
Chapter 4-Kasey

Married. Married. Married.

That's all that ran through my head after Alexis Reid left. I mean at least she's a beautiful, level headed woman but still. It wasn't the way I thought I'd go at getting married.

Preston and Anna King were the only people I was thinking of. My dad was calm and reasonable but I knew my mother was going to freak out all the way to Mars. So I took the best bet and called my sisters, Kora and Kai, asking them to come over.

I hopped in the shower while I waited for them, contemplating how to even approach the topic. I hopped out, got dressed and drank some tea as I waited on them. I couldn't help but pace around as I did.

I heard a knock and rushed to the door, quickly opening it. "Okay..." Kora said walking in. "Hey." Kai said as I dragged her in and shut the door. "What's so urgent?" Kora asked. "You guys need to sit down." I told them, pushing them onto the couch. "You need to shut up until I finish telling you this." I said as they both nodded at me.

"I met this beautiful woman yesterday, shared a few drinks and we got drunk to a point of oblivion. Woke up today, found out we got married and I kicked her out. I was so harsh to her when she was trying to talk it through. What the fuck am I going to do?" I said in one go.

"Okay you need to calm down." Kora said. "You got married?" She asked and I nodded. "You bought her back here?" Kai asked and I nodded. "You woke up today with not much memory of what happened?" Kora asked and I nodded. "Found out you actually married her yesterday?" Kai asked and I nodded. They were doing it on purpose, I swear.

"Did you guys fuck?" Kora asked. "I wouldn't remember even if we did." I told her. "Okay and you kicked her out because?" She asked again. "I panicked and I had no better reaction to the news." I told them. "So you didn't talk about fixing this?" Kai asked and I shook my head.

"You need to get into contact with her." Kora said and I sighed. "I know that but I'm not ready." I said brushing my hand through my hair. "Like you weren't ready to get married?" Kai asked. Always the blunt one. "Come on. I'm not ready to face this. To face her. She said and I quote, "Fuck you by the way" before she changed and left slamming my door so hard." I exclaimed.

"I like this girl you're married to. She's not afraid to put you in your place." Kora said, smiling at me while nodding her head looking fucking stupid. "Call her, Kase." Kai said nodding to my phone. "I will. I promise I will just not now." I whispered. I was so confused.

"Annulment is easier than divorce. Get it now. Get it done." Kora suggested. "Give me a week tops." I suggested, smiling to reassure them. They looked at each other before they looked at me. Sigh!!! "Don't tell mom and dad. Especially mom. Not now at least." I pleaded and they nodded. Why did I have to be a stupid drunk? Why couldn't I just not be interested? In a hot woman who was currently very married to me and very angry at me.

Because I mean looking past our little setback, she was definitely someone I'd date. She was my type exactly. Short in height, light green eyes, long dark hair, golden brown skin which kinda made me confused on what her race was. She didn't look Black or Hispanic but I could tell she wasn't White/Caucasian. Definitely didn't look Asian either...

I sat with my sisters some more conversing over beer before they had to leave. A week, huh? I needed more than that to mentally prepare but I guess we can't always get what we want. I was mostly terrified of her. The woman's anger was no joke.


A week later

I called my sisters once more later in the morning. I had to make it believable at least. The lie I told them that was. I told them I called Alexis and we sorted it out. Truth was, I needed to clear my head. Addressing the whole marriage issue was not a part of that.

Alexis still hadn't called me either and a part of me was relieved. Maybe she felt the same way I did. Way too anxious to deal with any of it. My sisters bought it and they thought I was communicating with Alexis again.

I didn't know how long they'd lay off but I just needed to think. I had a few things I needed to think about and understand.