
Unexpected Love Mayhem

Mei Wen, an orphaned soul haunted by a painful past, believes she has reached the end of her rope until a chance encounter with the enigmatic Gu Yao changes the course of her life. Gu Yao, the formidable business magnate with a hidden darkness, unexpectedly intertwines his fate with Mei Wen's. As Mei Wen grapples with the wounds of love and the echoes of her lonely existence, she becomes entangled in a web of mysteries surrounding Gu Yao. Little does she know, their connection runs deeper than chance encounters. Unveiling unsolved mysteries and confronting buried secrets, Mei Wen and Gu Yao embark on a journey that challenges their perceptions of love, revenge, and the true meaning of belonging. In the labyrinth of Gushen City's elite, Mei Wen and Gu Yao navigate a delicate dance, with sparks flying and unsolved puzzles emerging. Will they succumb to the shadows of their past, or will a new spark ignite, bringing with it a chance at redemption and love? Join Mei Wen and Gu Yao as they navigate the intricacies of their intertwined destinies. Can they rewrite their stories, or are they destined to be forever haunted by the past Sneek peak at the novel.. Mei Wen "..." . This man was really capable of making people speechless . " Mr Gu ....I don't understand why you are doing this"  " Don't you want to take revenge Miss Wen " "Yes ..but...". " Then just sign the contract " . He looked up to see Mei Wen who was still hesitating about the whole deal 'this time ,I won't lose you again , you must be mine ' . A/N: Please support , this is my first novel hope you enjoy reading this

ruthie_obi · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 13

Three days later at Jingzu Residence...

Mei Wen was lazing on the bed as she thought of how to unlock her memories , Gu Yao had tried to tell her about things they did in the past but she could not recall a single thing.

Knock Knock!

Someone gently knock on the door before entering the room,with a confused expression she came up to Mei Wen inquiringly .

" Young miss, did you make up with that Zhuang Xian?"

"Zhuang Xian?!, is she here to cause trouble again"

Mei Wen's brows furrowed as she sat up to look at the maid .

"Hmph ,they dare to send an invitation for that woman's birthday party,do you think that they are planning something",the young maid's cheeks puffed up in anger as she thought about it.

" Feng Xin, how do you know that they are planning something " 

Mei Wen laughed gently at the cute maid whom she was the closest to .

Qiang Xin was the daughter of uncle Qiang,who is the butler of this house ,she both loved the pair as they had a lot in common.

These days that Gu Yao was so busy that he went early and came back late made her feel uncomfortable so Qiang Xin and uncle Qiang were the people who made her still feel happy.

" Hmph ,a hypocrite is still a hypocrite no matter how much they change , she definitely has something planned that's why she invited you".

Mei Wen looked up in shock at Qiang Xin who suddenly realised what she said .

"Young miss~, don't be angry at me , okay, I only said it in the spur of the moment ,I ..."

Mei Wen suddenly stopped her and went up to close her door then came back .

" Don't say this in front of anyone apart from me ,not even uncle Qiang, he'll think I'm influencing you "

Qiang Xin eyes suddenly beamed with joy as she rushed to hug Mei Wen before she resumed her normal way of addressing Mei Wen, raising her head proudly as she complimented her .

" Young miss is so well mannered and obedient as your humble servant I can't be worse off , right "

Mei Wen giggled for a while before returning back to her normal self as an employer.

" Hmm ,do you think I should go ,I feel like they really want me to go seeing that they specifically sent one with my name on it instead of Mrs Gu"

Mei Wen looked down for a while before looking up with eyes that formed a crescent as she spoke.

She was never one to bully but she won't just stand against her will and be bullied . She knew that they were setting up a trap for her but they never thought that it would be figured out by her.

In the Gu corporation...

"Sir ,miss Zhuang is here."

Gu Yao who was currently looking and reviewing some projects glanced coldly at the secretary before telling her to let Zhuang Xian see her self out but before he could finish his statement, Zhuang Xian hurriedly entered his office and looked at Gu Yao with an infatuated look.

"Ah Yao ~"

Gu Yao's eyes narrowed down dangerously and the room temperature decreased at a fast pace.

The secretary suddenly tensed up before looking for a way to escape the icy room . Zhuang Xian still looking indifferent didn't notice his expression and went forward to sit on the chair opposite his .

She then looked up and froze up on her spot .

'damn ,has Gu Yao always been this scary ,it must be that b*tch who made him like this ' she thought to herself stupidly.

"Ah Yao I'm here to invite you for my upcoming birthday party, I've also invited Mei Wen also ,so please come too" she said as she reached for the invitation letter in her purse .

Gu Yao frowned ,he had been so busy that he no longer had time for Mei Wen and that made him feel frustrated so he tried to crazily hurried up to wrap up all necessary informations and works that he's supposed to do in a month to make sure that he had enough time for Mei Wen .

The pent up emotions plus the distraction caused him to almost lose rationale for a second before he calmed down and looked up at Zhuang Xian who was still holding the invitation in her hand .

" If my wife agrees ,then I'll go with her " .

Zhuang Xian eyes were filled with anger ,what right does that vixen have to decide whether Gu Yao goes or not .

"Ah Yao..."

"Miss Zhuang, I don't think we are that close that you call my name oh so affectionately,"

Gu Yao remarked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Zhuang Xian, undeterred, attempted to play her cards differently. Leaning forward, she adopted a more seductive tone. "Ah Yao, you know our families have been close for a long time. It would mean a lot to me if you attended. Besides, it's a chance for Mei Wen to socialize."

Gu Yao's expression remained impassive. He wasn't one to be swayed by such tactics.

"I'll discuss it with Mei Wen, and if she agrees, we'll attend."

Zhuang Xian, dissatisfied with the outcome, decided to take a more direct approach. "Ah Yao, I really hoped you'd come. It's been a while since we spent time together. I miss the old days."Gu Yao, unresponsive to her attempts to stir up nostalgia, simply nodded. "I never knew we were that close Miss Zhuang ,I don't think I remember seeing you in my play circle when I was young ."Zhuang Xian froze up before saying awkwardly

" Mr Gu might not remember but I used to play with Gu Yue when we were younger and played with you occasionally so it's possible that you don't remember"

Knowing that she had not achieve her desired outcome during this visit, rose from her seat before Gu Yao could retort back.

"Ah Yao, I hope you consider it. It would mean a lot to me."

As she exited the room Gu Yao sighed, feeling the weight of the complicated social dynamics pressing down on him.

He knew that navigating through these situations was inevitable, especially with Zhuang Xian's persistent attempts to get closer.

Meanwhile, back at Jingzu Residence...

Mei Wen, contemplating the invitation, decided to discuss the matter with Gu Yao when he returned home. She wanted to hear Gu Yao's thought on this as she didn't want it to seem like she made a decision without his opinion.

Hours later...

Gu Yao entered with tiredness evident in his red eyes .he pulled off his coat and was about to go upstairs to see Mei Wen before he saw someone lying on the sofa ,his tired eyes suddenly beamed with joy written in them