
Huang and Huiling's truth

 Gritting his teeth, Zian snapped, "Cute? What makes you think that they look cute?"

"Okay then how do you think they look together?" Yumi curiously inquired. Based on how possessive the Li family members were about their wives, sisters and daughters, she was expecting the same kind of reaction from Zian and a worse one from her father.

Without waiting for a single second, Zian answered, "Like brothers and sisters, Guang is too old for Qiang. My sister is small and well Guang is big." Though he knew that he sounded very lame but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was to prove his damn point.

Rubbing his chin, Zixin raised his brows. "So are you trying to tell us that twenty-five years old Guang is old for your twenty-four year old sister?"

Pursing his lips, Zian retorted, "Why do you have to bring up their age? That isn't necessary and—"