

I wandered aimlessly across the island. Although, the years of blame and weeks of turmoil with Gwendolyn at the forefront subsided. Eventually, I had to end up back at the Carpenters’, nevertheless my mind was a disaster. The farther I walked, the more muddled I became. I’d cried more in the last two hours than I could remember in the last two years. Tears didn’t bring clarity, only a headache.

I couldn’t imagine how I’d tell James that Legend had a fifty percent chance of having Huntingtons, much less suggest having him tested. Moreover, I couldn’t figure out why we would want a death sentence for a child we’d just met. If there wasn’t a cure, then why live with that looming overhead. It made no sense to me, but it wasn’t my choice to make. Legend wasn’t my son—not biologically anyway. James and Gwendolyn would need to be the ones to make that decision. I didn’t envy either in that choice and wished I could fix it with a hug, since that was about all I had to offer.