
Chapter 27

After Lily leaves I get started checking on a couple of post op patients. I couldn't wait to get finished and get home to her. I know how much she likes to be wrapped in my arms when the weather is bad. I meant every word I said earlier when I told her the awards aren't what's important to me. Having her in my life is all that matters. Sometimes I wonder if she knows just how much she means to me.

I finished checking post ops then I go to the locker room to get dressed. As I'm walking out I see Cristina, Meredith, Alex, and Lexie standing outside of an ER room with worried looks on their faces.

"Jackson, we were just about to call you." Cristina says as I walk up to them.

"What's wrong?" I frown.

"There was an accident." Lexie sniffles.

"What type of accident? Who was hurt?" I ask fearing what I was about to hear.

"Lily was in a car accident." Meredith says. I felt like the air was knocked out of me hearing those words.

"How is she?" I ask. None of them answer, they just all look at me sympathetically. "How is she?" I ask again this time raising my voice growing irritated.

"She suffered a lot of injuries. They're trying their best to stabilize her before they take her up to surgery." Cristina says.

"I need to be in there." I say about to walk into the ER room before Alex stops me.

"Webber thinks it's best for us to stay out here for right now." Alex says.

"I don't care what Hunt thinks. My girlfriend is in there fighting for her life. I need to be with her, now move out of my way." I say before pushing past Alex. As soon as I enter the ER my heart felt like it broke into a thousand pieces. Lily was laying there unconscious covered in bruises and cuts. There was so much blood everywhere.

"Avery, you shouldn't be in here." Hunt says glancing up at me.

"I'm not leaving." I say walking over to Lily and standing beside her as they work on her.

"We're losing her." Derek says with tears running down his face as Lily begins to flat line. They get the paddles and begin to switch between compressions and shocking her, but she continues to remain in cardiac arrest.

"It's time to call it." Owen says looking at me sympathetically as her heart monitor continues to flat line.

"No, you have to keep trying!" I yell with tears rolling down my face.

"Jackson, she's not responding." Bailey sighs.

"Please just try again." I plead.

"Give me those." Derek says taking the paddles away from Bailey and beginning to shock her again, this time getting a weak heartbeat.

"We need to get her to surgery now." Owen yellsbefore they roll her out of the ER room.

"I'll come update you in a little while." Derek says wiping away his tears before following them to the OR. I take a moment to collect myself before joining everyone else in the waiting room.