
Unexpected Marriage: The First Commander Becomes the Substitute Groom

In the prestigious circles of the Third District, everyone knows of the affection Amelia, the heiress of the Johnson family, holds for Alexander. They are childhood sweethearts from equally esteemed backgrounds. the bride, Amelia, is unusually excited! For completing this wedding means she can finally break free from an arranged marriage, fulfilling a promise to her grandfather. However, on the very day of their grand wedding, the groom suddenly disappears! People may express sympathy or wait for it to turn into a joke. Amelia, left without a groom on her wedding day, decides to randomly choose a replacement groom. Little does she know, this decision leads her into an unforeseen marriage with the Empire's top commander, Ethan. Although initially panicked, Amelia gradually discovers Ethan's extraordinary charm through a series of events. This story is brimming with humor and unexpected twists, while delving into the whims of fate and the wonders of love. As the relationship between Amelia and Ethan unfolds, they will face a series of challenges and adventures, embarking on a journey filled with passion and laughter, presenting readers with a unique love story.

nahhqq · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

that was a oversight

Benjamin regretted laying a hand on his wife.

Bella, tears streaming down her face, disappointedly said, "Benjamin, does this slap confirm what I suspected? Fine, wait for my divorce papers!"

She covered her face and ran off.

Not far away, two young men hurried over. One with black hair, steady demeanor, was the eldest, Henry, and the other with sunny blond hair was the second, Isaac.

It was the first time the brothers had seen their parents argue. Isaac hurried to catch up with his mother, while Henry came to console his father since the guests outside hadn't left yet.

At that moment, just past midnight, the wedding videos playing on the streets and alleys were replaced with various advertisements.

This extraordinarily lively wedding, though chaotic, ended in a bizarre atmosphere.

However, people had already started posting online, joking about the multiple versions of stories behind the groom switch.

A calmer Benjamin accompanied his father, Frederick, in seeing off two important figures from District One when one of them suddenly spoke up, "Is the groom from your District Three?"

Benjamin felt a lump in his throat; how would he know which district the man was from?

But under the scrutiny of the important figure, he forced a smile and said, "Yes."

"And where is he?"

"Uh, the newlyweds are resting. Shall I send someone to fetch them?"

"No need." Gabriel shook his head and walked towards the aircraft.

The man dressed in navy blue military uniform boarded the aircraft one by one, and once the cabin door closed, it took off.

With a smile, Jack, with his golden hair and blue eyes, said, "Today's wedding was quite spectacular. Gabriel, why did you ask about the groom?"

"I feel like I've seen him somewhere." Gabriel pondered the man's figure, feeling like he recognized him from somewhere.

Rubbing his chin, Jack said, "Now that you mention it, he does seem familiar, like... hey, do you think he resembles the king?!"

Gabriel frowned, "Don't be ridiculous! But he is a Therianthrope, and Therianthropes are powerful in spirit. He shouldn't be overlooked. Being so young, maybe we'll see him again at Beylincoln University."

"That's true."

Little did they know, they had just missed the real answer.

Meanwhile, several aircraft marked with royal symbols had already arrived in District Three and begun their search.

Amelia was oblivious to all these happenings.

She woke up hungry.

When she woke up, her stomach grumbled. 

Amelia realized she hadn't eaten anything; she had been waiting for Alexander to return, and then so much had happened one after the other, she hadn't had anything to eat.

As Amelia lowered her head, she noticed Ethan's arm still draped around her waist, his furry tail still wrapped around her ankle...

Amelia was about to move his arm away, but because they were now legally married, she accidentally activated Ethan's microcomputer, which had been on standby.

A multitude of messages suddenly flooded in!

Amelia didn't want to look, but under iris authentication, meaning Ethan hadn't set up any blocking settings, those messages automatically appeared before her eyes.

The sender of the most messages to Ethan was signed as Daniel.

Daniel's latest message read: Uncle, where are you? Are you okay?!

Uncle? Was Ethan that much older?

The moment the microcomputer was activated, it made a beeping sound, effectively giving away Ethan's location to Daniel. Amelia was startled and almost fell off the bed!

"Daniel? Why does that name sound familiar?"

Amelia hurriedly tried to check her own microcomputer, but then she heard an electronic voice emanating from Ethan's microcomputer.

"Reporting, Madam. Daniel is the name of our Federal Empire's king. Normally, ordinary people are not allowed to address him by his name, but you can."

Amelia: "Wha... why?"

"Because he is now your nephew. Hello, Madam, I am Tiger, the commander's AI."

This time, Amelia's brain almost shut down!

Each message was worth its weight in gold, overwhelming her senses!

Ethan is the Federal Empire's first commander?!

Ethan is the current king's uncle?!

She had managed to snatch such a big shot as her temporary husband!


Amelia immediately jumped out of bed, dressed, grabbed her belongings, and decisively ran away!

Amelia didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she had boarded the aircraft and was far away from the central building.

But her back felt cold, her legs weak, and her waist sore.

The experience of being an inhibitor wasn't easy at first, especially considering Ethan's physique.

But Amelia didn't regret it.

She liked Ethan quite a bit, and he had helped her so much. Besides, they were married, so being each other's inhibitors seemed like a natural fit.

But little did Amelia know, the other party had such a prominent identity!

The Empire's First Commander... Wait, wasn't he that cold Imperial war god who always wore a silver mask?

How could he be the same person as Ethan?

Their vibes were completely different!

Amelia felt like her mind was a mess right now.

She forced herself to calm down quickly and dialed her mother's microcomputer. It took a while for her mother to answer, and before Amelia could speak, she heard Bella crying on the other end.

"Waaah, Amelia, I want to divorce your father!"

"Huh? Why on earth would you want a divorce?"

"He hit me! And he's always protecting that Charlotte. I asked him if Charlotte is his daughter, and he didn't deny it! Then he got angry and hit me!"

Isaac's comforting voice came through Bella's microcomputer, probably saying something like "Mom, don't be angry, it must be a misunderstanding. Dad even let you hit him back."

Amelia massaged her throbbing temples and sighed lightly. This was getting really messy.

Meanwhile, Bella, after crying for a while, remembered about the inhibitors.

She quickly said, "Amelia, where are you now? I-I'm sorry, I forgot to send the inhibitors. I'll bring them to you right away!"

"Mom, it's okay, I'm almost home. We can talk about it when I get there."

Amelia hung up the communication feeling utterly defeated. She covered her face with her hands and remained silent for a while before saying, "AC, look up what the sentence for marriage fraud in the Federation Empire is, would you?"

"Thirty years. But, Master, what you did wasn't marriage fraud. He agreed to it at the time."

"Therianthropes in their susceptible period may forget what they did or said..." Amelia's eyes suddenly lit up. "Doesn't that mean he might forget who helped him through the susceptible period?"

"In theory, yes. But Master, don't forget, you're already registered as married, and his AI calls you 'Madam'."

In other words, even if he forgets who helped him through it, he won't forget who he married.

Amelia: "..." Well, that was a oversight!

Forget it, this life was not worth living anymore. Let it all go to ruins!

And just half an hour after Amelia left the central building, the door to the bridal suite opened slowly, revealing Ethan in a deep blue military uniform, his face cold as he buttoned his cuffs and walked out.

The adjutant beside him said, "Commander, His Majesty urgently requests your presence. Shall we return to see the king first?"

Ethan half-lidded his eyes, glanced back at the suite, and gave a faint "Mm."


Zone Three, Johnson Family Mansion.

The Johnson family was in the catering business, with their restaurants having branches in Zone Two and Zone Three.

Fresh food was becoming scarce, and only the wealthy could afford it, while the poor mostly survived on nutrient fluids to meet their basic needs.

Amelia slouched on the sofa, with Bella beside her, looking worried.

"Amelia, is what you said true? That Ethan, he's the First Commander who always wears a mask?"

"His microcomputer said so, it should be true."

"But why are you still with him..."

Amelia covered her face with a cushion. "How would I know? I just randomly picked up a Therianthrope and ended up with that big shot!"