
Chapter 3

"What do we have?" I ask Derek while tying up my trauma gown. Derek and I were just paged 911 to the ER to tend to a patient that was being brought in.

"Our patient is a sleep walker, which wouldn't be to bad except for the fact that he slept walked out of a second story window." Derek says.

"That sucks. One moment you're asleep and the next you wake up and you're all battered and bruised. Sounds like the story of my life." I sighed.

Derek and I made it to the examination room where Mark, Owen, and Callie were already working on the unconscious patient. He was all cut up from the fall. The patient woke up a short while later in an extremely belligerent state, unaware of what exactly was going on.

Derek and I rushed over and tried to help restrain him as he tried to push everyone away from him, but of course trying to help backfired when the patient's elbow connected painfully with my jaw sending me falling to the ground and hitting my forehead on the machines before landing.

I felt blood dripping down my forehead as I lay on the cold hard ground with my head and jaw pounding. I'm guessing they managed to sedate the patient because soon after I didn't hear any commotion anymore.

"Liliana, are you okay?" Mark asks as him and Derek come help me up.

"I'm fine." I say standing up, but almost falling back down from dizziness.

"No you're not. You're going to need stitches for that cut and your jaw needs to be examined to make sure it isn't broken." Derek says pressing gauze to my forehead and walking with me out of the room.

The first person I see is Jackson Avery which makes my throbbing head hurt even worse.

"Avery, over here." Derek calls.

"Great." I mumble under my breath.

"What happened to you?" Jackson frowns.

"A patient was out of it and Dr. Garcia took an elbow to her jaw and got a pretty nasty cut on her forehead during the fall. Can you take her to an examining room and check to see if she has an concussion and make sure her jaw isn't broken. It looks like she's going to need stitches also." Derek says.

"She is standing right here and she is perfectly capable of determining if she has a concussion or if her jaw is broken or if she needs stitches herself because she is a surgeon." I sigh sarcastically.

"I'm actually a pretty good doctor. I can examine you." Jackson says making me roll my eyes.

"Stop being stubborn and go get checked out. That's an order." Derek says.

"Fine." I mumble before following Jackson to an examination room.

"The good news is your jaw isn't broken just badly bruised. The bad news is you have a mild concussion and you need stitches." He says looking at my CT scans as he reads over my results.

"Oh joy." I say sarcastically.

"You know you're really sarcastic." He reply's handing me an ice pack for my jaw.

"I am not. I just don't like you." I roll my eyes pressing the ice pack to my jaw.

"I'm about to numb your cut for the stitches. It's going to burn." He warns me.

"I know the drill. I am a doctor." I reply before he gives me the shot to numb the area making me wince.

"Back to you not liking me. What did I ever do to you?" He asked as he began stitching me up.

"You being an arrogant ass is what you did to me." I said.

"I am not." He chuckled.

"You are. You stole my surgery, then you made fun of Alex, plus your friend took that locker. You're guilty by association." I say.

"I took one surgery. There's plenty to go around." He says. "Karev is a jerk, and what was so special about that locker anyways?" He asks beginning my stitches.

"For starters, Karev isn't a jerk. He's just going through a lot. And it wasn't just the point of it being a locker. It's just it was supposed to stay empty. That wasn't supposed to change unlike everything else around here." I sigh.

"Is the hospital getting new residents really such a bad change?" He asks.

"It's not just that. Forget it you wouldn't understand." I shook my head.

"Try me." He replies.

"Look, that locker that your friend took was one of our residents lockers. My best friend's locker. George. He was the sweetest most caring guy and he died a little over a month ago." I sighed. "And my friend Izzie got cancer, then she got fired and she left Alex out of no where with no explanation so Alex gets to be a little bit of a jerk. His wife that he supported through the worst time of her life disappeared on him. And to top it off my stupid ex ended things because he couldn't handle my hectic work schedule." I sigh.

"Well I'm really sorry about your friend and that guy was an idiot to break up with a girl like you."

"What exactly do you mean a girl like me? You don't know me." I scoffed making Jackson laugh.

"You're right. I don't know you well, but I know your type." He says.

"And what is my type?" I ask him.

"I can tell you're ambitious and determined from how hard you fought to try to keep that patient the other day. Feisty, but you have a good heart. I can tell by the way you defend your friends. There aren't a lot of people like that anymore." He says.

"I am one of a kind." I say complementing myself making Jackson laugh.

"You're a humble one? Aren't you?" Jackson says sarcastically.

"Yep, it's one of my best qualities." I reply.

"Such a smart mouth. We're going to have to work on that."

"Why exactly would my smart mouth be something that concerns you?" I ask.

"Because I have a smart mouth too and when you and I end up together, we can't have the same personality." He says making me chuckle.

"You seem pretty sure of yourself. Who says you even have a chance with me?" I ask him.

"Look at me." He says.

"Now look who's humble." I say making him smirk.

"Okay, we're all done." He says after finishing my stitches.

"Finally, I have surgeries to get back to." I reply.

"Well unfortunately since you have a concussion, my medical opinion is that you need at least the next two days off."

"You're joking right?"

"I'm afraid not, but you should thank me you don't want anybody seeing you with that jaw until the swellings goes down a little." He smirks.

"I really don't like you." I glare.

"I know." He laughs before walking away.