

Scrunching his brows, Liang gritted his teeth, "You don't have to be so rude." Left with no other choice, he called his mother out for justice, "Mom, dad is being mean again." 

"Don't drag me into this mess honey, I am out of this stupid conversation," Yixi answered. 

"But mom you need to talk to dad, he won't listen to me," Linyang sighed. 

Narrowing his eyes, Yutang frowned, "Woah young lady, there is no point telling your mom because I am not going to listen any—" 

Cutting him off, Yixi snapped, "Yutang, why are you behaving like a wuss?" 

"But honey—" 

"Your daughter is big enough to take all the decisions on her own, why are you trying to interfere and boss around in her life? She is an adult now and she knows what she is doing," Yixi snapped. 

Inching closer, Yutang whispered, "But babe, she wants to stay with that man—"