
Unexpected Love Mayhem

Mei Wen, an orphaned soul haunted by a painful past, believes she has reached the end of her rope until a chance encounter with the enigmatic Gu Yao changes the course of her life. Gu Yao, the formidable business magnate with a hidden darkness, unexpectedly intertwines his fate with Mei Wen's. As Mei Wen grapples with the wounds of love and the echoes of her lonely existence, she becomes entangled in a web of mysteries surrounding Gu Yao. Little does she know, their connection runs deeper than chance encounters. Unveiling unsolved mysteries and confronting buried secrets, Mei Wen and Gu Yao embark on a journey that challenges their perceptions of love, revenge, and the true meaning of belonging. In the labyrinth of Gushen City's elite, Mei Wen and Gu Yao navigate a delicate dance, with sparks flying and unsolved puzzles emerging. Will they succumb to the shadows of their past, or will a new spark ignite, bringing with it a chance at redemption and love? Join Mei Wen and Gu Yao as they navigate the intricacies of their intertwined destinies. Can they rewrite their stories, or are they destined to be forever haunted by the past Sneek peak at the novel.. Mei Wen "..." . This man was really capable of making people speechless . " Mr Gu ....I don't understand why you are doing this"  " Don't you want to take revenge Miss Wen " "Yes ..but...". " Then just sign the contract " . He looked up to see Mei Wen who was still hesitating about the whole deal 'this time ,I won't lose you again , you must be mine ' . A/N: Please support , this is my first novel hope you enjoy reading this

ruthie_obi · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 11

At Mei Wen's Apartment...


Mei Wen laid face flat on her bed back at her house , when she thought of all the sweet nothings that Gu Yao was saying she punched her pillow in embarrassment.

" Despicable pervert , how dare he kiss me without permission" she whispered to herself as her hands went up to touch her lips.

She was going to move in to his place tomorrow as according to Gu Yao " a wife can't be too far from her husband" .

As she was reminiscing about tomorrow she suddenly got a call. She saw the name on it and instantly her brows furrowed .

" Why is he calling me now ."

She picked it up and the first thing she heard was a dog barking out in a stupidity.

" Mei Wen ,how could you embarrass Xiao Lao in public like that , are you trying to get back at me my making her sad ,well guess what you're wrong , I just don't have the time to waste on insignificant beings like you , How's your life by the way , I'm sure it's miserable that's why you're jealous of xiao lao "

But the other side was just quiet .

Yi Chen checked to see if the line was disconnected but it was still going on. He furrowed his brows as he called Mei Wen's name .

" Hello "

"Mei Wen I'm talking to you"

"How dare you ignore me you jinx,why am I even still talking to you , talking with you brings bad luck to me ". With that the line disconnected.

" Ha!, bastard , you're working at my husband's company ... let's see how long you can last " .

Mei Wen's lips curled up evily as she thought of million ways to deal with Yi Chen and Lu Lao 

The next day...

Mei Wen looked outside in a daze as the car slowly moved along the busy road .

She was finally going to her ' husband ' house . She sighed as she looked out in a distance .

They finally got to Gu Yao's house and the first thing she saw was a woman and two servants who were begging being dragged out of his house .

The woman wore a tight fitting cloth and looked very beautiful ,if you ignore her disheveled state and the way she was screaming at the top of her voice .

Gu Yao,Zhang Yi and the rest of the servants came out to witness the scene.

Gu Yao instantly felt that Mei Wen was around and was looking at him. He looked up instantly locking gaze with her and the fire that was burning in his eyes instantly cooled down and love filled up his gaze to the brim.

Mei Wen who was still far away felt his loving eyes from far away and shuddered .

' bro can you keep it on the low ' .

She thought in her head and Gu Yao instantly smiled and walked towards her in fast strides, with Zhang Yi following at his back .

As Gu Yao approached Mei Wen, the chaos with the woman at the entrance faded into the background. His gaze remained fixed on Mei Wen, and a tender smile graced his lips.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Gu," he said, his voice a soft melody that only she could hear.

Mei Wen, though slightly flustered by the scene she witnessed, couldn't help but return his smile. Gu Yao reached her side, gently taking her hand in his.

"Let's not let anything disturb our newly formed happiness," he whispered, his warm breath brushing against her ear.

Mei Wen's face that was slightly flushed was now as red as a tomato as she looked down to avoid Gu Yao's heated gaze that seemed to throw her into another universe .

They were about to pass by the commotion when the woman that was being held down rushed up at the two of them.

" President Gu, didn't you say that no females are allowed , why is this stinky woman then allowed in " 

The whole place turned silent as everyone present looked at Zhuang Xian with pity . Everyone present knew that Mei Wen was the young miss of the house now as they heard when they were signing the marriage contract and moreover they had been preparing for her arrival since yesterday but this Zhuang Xian came and disrupted everyone.

Gu Yao suddenly raised his head and looked down at Zhuang Xian with contempt , his eyes were like the abyss of hell, if not that she had seen his caring and loving gaze before , Mei Wen would have been afraid of him right now. 

Gu Yao voice sounded very scary when he spoke with anger .

" Miss Zhuang , I think I've been too lenient with you right , because I see that you love making trouble with me ,hmm ?"

Zhuang Xian, feeling a chill running down her spine from Gu Yao's stern expression, attempted to salvage her dignity.

"President Gu, I just wanted to discuss some important matters. I didn't expect you to bring a woman home so soon."

Gu Yao's gaze intensified, and he replied with a voice that could freeze the fieriest of tempers.

"Miss Zhuang, I don't recall your opinion being relevant to my personal life, moreover what does it have to do with you whether I bring in a woman or not into my own house. Now, if you have any work-related matters, you can pass it my secretary."

Zhuang Xian was at a loss for words. The servants held in their laughter as they watched her being dragged down . They never liked this Zhuang Xian but because her family was friends with the Gu family they had to be lenient with her and give her some ounce of respect .

Zhuang Xian eyes were filled with tears as she pointed her hands at Mei Wen .

" What right does a vixen like her have to stay in your place but I can't..." Before she could even finish speaking , Mei Wen had already slapped her as she looked at her with disain , what right does she have to call out such vulgar words in front of her .

" You ....how dare you ,do you know who I am " 

Zhuang Xian was filled with anger and shock,she looked at Gu Yao who was still looking at Mei Wen with love in his eyes , when he felt that she was looking at him ,he looked at her in disgust and disain.

Was this the difference between this b*tch and her, she clenched her fists in anger,' what right does that vixen have to stand beside big brother Yao,she only a little bit more prettier than me and was well endowed' .

 Mei Wen then retorted with an icy voice that seemed to come from hell.

"Then do you know who I am?"

As if the servants knew that it was their cue ,they all shouted in respect.

" Young mistress" . Zhuang Xian eyes were filled with shock and she froze up in her spot .

Mei Wen stood tall, her eyes reflecting a newfound confidence. The revelation of her status left Zhuang Xian speechless and humiliated. The servants' acknowledgment only added to the weight of reality.

Gu Yao, having observed the unfolding drama, stepped forward, placing a protective hand around Mei Wen's waist. His voice carried a firmness that brooked no argument.

"Miss Zhuang, I've made myself clear. Our personal lives are not up for discussion. If you have any work matters, follow the proper channels."

With that, Gu Yao led Mei Wen away from the spectacle. As they walked through the house, he whispered words of reassurance to ease any lingering discomfort.

"Let's not let others' opinions tarnish our joy, Mrs. Gu."

Mei Wen nodded, grateful for Gu Yao's unwavering support. She couldn't help but admire his strength and determination to shield her from external disturbances.

She suddenly frowned as she noticed the dark circles under Gu Yao's eyes.