
Undying love.

What happens to us after death? wanna read to find out?

Emilia_Mora · Fantasy
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Bitter Sweet Tragedy.

"Baby I'm home!"

no response, only the sound off muffled voices and creaking could be heard throughout the house.

placing your bag down as you took off your heels, your eyes landing on another pair that you didn't recognize. Even if this was shown as a red flag, you decided to ignore it and head to the bedroom. Rage and pent up stress threatening to overflow with every step you took.


kicking open the once locked door, your eyes darkened at the sight.

laying nude was a woman you didn't know while your supposed "boyfriend" hovered above her.

biting back, you kept your calm composure as you sighed.

"Take your bitch somewhere else. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house." you growled, fighting back tears.

"B-babe, it's not what it looks like! she means nothing to me!" your boyfriend tried to explain while the unknown woman scrambled to put on her clothes.

"Shut up and get out before I call the cops..." you threatened.

As if a switch had been flipped, his once kind and concerned persona had turned into a snobby asshole.

"tsk, whatever...you were shit anyways..." he spat, grabbing his clothes and walking out with the unknown woman following behind.

As the front door was slammed shut, you felt a wave of sorrow and anger wash over you. screaming, you threw items as they broke against the floor and wall while holes were made as you kicked and punched nearby doors and walls.

Blinded by rage, you had ended up shattering your mirror as blood dripped down your fist. As your fist throbbed in pain, you continued to take out your rage on the still shattered mirror.

In the end, the room was in shambles and your body had been battered and bruised due to your sudden outburst of rage.

With a bit of a struggle you had managed to make your way twords the bathroom to get yourself cleaned up and to take care of your injured body.

As you stripped from your now bloodied clothing you filled the tub with ice cold water as you examined the damage you had done.

Small yet deep cuts and dark bruises littered your body as shards of glass were on display, poking out from each cut. although the sight was a bit gruesome it held no effect on you.

Grabbing a pair of tweezers, you carefully began to pluck the various shards of glass from your skin.

Once finished, you deposed of the glass and slowly let the cold water sooth all of your pain. As you sank deeper into the water, you felt your body go numb. soon you were completed submerged under the water until you felt the air leave your lungs.

Accepting your fate, you let yourself slowly drown as your vision clouded with water and black dots that seemed to grow bigger with every passing second until eventually you felt yourself go limp as your eyes had closed....


"Breaking news, the famous Singer known as (Y/n) (L/n) had tragically taken her life yesterday..."

"reasons are unknown to reporters for now, some say it was due to a breakup while others suggest murder. More details on the topic will be shared later today..."

"Rest in peace miss (Y/n)...."