

Li mansion.

"Dude will you stop smacking my head, it hurts." Rubbing his head, Guang sighed.

"Well, you deserve it. How dare you make our Qiang cry?" Smacking his head, Ashton gritted his teeth.

"Smack him again from my side Ash because he deserves it." Wrapping her arms around Guang's waist, Qiang kissed him on his cheek and added, "Did he smack you hard baby?"

"Yes baby, very hard." 

"Awww come here, let me soothe it for you." Caressing his head, she asked, "Is it hurting alot?"

"Hmm but a kiss would help." 

When Guang lowered his head and Qiang kissed him, Ashton closed his eyes and groaned, "Too much PDA guys."

"Ash, what is Elsa doing?" Guang asked.

"She just fell asleep after taking her meds, she needs to rest you know. Hey, I am not done with your Guang. How can you assume such a thing and not talk to me? Do you think I am that stingy and mean?" Ashton asked.