
Chapter 36

"Noncardiogenic pulmonary dissection." I say to Lexie as we walk down the hallway.

"Aortic pulmonary dissection." She says.

"Yes, wait no, well what I'm saying is I finally understand the complexities of post obstructive pulmonary edema, because I've been up since 4:00 am studying for the boards with Callie, which means I haven't seen my incredibly attractive boyfriend since yesterday, but I don't even care because Callie blew my mind." I say.

"Is she really that good?" Lexie asks me.

"Yes she really is. I mean now that I have her help I know I'm going to kill the boards. I'm gonna make the boards my bitch." I say confidently making her laugh.

"So I hear you and Jackson went on a double date with Mark and Julia." She scoffs.

"Yeah, him and Mark are close now, so we hang out with Mark and Julia sometimes." I shrug.

"Oh, do you like her? I mean of course you like her, everybody just loves Julia." She says bitterly.

"She's nice, a little to bright and bubbly for me, but let's be honest you don't really care if I like her. You care about how Mark feels about her." I say.

"Do you think he loves her" she asks me

"I think he cares about her, but he doesn't love her." I say.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well Callie told me that Julia told Mark that she loves him and he didn't say it back." I say.

"Really?" She smiles.

"Yep, but I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that so this stays between you and I, got it?"

"Got it." She nods, before her pager goes off.

"Gotta go Robbin's is paging." She says before walking away. I continue walking through the hallway thinking over the information Callie and I went over this morning, until I see Mark and Jackson standing in the hallway and Mark signals for me to come join them.

"What's going on? I ask looking at the frowns on both of their faces.

"Jackson here yelled at a patient and a paramedic, the two people you don't want to piss off." Mark says.

"Why would you do that?" I frown.

"I'm sorry alright. I've just been so tense. I'm studying for the boards." Jackson says.

"We've been studying for the boards." Mark says letting it be known that he's been putting in time with Jackson to help him prepare for the boards. "You'll be fine." He reassures him.

"I can't do fine, I have to do great. I'm an Avery." Jackson says irritably.

"Are you getting any?" Mark asks him making me gasp.

"Mark Everett Sloan." I say sternly.

"Did you just ask me if I'm getting any?" Jackson frowns. Mark covers my ears with his hands, even though I can still hear him.

"When was the last time?" Mark says making me smack his hands off of me.

"I'll have you know our sex life is perfectly fine most of the time. It's just with the boards coming up there's no time." I say before walking away.

"There's always time." I hear Mark yell making me roll my eyes. I go find Nelson to see if he has any surgeries since, there's still a couple of hours until Derek and I's tumor surgery. Luckily he has a brain bleed surgery I can do, so I go scrub in and successfully operate, by the time I finish it's already time for me to meet Bailey and Derek in the OR for our dumb bell tumor procedure.  I go scrub in and join them.

"You know what might be fun?" Derek asks Dr. Bailey as we operate.

"I have no idea what might be fun." She says.

"A play date with Zola and Tuck." He suggests.

"Oh, um, well Tuck's five and Zola's what? One?" She asks.

"One and a quarter, but it's more like she's three. She's very mature." Derek smiles proudly.

"Well playing for Tuck means throwing things, breaking things, shooting things at people and things. I don't think Zola would survive a play date with Tuck."

"Yeah, it's probably not a good idea. Forceps please." Derek says.

"There's got to be some kids down at day care closer to her age, even if they aren't as advanced." Dr. Bailey jokes.

"Yeah, I just think it might be nice if she could hang out with kids who have the same, uh, same roots." He says.


"You know."

"You're saying she needs more black kids to play with?" I ask.

"I just don't want her to feel out of place. Hey, you and Avery have been dating for a little while now, you two could have a kid, it would be close to Zola's age." He suggests.

"Derek, are you really suggesting that because I'm half black and Jackson's half black that we have kid, so Zola will have someone else with black heritage to play with?" I ask.

"Yes." He answers making me laugh.

"Well the answer is no. Jackson and I are not having kids anytime soon." I answer before focusing back on surgery. We finish up before taking the patient back to recovery, then I go look at the OR board to see what surgeries are left for today.

"Hey." Mark says walking over to me.

"Mark if you mention anything about sex, I might slap you." I warn him.

"All I'm saying is you're an attractive woman. Jackson's an attractive guy, nice bone structure, hypnotic eyes, etcetera." He points out.

"I know all of this already, Mark." I say.

"Well he's stressed and he needs to alleviate that stress. You seem to be free right now and I don't have Jackson doing anything right now, so how about you help him relax some."

"I'm not about about to stand here and discuss this with you." I say walking away. As soon as I turn the corner I go find an empty on call room and page Jackson even though I wouldn't discuss it with Mark, I needed to alleviate my stress just as much as Jackson.

"Hey, you pag..." Jackson begins to say as he walks into the on call room, but I don't even let him finish before closing the door and pulling him into a kiss and it doesn't take long for both of our clothes to come off. After enjoying our free time in the on call room, we get dressed back in our scrubs.

"I really needed that." I say .

"Believe me, so did I." He smiles before kissing me. As soon as we enter the hallway, we see Mark walking by with a smirk on his face.

"Thank me later." He smiles as he walks past us.

"He loves being right." I laugh. We go to the locker room to get dressed in before leaving and finally heading home.