
Undying Immortal Emperor

The Boundless Immortal Emperor in the Realm of Immortal Martial Arts, due to his astonishing talent, evoked jealousy and fear, thus prompting schemes to eliminate him. Sixteen years later, the Boundless Immortal Emperor is reborn in a lower plane, returning today with a resurgence of slaughter. Those who once wronged him shall find no peace. Those who once missed their chance at love shall harbor no regrets. 'My myriad enemies, countless as the mountains of corpses they now lie beneath.

linzhang190 · Eastern
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320 Chs

Chapter 238 He has died once

The sky was silent, except for the howling breeze, which blew the long hair and clothes of Ye Chen and Yan Qingyun.

The two of them stood quietly in the sky, preparing to decide the outcome. However, no one took action. It was as if time had frozen, no one moved, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation.

After a long time, Yan Qingyun's aura bloomed first, seeming to soar to the sky.

The celestial phenomena behind him are almost solid, as if there is a god standing behind him, with his palms open, gathering endless celestial phenomena, and the power is infinite.

"Back then, I relied on the Yan Huang Jue to win the throne in one fell swoop. Today, I also rely on this to punish the rebels and kill Ye Yu with the sword. If you can beat my move, this Yan will be yours."

Yan Qingyun's voice was calm, but it revealed his determination to fight to the death.

 "bring it on."

Ye Chen was also very calm, but there was a solemnity in his calmness.

It's not fear, but respect for Yan Qingyun.

"Yanhuang Jue - Holy Emperor Lingtian!"

Yan Qingyun shouted solemnly, and slapped his palm down in the air, carrying a celestial figure on his back. He also dropped his palm in the air, and his palm prints surged, like a giant mountain. Before it could reach it, a shocking pressure swept out.

A dark gap appeared in the sky, as if the sky was torn apart by the seal, with astonishing power.

"Ye Yujian died under this move. I wonder if Ye Wuji can resist?"

The crowd's color changed slightly, everyone looked forward to it.

Regarding this battle, they have no position and will not deliberately support anyone.

Yan Qingyun is the leader of their country.

However, Ye Wuji is upright and worthy of admiration. Whoever wins will lose, but based on their strength, they are lucky to be able to witness this battle.

"Star body."

Ye Chen shouted softly, and bright stars emerged from all around him. The space seemed to turn into a starry sky in an instant, forming a world of its own, blocking out Yan Qingyun's terrifying power.

"Stars and celestial phenomena, are you an immortal warrior?"

Yan Qingyun was horrified. The Saint Martial Realm can communicate with the power of the stars in the Nine Heavens. Only the Immortal Martial Arts can evolve the celestial phenomena and integrate their own power into the rules of the Nine Heavens.

Without immortal martial arts, it is absolutely impossible to use the power of celestial phenomena.

At this moment, Ye Chen condenses the stars and celestial phenomena. Could it be that he is an immortal warrior?

"No, that's not right, these are stars, not celestial phenomena. Have you practiced physical skills?" After a moment, Yan Qingyun understood that the power Ye Chen exuded was not the power of the stars in the sky.

It seems more like a physical skill.

"You can think so."

Ye Chen nodded, and then punched out, carrying the power of the bright stars, facing Yan Qingyun's Yanhuang Jue head-on.

A loud rumbling sound was heard instantly, and the indestructible Yan Huang Jue began to crack. Dense cracks instantly covered the entire seal, unable to withstand Ye Chen's attack.

Finally, with a bang, it was completely shattered.

Yan Qingyun's expression changed dramatically, and he waved his palms continuously, and saw the infinite stars condensing crazily, and his palms transformed into tens of thousands of feet, layer by layer, as if they were fused with hundreds of millions of Yan Huang Jue, and the power surged hundreds of times.

"The second level of Yan Huang Jue - the Holy Emperor's Judgment!"

Yan Qingyun shouted, billions of seals were superimposed rapidly, and the sky was surging wildly, reflecting his face with constant flashes.

The next moment, the star figure roared out, as if carrying all the power of Yan Qingyun, like a god Lingchen, trying to judge the disobedient people in this world.

Wherever it passes, everything will be destroyed. The obedient will prosper and the disobedient will perish. All things will be judged.

"White Tiger Sword Technique!"

Ye Chen raised his hand, and the green blade suddenly appeared, and the bright stars roared out, like sharp and terrifying sword energy. Then, a huge divine beast hovered in the sky, causing wind and clouds in all directions, and sword energy from all directions, like the master of this world. .

"This is... the mythical beast White Tiger!?"

Zhao Huaiyun suddenly opened his eyes. This phantom seemed to resemble a divine beast, which was different from the divine beast Ye Wuji released three months ago.

God, could it be that Ye Chen's practice relied on the power of all the divine beasts?

Yan Qingyun's pupils also widened violently, and he was horrified, but he had no choice. He unleashed all the power of the celestial phenomena and rushed towards Ye Chen.

But at this time, Ye Chen had already activated his sword energy.

When Xuanwu landed, its power was hard to describe in words. At first, there was no shock, but after Ye Chen fell, it was like a wild beast that had escaped from trouble, stirring up the wind and clouds and shaking the world.

It was even more like there was a roar of a beast, and the sound of the sword was like thunder, shaking the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away.

People dozens of miles away became distraught and retreated again.

Finally, the final showdown between the two people completely collided with each other. An astonishing roar rumbled through the sky, and along with the terrifying aftermath, they ravaged wildly, and the area of dozens of miles was reduced to ruins in an instant.

The imperial city, which was originally just ten miles of ruins, now seemed to be facing the end and was about to collapse completely.

The building was shattered, and countless cracks opened in the ground, like giant pythons, coiling on the ground.

Such terrifying destructive power shocked everyone.

In the terrifying duel, the power of the Holy Emperor's Judgment was blocked by the White Tiger Sword Art, and even penetrated layer by layer. That sword seemed to be unstoppable, and even Yan Qingyun, who exploded with all his strength, could not resist it.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

"Father, be careful!"

A series of exclamations suddenly came out.

The crowd saw in shock that the White Tiger Sword Jue cut through the sky, directly piercing through the Holy Emperor's Judgment, cutting a long crack and pointing directly at Yan Qingyun.

Yan Qingyun's expression suddenly changed, but now he had no strength to fight back, so he had to withdraw and retreat.

However, everything was too late. The speed of the White Tiger Sword Art was so fast that it almost swallowed up Yan Qingyun in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Huaiyun and Yan Xianghan trembled instantly and burst into grief-stricken roars.

Hundreds of millions of people were also throbbing violently, looking at the scene in the sky in disbelief.

Yan Qingyun was defeated?

Being killed by Ye Wuji forcefully?

At this moment, there was silence in the sky and on the ground. Everyone was looking at the white tiger sword energy storm. It was a terrifying force that could break the Holy Emperor's judgment. It was probably enough to crush Yan Qingyun.

Time seems to have frozen at this moment.

As if after several long centuries, the sword energy storm finally dissipated.

Then he saw a figure, like a falling star, piercing the sky and hitting the ground, creating a huge deep pit.

Yan Xianghan, Zhao Huaiyun and others rushed away quickly, looking at Yan Qingyun lying flat in the pit with blood dripping from his eyes, and shed tears of grief.

"Really... kill?"

Jian Xinghe, Hu Tianming and others had trembling expressions.

Yan Qingyun died, and Dayan was classified as Ye Wuji?

"Ye Chen." Feng Wushuang looked at Ye Chen, her beautiful eyes twinkling, as if she was unwilling to accept it.

"Kill him, kill Ye Wuji!" Yan Xianghan roared in grief.

Zhao Huaiyun stood up solemnly, followed by Yan Yunjun, staring at Ye Chen, only to hear Zhao Huaiyun say: "Ye Wuji, I once said that if there is a war, I will give up my realm and fight to the death. Today, I will give you back Realm, let's fight again."

As he spoke, Zhao Huaiyun tried to destroy the world.

But he saw Ye Chen snap his fingers, stop his movements, and said calmly: "He has died once, but he can be reborn. You should ask him first if you want to give up your life."

 What! ?

Zhao Huaiyun's eyes narrowed.

Yan Yunjun's expression trembled.

Yan Xianghan and Feng Wushuang suddenly raised their heads and looked at Ye Chen.

Hundreds of millions of people are already shocked and confused.

He has died once, but he can be reborn.

What does this mean?

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