
Unexpected Bonds: A tale of friendship and Love.

"'Unexpected Bonds: A Tale of Friendship and Love,' follows the journey of a freshman student in SHS who finds himself falling for the head of the school. As their bond grows, they navigate the challenges of high school life, friendship, and the complexities of their feelings. Will their connection withstand the pressures of school and society? Join them on this heartfelt and captivating journey of self-discovery and young love."

Anna_Danquah · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

"Heard we will be doing our housework after the orientation next week," Ben said, 

He joined them today in Jesse's class as they waited for the siren to chime their breakfast time before they started with the orientation.

Jesse was trying to shift the focus away from his recent room incident. In the classroom, he leaned back, nursing the aftermath with a swig of water.

"Housework? Like scrubbing and mopping?" Jesse queried as Ben nodded in confirmation.

" I don't know how to do any of these" Jesse whined.

" What" came out of four people.

The news surprised Nkansah, William, and Gideon, who overheard the conversation. Perplexed, Jesse couldn't fathom their astonishment, so he dismissed it with a shrug, opting for a desk nap before the breakfast siren.

After a breakfast of corn porridge and round bread,  which Jesse didn't eat complaining of whiskers in the porridge opted to get a fried egg and a toast of bread which he ate hurriedly in order not to let his friends wait for a long and be late for the orientation.

Jesse, still avoiding Honourable Kelvin, strategically sat in the middle of the assembly hall with his friends. The chatter of the freshers surrounded him as they settled in, discussing Harmony High's famed entertainment days.

Unwilling to join the conversation and regretting leaving his storybook behind, Jesse observed the lively atmosphere. Suddenly, the assembly hall was hushed as the headmaster, accompanied by key figures, including the prefects whom he spotted Honourable Kelvin.

Jesse swiftly averted his gaze, avoiding eye contact with Honourable Kelvin as he didn't want to be noticed and was not ready for any potential confrontation.

As the headmaster initiated the orientation, Jesse's mind wandered, contemplating the repercussions of his recent mishap.

The headmaster, a stern figure with greying hair, approached the podium in the Assembly hall. This was the second time they were seeing their headmaster.

His voice resonated through the hall as he welcomed the freshers to Harmony High, emphasizing the school's commitment to excellence and discipline. Jesse, still preoccupied with thoughts of Honourable Kelvin, tried to focus on the orientation.

Following the headmaster's address, he introduced the senior staff accompanying him. The senior housemaster, a tall man with a commanding presence, was introduced as Mr. Anderson. Beside him stood the house mistress, Mrs Thompson, a no-nonsense woman known for her dedication to students' well-being.

The headmaster continued with the introduction of the domestic head, Mr. Johnson, responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the boarding house. The head of academics, Mr. Carter, was introduced next, his glasses perched on his nose as a testament to his scholarly disposition.

As the headmaster spoke, other staff members gradually joined on the stage. The headmaster announced them as heads of various houses, each named after notable individuals in the school's history. There was House Mandela, House Turing, House Nightingale, Rena House, and House Curie among the boys. On the girls' side, there were House Austen, House Keller, House Parks, House Hepburn, House Kahlo, and House Pankhurst.

Jesse's attention wavered, but he tried to absorb the information about the house system. The headmaster explained how the houses fostered camaraderie, healthy competition, and a sense of belonging. Prefects from each house were introduced, and their responsibilities were outlined. As the headmaster concluded his part, he entrusted the rest of the orientation to the prefects.

The headmaster, along with the senior staff, exited the stage, leaving the prefects to guide the freshers through the details of their academic and boarding life. Jesse's worries about Honourable Kelvin lingered, but the organized chaos of orientation began to distract him momentarily.

As the headmaster and senior staff left the stage, the prefects took charge of the orientation. Each prefect, a dynamic duo of both genders, took turns presenting themselves. The assembly hall buzzed with anticipation as the school's leaders stepped forward.

First up were Josh and Emily, the Dining Hall Prefects, who shared their responsibilities with enthusiasm. Following them were the Protocol Prefects, Honourable Maddie, and Honourable Kwesi, each radiating a sense of authority.

The Health Prefects, Jake, and Lily, emphasized the importance of well-being, while the Environmental Prefects, Alex, and Zoe, highlighted their commitment to a sustainable campus. The Chaplain Prefects, Michael and Grace, spoke of fostering a sense of spirituality within the school community.

Also, The house prefects, representing the diverse houses of Harmony High, introduced themselves:

Rena House:  Dan and Arthur

Turing House: Bonsu and Eugine

Mandela House: Samuel and Rex

Austen House: Ethan and Felix

Keller House: Daniel and Nate

Parks House: Akosua and Olivia

Nightingale House: Rita and Natalie

Edison House: Judith and Erica

Curie House: Morrison and Chloe

Hepburn House: Anna and Hannah

Kahlo House: Abena and Katherine

Finally, the spotlight fell on Rose and Kelvin, the Girls Prefect and Head Boy, who eloquently concluded the introductions. The assembly hall absorbed the diverse personalities and roles each prefect brought to the table, setting the stage for a school year full of challenges and growth.

When Honourable Kelvin took the stage for the dos and don'ts, a palpable tension filled the hall. His stern voice outlined the rules, and with each infraction came a detailed punishment. The freshers listened intently, a sense of fear settling in as Kelvin's words seemed to reverberate through the hall.

Kelvin's commanding presence didn't waver, and Jesse, still on edge, couldn't help but feel a knot in his stomach. As Kelvin continued, there was an unexpected interruption — a commotion at the back of the hall. A few students were whispering and glancing toward the entrance.

The murmurs grew louder, drawing everyone's attention.