
Start of an interview

Millie asked, "What do you mean?" Lily gave her a sad smile and said, "You'll know soon."

Millie asked nothing more and simply said, "Okay, ma'am." Lily smiled and added, "Let's go home. I will change, then we can rest for a while before heading to the interview." Millie nodded, and Lily began drinking her cola, then handed it to Millie, who thanked her. Lily started the vehicle and said, "Let's go." As they drove, Millie was reading some emails and said, "Ma'am, Chris Mark wants to discuss the new film and your character."

Lily asked, "Did he send us any summary about the movie?"

Millie replied, "No, ma'am, he wants to meet you and tell the story in person."

Lily thought for a moment and said, "Okay, tell me, Millie, which dates are available?"

Millie looked at her phone and said, "The next two weeks are really busy, ma'am. After that, you're free."

Lily said, "Okay, skip some Sundays and get an appointment on any Wednesday."

Millie said, "Okay, ma'am," and typed an email to Chris Mark. After she sent it, she said, "Done," and Lily nodded.

Shortly after, Lily received a phone call. She saw it was her brother and answered, "Hello, Jimmy."

She heard a girl shouting, "Ahhhhhhhh, ma'am, I am your biggest fan!" Jimmy shouted, "Hey, keep it down!"

Lily sweatdropped and said, "Thank you."

Jimmy then said, "Did you complete your commercial?"

Lily smiled and said, "Yes, I did."

Jimmy continued, "I'm going home now. Are you near my university?"

Lily said, "Yes, actually I am very near. Can you pick us up?"

She smiled and said, "No problem, I will be there in one minute," and hung up.

Millie said, "So you will pick up Jimmy?"

Lily nodded, "And his friends as well."

Millie sweatdropped, "That would be a heck of a ride."

Lily awkwardly said, "Yeah, haha."

After a few minutes, Jimmy came out with his friends. He spotted his sister's car, and they got inside. Jimmy sat by the window, Sadie in the middle, and Isaac at the other window.

Jimmy said, "Let's go," and Lily started driving.

Sadie, a little nervous, said, "Ma'am, I am your huge fan. I am honored to meet you."

Lily smiled and said, "Thank you, ma'am."

Sadie continued, "After that, can I get your autograph? I asked someone, but that guy is very lazy." Jimmy just rolled his eyes.

Lily laughed and said, "Okay, I will," and Sadie was happy. Isaac, smiling, said, "Ma'am, can I also take some pictures with you?"

Lily said, "Sure."

When they arrived home, Lily parked the car. Sadie took out a poster and marker, and Lily said, "You brought that?"

Sadie replied, "I always bring it."

Lily sweatdropped and signed the poster. Isaac gave his phone to Sadie and said, "Take a pic."

Sadie took a picture of Lily and Isaac, and Isaac looked at the photo and said, "It's good. I will post it on Instagram and flex."

After that, Isaac took a photo of Sadie and Lily. Sadie looked at it and said, "It's great." Isaac nodded. Sadie then gave the phone to Millie and asked, "Ma'am, can you take a picture, please?"

Millie looked at Lily, who smiled and nodded. Millie took the phone, and Sadie pulled everyone into the frame. They all took a group photo with Lily. Sadie then ran to Millie, looked at the photo, and said, "Oh, that's awesome. Thank you, ma'am, you are very kind, unlike someone." She gave Jimmy a look, and Jimmy said angrily, "Hey!"

Lily laughed and said, "You all come in," and they got inside. All of Jimmy's friends sat on the sofa and started watching movies. Lily and Millie went to Lily's room, and Lily said, "Wait here, I will change and come out."

Millie looked around Lily's room, thinking, "Wow, her room is very simple compared to her home." She noticed a particular picture of a man with a small child and thought it was Lily with her father. However, they didn't look alike; he looked young, possibly her older brother.

Lily then came out wearing The Venus Maxi Dress - Santino Black, which had a sleek black design, a deep V-neckline, an empire waist, and a high slit. Its long, flowing sleeves completed the elegant, sophisticated look. Millie looked at her, her eyes widening in admiration. "Ma'am, it looks stunning on you!"

Lily smiled warmly, "Thank you." She glanced at her watch. "It's 1 AM. We still have an hour and a half, right?"

Millie replied, "Yes, ma'am."

Lily suggested, "Let's go and sit with my friends."

Millie hesitated, "Ma'am, if you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"

Lily said, "Yeah, sure."

Millie looked at the photo, curiosity and caution in her voice, "Who is that guy in the picture beside your bed?"

Lily paused, her expression shifting to one of sadness. She looked at the picture and gave a sad smile. "Oh, that picture. He's my dad, Noah Madden."

Millie's eyes widened, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pry. Next time, I'll address him with more respect."

Lily's smile was gentle. "It's okay. Relax." She immediately added, "Let's go downstairs."

Millie sighed with relief, "Okay, ma'am."

They went downstairs, where Lily's friends were playing Sea of Thieves on the PS6.

Sadie looked at Lily, her eyes sparkling with admiration, "Wow, ma'am, you look exquisite!"

Lily smiled, "Thank you, dear."

Jimmy said proudly, "Yes, she is right. Sister, you look amazing. Well, that was my choice after all."

Lily laughed, "Thank you, Jimmy."

Isaac added, "Yes, ma'am, you look stunning."

Lily thanked him and then sat on the sofa, inviting Millie to sit beside her. She wanted to rest, but Jimmy interrupted, "Just sit already."

Millie, annoyed, muttered, "This brat."

Jimmy heard her and asked, "What did you say?"

Millie replied, "Nothing."

Lily sighed, "Will you both ever stop fighting?"

Millie said, "With all due respect, ma'am, your brother has no manners on how to talk to a lady."

Jimmy rolled his eyes, and Lily told him firmly, "Jimmy, that's not good. Say sorry to her."

Jimmy, looking embarrassed, said, "Sorry."

Lily smiled and ruffled his hair, "Good boy."

Jimmy, blushing, said, "Hey, stop it!"

Everyone laughed, and Millie stuck her tongue out at him. Jimmy muttered, "Just you wait."

After some discussion and light-hearted banter, Millie checked her watch, "Ma'am, it's time to go."

Lily looked at her watch; it was 1:25 PM. She sighed and stood up, telling Jimmy, "Today, I think Mom will come early, so don't make a mess. You know she is scary when she is angry."

Jimmy said, "Yeah, I know. I will keep it down."

Lily smiled, "So, I will leave now."

Jimmy's friends said, "All the best, ma'am."

Lily smiled and waved at them.

Sadie said eagerly, "Open the channel TalkArc."

Jimmy replied, "She just left, you know, and it will start at 4 PM."

Isaac said, "Yeah."

Lily and Millie got into the car and headed to the TalkArc studio. While Lily was driving, Millie was looking at her documents and emails.

Millie asked cautiously, "Ma'am, you might be aware that there is a rumor spreading about you?"

Lily sighed deeply, "I know what you're talking about. The one about having a relationship with Griffin?"

Millie nodded.

Lily said, her voice firm, "They will bring up that topic, I know. I will tell everyone it's not true."

Millie said softly, "But he is a good guy."

Lily replied, "He is, but I will not marry anyone. I want to be unmarried and stay with my family, that's all."

Millie sighed, "Okay, ma'am."

After a few minutes, Millie asked, "Ma'am?"

Lily replied, "Hmm?"

Millie asked tentatively, "Can I play some music?"

Lily said, "Sure."

Lily played "Lose Yourself" and commented, "Perfect song for perfect timing."

After some time, they reached their destination. They both saw the huge building, and the massive gate opened for them. On the side, the media stood with cameras, eagerly waiting for her entrance. Millie sighed and said, "Let's go, ma'am."

Lily, feeling nervous, drove inside the gate, which closed behind them. They parked the car and went inside the building, where two interviewers stood with a bouquet.

"Welcome, ma'am. We've been waiting for you," one of the interviewers said.

Lily smiled warmly. "Don't call me ma'am, just call me Lily."

Alexandra, one of the interviewers, beamed. "Lily, I'm your huge fan."

Lily smiled. "Thank you."

Steve, the other interviewer, asked, "Are you ready for the podcast?"

Lily nodded, "Yeah, I am."

Steve continued, "Our set is ready. If you want, you can do a touch-up."

Alexandra nodded in agreement.

Lily looked at Millie, "Do I need to?"

Millie shook her head, "I don't think so, ma'am."

Lily smiled, "Then we can start."

Steve checked his watch and said, "Our scheduled start time was 4:00 PM, but you're here at 3:15, so we'll start at 3:30." He turned to his team, "Change the reminder and tell everyone the podcast will begin earlier."

The team member nodded and made the necessary adjustments.

At home, Sadie was looking at the TalkArc channel. She turned to everyone, excited, "Look! They shifted the time. Now it's starting at 3:30 PM. Only 15 minutes left!"

Isaac stood up, "Wait, I ordered something to eat. What would you like?"

Jimmy said, "Pizza."

Isaac smiled, "As expected. And Sadie, how about chicken wings?"

Sadie nodded, "I'm in."

Isaac said, "Okay, I'll order now."

Meanwhile, Jimmy's mother was packing her stuff at work. One of her staff members asked, "Ma'am, are you leaving?"

She nodded, "Yeah, today is my daughter's interview." She left and got into her Mercedes-Benz C-Class, driving home.

At TalkArc, they arranged three microphones and sofas. One chair was placed opposite the others. Alexandra and Steve sat down and began testing their microphones. After ensuring everything was set, they gave thumbs up, signaling the start of the interview.

Alexandra started the podcast with her usual bright enthusiasm. "Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of TalkArc Podcast. I'm Alexandra Smith."

Steve, her co-host, chimed in. "And I'm Steve Brown."

"Today, we have a very mysterious guest," Alexandra teased.

"Yeah," Steve added, "she's someone we don't know much about. Very popular, but remains quite unknown."

Alexandra laughed. "Totally! To uncover that mystery, we've brought her here. You all already know who she is—the best female actor and the people's personal favorite from the movie 'Unexpected Mothers.' Please welcome, Lily Madden!"

Lily Madden, dressed elegantly in a stunning black maxi dress, entered the studio, waving at the small but enthusiastic audience. They cheered, "Yeah, Lily!"

Back at home, the excitement was palpable. Sadie looked puzzled. "Isaac, what's all the commotion about?"

Jimmy glanced back at her. "Mom, the interview started!"

Their mom checked her watch. "Isn't it early?"

"Yeah," Sadie confirmed. "They started half an hour early."

Their mom smiled, setting her bag aside. "Okay, I'll quickly prepare some food."

Isaac interrupted. "No need, Aunty, I ordered food."

She smiled at him. "Thank you." They all settled on the sofa in front of the television, captivated by the interview.

In the studio, Lily smiled and bowed. "Thank you, everyone, thank you!"

Alexandra and Steve stood to hug her. "Hello, Lily! Welcome to our podcast," Alexandra said warmly.

"Thank you, everyone!" Lily replied, taking a seat as the audience's applause filled the room.

"I love you, Lily!" someone shouted, making everyone laugh.

Lily laughed too. "Thank you!"

Steve began, "Lily, you are the most awaited guest on our podcast. look at the stats 90k people were waiting on YouTube"

Lily smiled, slightly taken aback. "That's a lot!"

"Thank you for taking the time to join us," Alexandra added.

"The pleasure is mine," Lily said. "I'm a little nervous right now."

"Why's that?" Steve asked.

"Because I like your podcast!" Lily explained. "My brother and I love to watch it, and he's a huge fan of Alexandra."

"Really?" Alexandra said, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah," Lily continued. "He was so happy when I told him I'd be on the podcast with you. He said, 'They are my favorite people! I like Alexandra, she's cool.'"

Steve chuckled. "What's his age?"

"He's 19 now," Lily answered.

"Now I get it!" Steve said, and they all laughed.

Alexandra looked at the camera, winking playfully. "If you want to meet me, I'll be there!" The studio burst into laughter.

At home, Jimmy blushed. "Okay, I admit I had a crush on her."

Sadie glared at him. "You bastard!"

Isaac, confused, asked, "Why are you angry?"

"I don't know," Sadie muttered.

Their mom looked at Sadie angryly. "Whom did you call a bastard?"

Sadie realized her mistake. "Sorry, Aunty, I said it to Isaac."

"Me?" Isaac exclaimed as Jimmy began to laugh.

Jimmy's mom still glaring at her. "That's what I thought."

In the studio, Alexandra kicked off the conversation, "So, Lily, how are you?"

Lily smiled, "I am fine."

Steve jumped in, "We have a lot of questions. Like, a lot."

Lily laughed softly, "I know."

Alexandra continued, "Before starting with the main questions, I have to say again, Lily, I was so happy when you accepted our request. You're the only actress who has such a huge fan base, yet we know so little about you."

Lily, a bit nervous but smiling, replied, "Yeah, I know."

"When I watched you in 'The Protector,' your first movie, right?" Alexandra asked.

"Ah, yes," Lily confirmed.

"For those who don't know, she played the manager of the Protector. When I saw your role, I was like, 'She is the manager, but her role is better than the main actor's.' From then, I became your big fan," Alexandra said with enthusiasm.

Lily smiled, "Thank you so much. I think I was average; Patrick did a better job."

Steve interjected, "Don't cut yourself short. All the ladies loved you."

Lily nodded, "That's all thanks to my fans."

Alexandra added, "Yeah, you have a huge following, and many people want to know more about you. But I want to ask you one more question. I watched 'Unexpected Mother.'"

Lily nodded, "Yeah."

"When I watched that, I was crying hard. Your acting made it so emotional. When the emotional scenes came, everyone in the theater was crying. You were even nominated for an Oscar for that role," Alexandra remarked.

"Yeah, but I didn't win," Lily said, reflecting.

"Were you frustrated a little? That movie got three Oscars for Best Story, Best Dialogue, and Best Child Actor, but not Best Female Actor," Alexandra inquired.

Lily thought for a moment. "I was sad I didn't win, but I was happy my movie got Oscars. And Maya, the child actor, she was amazing."

Steve chimed in, "Yeah, that child was so cute, and her acting was spot on. But I must say, you were born to act. You deserved an Oscar for that movie."

Alexandra noted, "On Twitter, the hashtag #UnfairOscars was trending number one in the world."

Lily acknowledged, "I am aware of that, but it's okay. If not for this movie, maybe the next one. I will definitely get an Oscar someday."

"That's the spirit," Steve encouraged.

Alexandra smiled, "You are very kind, you know that? Talking to you feels very positive."

Lily responded, "That's all because of my parents. So, yeah, thanks to them."

Alexandra moved on, "I will come back to your family later. One last question before we start with the main ones. There are some rumors about you and Griffin being in a relationship."

Lily sighed, "I knew this would come up. No, we are not in a relationship. Actually, we are not even friends. I don't know him very well."

Steve added, "He mentioned in an interview that he likes you and thought it would be great if you were together."

Lily firmly said, "Even if he said that it's not going to happen. I live with my family, and I will stay unmarried till the end and die that way."

Alexandra, surprised, said, "Wow, that's bold."

Lily nodded, "Yeah, I have gone through a lot in my life, and I just want to live peacefully with my family."

There was a moment of silence in the podcast, and Steve decided to break it. "So, Lily, let's get deeper into the conversation, if you don't mind."

Lily forced a smile. "Yeah, I am ready, but I must say this single podcast isn't enough for my story."

Alexandra quickly added, "If it comes to that, we can continue tomorrow."

Lily, still nervous, smiled and said, "Okay, let's do it."

Alexandra nodded. "Alright, our first segment is about you."

Steve continued, "As the segment suggests, 'About Me,' so Lily, you have to tell us everything about yourself."

Lily took a breath and began, "Okay then, my name is Lily Noah Madden. I studied at Saint International School and got my degree in mechanical engineering from the Henry Samueli School of Engineering with a 3.9 GPA."

Alexandra grinned, "You were a nerd!"

Lily laughed. "Nah, I wasn't. I used to bunk classes and go to auditions for acting."

Steve was intrigued. "So that's how you got your first role?"

"Yeah," Lily said. "When I was in my last year, I heard that near my university they were holding auditions for a manager role in a low-budget film. I wanted to try, so I went and acted naturally. They sent me an email saying I was selected, and that's how I got the role."

Alexandra asked, "Do you have any friends?"

Lily responded honestly, "I only have one, and that is my manager, Millie. That's all."

Steve was surprised. "Not a single friend at school?"

Lily sighed, "There was one at school. I won't name her, but she was like my best friend. Then she just ditched me and started spreading rumors about me."

Steve leaned in. "Like what?"

Lily hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "She said I was slut who seduce her boyfriend."

Alexandra said, "Yeah, I can tell. Sometimes jealousy makes people do things like that."

Lily gave a sad smile. "She actually helped me a lot when I needed it, but then one boy in our class proposed to me. I said no. He was such a sweet guy, and he said it was okay and that we could still be friends."

Steve nodded, "And that made her jealous of you. She might have liked that guy."

Lily nodded. "Yeah, I think so. She was very beautiful, more than me, but she did that to me, so no one talked to me. I was alone. I did my middle and high school there and got 96% on the entrance exam to get into the Henry Samueli School of Engineering."

Alexandra said, "Wow, that university is for scholars. You were a nerd!"

They all laughed, and Lily said, "At that time, I was, but towards the end, my grades kept falling, and I became the lowest grader in my family."

Steve said, "You've got to be kidding me. The lowest in your family? What a nerdy family!"

Lily laughed sadly, "Yeah."

At home, Jimmy's friend looked at Jimmy and his mother. Jimmy said, "Stop staring and look at the TV."

Sadie sighed and muttered, "Now I can see."

Back at the studio, Steve asked, "You don't have friends, so you might not have had any boyfriends, right?"

Lily said, "Yeah, I was single all along."

Alexandra said, "So let's start with the second segment, about your family."

Lily, now getting more nervous, said, "Can I get some water?"

Someone gave her a glass of water. Steve noticed her stressed face and asked, "Do you want a break?"

Lily said, "No, I'm fine."

Steve nodded and gestured for Alexandra to continue. Alexandra said, "In this segment, we will talk about your family."

Lily took a deep breath and said, "My father's name is Noah Madden, and my mother's name is Ava Madden. I have a brother named Jimmy Madden, my aunt is Emily Hope, and my uncle is Liam Hope. I have a cousin named Leo."

Alexandra asked, "From your mother's side?"

Lily continued, "I have my maternal grandfather, Lucas Sap, and an aunt, Ivy Sap."

Both Steve and Alexandra were shocked. "The CEO of SAP SE?" Alexandra asked.

Lily nodded. "Yes."

Steve said, "That means your father married the CEO's daughter, Dr. Ava Sap?"

Lily nodded again. "Yes."

Alexandra said, "Wow, and she's a gynecologist, right?"

Lily nodded. "And my father was a software developer at SAP SE."

Steve, still in shock, said, "What?"

Alexandra added, "I must say, your father was a heck of a player."

Lily laughed, and at home, Jimmy's friend looked at Jimmy and his mother. Sadie said, "Wow, your aunt is Ivy Sap? That's so cool! That's my dream company."

Jimmy's mother smiled and said, "One day, you will get there."

Sadie, smiling, said, "Thank you, ma'am."

Back at the studio, Alexandra asked, "What are their ages?"

Lily replied, "My father passed away at forty, and my mother is fifty-one."

Alexandra said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Lily, with a sad smile, said, "It's okay."

Steve asked gently, "Lily, if you don't mind, how old are you?"

Lily smiled, "I'm thirty-five."

Steve then said, "This might sound rude, and for that, I'm totally sorry, but are you adopted?"

Lily understood and said, "It's not a problem. Yes, I am adopted."

Alexandra asked, "At what age were you adopted?"

Lily replied, "When I was twelve."

Steve asked, "Did your father adopt you from an orphanage?"

Lily, with a bit of hesitation, said, "No, he found me on the streets."

Steve and Alexandra widened their eyes. Alexandra said, "So that means you know your first family?"

Lily frowned and nodded, "Yeah, I know."

Steve asked seriously, "Were they rude or harmful?"

Lily was silent for a moment, then began, "No, it was hell. It already ruined me."

Alexandra asked softly, "How?"

Lily took a deep breath and began to recount her story. Everyone was stunned, and Alexandra had tears in her eyes. Steve was angry, and at home, Jimmy's friends were shocked, and Jimmy and his mother were in tears.