
Unexpected Marriage: The First Commander Becomes the Substitute Groom

In the prestigious circles of the Third District, everyone knows of the affection Amelia, the heiress of the Johnson family, holds for Alexander. They are childhood sweethearts from equally esteemed backgrounds. the bride, Amelia, is unusually excited! For completing this wedding means she can finally break free from an arranged marriage, fulfilling a promise to her grandfather. However, on the very day of their grand wedding, the groom suddenly disappears! People may express sympathy or wait for it to turn into a joke. Amelia, left without a groom on her wedding day, decides to randomly choose a replacement groom. Little does she know, this decision leads her into an unforeseen marriage with the Empire's top commander, Ethan. Although initially panicked, Amelia gradually discovers Ethan's extraordinary charm through a series of events. This story is brimming with humor and unexpected twists, while delving into the whims of fate and the wonders of love. As the relationship between Amelia and Ethan unfolds, they will face a series of challenges and adventures, embarking on a journey filled with passion and laughter, presenting readers with a unique love story.

nahhqq · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

 She thought it was Ethan calling

Amelia asked her mother

"Mom, are you really going to divorce Dad? Although, I also don't approve of how he treats Charlotte so well, but my intuition tells me that Charlotte shouldn't be his daughter. Didn't you secretly do a genetic comparison when you adopted her?"

From facial features to temperament, there was not a single resemblance.

Unless Charlotte had a genetic mutation.

But the extent of this mutation was just too significant.

Bella frowned, "I know, but he treats Charlotte so well! Yesterday, Alexander couldn't make it, clearly because of Charlotte! And yet your father said you were unreasonable! Anyway, I just can't swallow this tone!"

Amelia said, "Mom, Alexander is already in the past, he's not important, so Charlotte isn't either. You don't need to divorce Dad because of me. Of course, if he does something wrong to you, then I'll fully support you in divorcing him. Also, resorting to violence is unacceptable. If he dares to slap you again, you'll slap him with a mecha."

"I think the same way too!"

As mother and daughter were talking, Isaac pushed the door open, "Mom, Grandpa wants to see Amelia."

Currently, apart from Amelia and Bella, no one else in the Johnson family knew the true identity of last night's groom!

On their way to Frederick's study, Isaac reproached in a low voice, "It's all because of you that Mom and Dad are getting a divorce!"

Amelia lifted her gaze, looking at her brother, who was immersed in the entertainment circle.

She sneered, "Why don't you blame Alexander and Charlotte then?"

"Why are you saying that? Charlotte was just eager to attend your wedding. Something happened on the way, and if it wasn't for Alexander saving her in time, she might have been dead!"

Amelia couldn't be bothered to listen to these excuses.

Your first reaction when Charlotte gets into trouble is to seek help from your future brother-in-law Alexander? How normal is that?

Only a fool would believe that.

"Isaac, since you like Charlotte so much, let her be your real sister in the future."

"You think I want to be your brother?!"

"Then I won't force you."

Ignoring Isaac's tantrum, Amelia walked to Grandpa's study, closed the door, and shut her idiotic brother out.

Frederick was sitting on the sofa, wearing reading glasses, looking at a cookbook.

Cookbooks from the ancient Earth period had been lost. 

The one in Grandpa's hands had been pieced together over many years, and many recipes inside were incomplete, yet Grandpa still cherished it like a treasure.

Because at this time, even such incomplete handwritten books could fetch a sky-high price!

Seeing her granddaughter come in, he carefully placed the cookbook under a glass cover on the table.

Amelia just glanced at it before shifting her gaze back.

When she first arrived in ancient Earth, she happened to enter a family of chefs, and the dishes recorded in this book were nothing compared to the number of dishes she had learned.

Of course, Amelia hadn't told anyone about this matter for the time being.

She politely asked, "Grandpa, why did you call me?"

"What about that boy?"

"...He had something to do and left."

Amelia still held a lot of respect for her grandfather. Although she didn't want to deceive him, who knew, maybe she would break off the engagement with Ethan tomorrow, so it was better not to stir up trouble at this time.

She got up to the tea counter, poured a cup of tea for Grandpa, and said, "Grandpa, considering the situation at that time, if I didn't find someone to marry, I might have been randomly assigned a man. What if they gave me someone ugly and wicked!"

Frederick took the tea cup, somewhat helpless, "And you ended up liking this one?"

In Amelia's mind flashed Ethan, crying while kissing himself, and her ears grew hot.

She whispered, "I like him."

It's just a pity, liking isn't enough.

Frederick looked into his granddaughter's eyes and noticed her genuine affection, but she didn't reveal the identity of the other party. He tentatively asked, "Is it because the other party's background is not respectable, and you'll have to support him in the future?"

Amelia hesitated.

My dear grandfather, it's not that the other party's background isn't respectable.

It's that it's incredibly prestigious, even a cough could bring down our family's restaurant!

With a complex mood, Amelia could only nod reluctantly.

But Frederick chuckled confidently, "That's not a big problem. Our family can afford to support him."

Amelia thought, Grandpa, you're too confident!

Even if their family is wealthy, they can't afford the top-ranked Commander of the Interstellar!

However, Frederick didn't bring up the matter again. After taking another sip of tea, he said

"Our family is opening a branch in District One. If all goes well, the branch in District One might be the largest among all branches. In a while, both you and Charlotte will be attending Beylincoln University at the same time. Your father intends for her to take over the studies."

As he spoke, Frederick observed Amelia's expression.

Amelia remained calm, calmly asking, "What's his reasoning?"

"You're not in good health, and Charlotte is meticulous and reliable."

Amelia smiled, "That sounds just like something my dad would say. Grandpa, what do you think?"

Her granddaughter's consistently calm demeanor pleased Frederick.

He had observed her for a long time. Initially, she was indeed physically weak, having been in a coma for five whole years. Later, this girl stayed at home, completely oblivious to the outside world.

The eldest grandson would enter the military in the future, the second grandson loved singing and was immersed in the entertainment circle all day, and then there was Charlotte...

Placing the empty teacup in front of Amelia, Frederick said, "That Charlotte girl is indeed good, but this restaurant belongs to the Johnson family."

Implicitly, he could spoil you, support you, and treat you well.

But as for the Johnson family's restaurant, as an adopted daughter, you can't meddle.

Amelia was somewhat surprised but also found it reasonable.

Grandpa had a much clearer mind than her father, Benjamin. Otherwise, the Johnson family restaurant wouldn't have expanded to several districts.

Amelia smiled, "Grandpa, if the District One branch is entrusted to me, I won't let you down."

"Good, my clever girl. I'm waiting for your performance."

After leaving her grandfather's study, Amelia felt relieved.

She had known her father was biased, but thankfully, her grandfather was on her side.

However, thinking about Ethan's situation made her feel a headache again.

Glancing at the microcomputer, she saw the name of her spouse next to her personal information, and Amelia's heart sank instantly.

This was just great!

Not receiving a single message from him made Amelia feel like the sword of Damocles was hanging over her head.

It made her uneasy.

Just then, the microcomputer suddenly beeped, startling Amelia.

She thought it was Ethan calling!

Hastily, Amelia ran into her room, closed the door, and then checked the microcomputer.

But when she saw the name, her expression instantly turned cold.

Then, she emotionlessly ignored it.

Because it was Alexander calling.

Amelia had enough on her mind with Ethan, starting school, and the District One branch opening.

She had no time to deal with this potato!

But Alexander seemed particularly persistent, continuously trying to call.

After noticing Amelia wasn't picking up, he sent a message.

Alexander: Amelia, please answer the call, it concerns your family's restaurant.