
Safe and secure

Xie Mings words exploded Li Singtans mind. He stopped thinking and attacked her lips.

Clutching on his shirt, Xie Ming closed her eyes and started kissing him back.

Li Singtan then kissed her cheeks and then her eyes and said," I love you Ming."

Xie Ming laughed and started removing his tie. She then started unbuttoning his shirt.

While Xie Ming was busy unbuttoning his shirt,Li Singtan was moving his hands all over her body," Where did you buy this from?"

" Ehh from a store." Xie Ming said.

Lifting the lingerie up, Li Singtan slid his hand inside and said," You should buy more of these."

When his warm hands touched her bare skin, a pleasurable sensation passed throughout her body and she moaned in agreement," Ahh ya hmmm."

Her hands unbuttoning the shirt stopped moving and she said," Take this off on your own please. I think I Ahhhh-"