot.

She turned to him and asked, "Ethan, what's wrong?"

"It's hot. I want to show my tail..." Ethan's voice sounded a bit plaintive as he uncomfortably tugged at his collar.

Alexander wasn't a Therianthrope, so none of his suits were specially designed for Therianthropes.

That's why Amelia had asked Ethan to hide his tail, or else he wouldn't be able to wear them.

She patiently said to Ethan, "Hang in there a bit longer. The wedding will be over soon. After that, I'll take you to rest."

Bella was extremely curious about this suddenly appeared son-in-law!

She glanced at Ethan and suddenly frowned, "Amelia, is he entering his susceptible period?"

"Susceptible period?"

Only Therianthropes had susceptible periods. Therianthropes were a phenomenon of atavism, very rare. The Johnson family only had Amelia's older brother, Henry Johnson, who was a Therianthrope, currently a third-year military student at Beylincoln University.

After reaching adulthood, Therianthropes would experience a susceptible period once a year, the duration of which varied.

During each susceptible period, Therianthropes would have unstable emotions, lack of security, and might even become emotional. After the susceptible period ended, they would blur the memory of this time.

Therianthropes with partners could have their partners help alleviate the susceptible period.

Therianthropes without partners typically used inhibitors or resisted it, which would damage their mental and physical health.

Bella said decisively, "Your brother looked like this during his susceptible period. Didn't he bring inhibitors?"

Amelia turned to look at Ethan. Ethan's eyes were slightly red, and he held her hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

He couldn't even remember his own home, let alone remember to bring inhibitors.

Amelia immediately said, "Mom, go help me get some inhibitors from my brother. I'll finish the wedding proceedings first, and as soon as it's over, I'll give him the inhibitors."

"Can only do that," Bella sighed. What on earth is happening today

As Amelia and Ethan walked towards the banquet hall, Benjamin Johnson was being escorted to the stage with a grim expression.

At this point, Alexander still hadn't returned. It seemed that the wedding was going to be called off.

Benjamin felt that he had been thoroughly disgraced by his daughter!

But his eldest son, Henry, whispered, "Dad, there are people from the First District here today. You can't lose your temper. Grandfather is watching from below!"

The patriarchs of the Johnson and Smith families, along with some important figures from the First District, sat in the front row.

They were all people of status, and at the moment, they appeared calm, occasionally whispering to each other.

But there were too many people here today.

After waiting for so long without the wedding starting, people had already begun to whisper.

"I heard Alexander is still in the Seventh District."

"The Johnson family's reputation has been greatly damaged today. You know, there are people from the First District here today."

"I heard that in a little over an hour, the Johnson family's heiress will turn twenty. If she doesn't get married, she'll be randomly assigned a man!"

"I wonder if it'll be assigned to me, haha."

There were all sorts of comments.

On the Smith family's side, there were also various expressions. Fiona couldn't sit still.

What if the Johnson family became enemies with them because of this?

But Daisy said calmly, "Don't worry, Amelia is crazy about my brother. Even if she marries someone else, she'll definitely find a way to divorce and then continue to pursue my brother!"

Fiona frowned, "Divorce isn't that easy. What if she can't get a divorce by then?"

Daisy smirked, "Then it's Amelia's bad luck."

Benjamin's face grew darker as he listened to these words.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and was about to end this farce when suddenly, the door was pushed open.