

We were summoned to another world. A world where there is magic and martial arts. Space Fragment or also known as Dungeon is everywhere. A world where being different is not a crime. In a world that has many different races, the legends on Earth are here. Gods are watching us, they are the ones who summons us. The world that is called "Accra" I am a Clente. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Finally, I found you!" "Who are you?" I become vigilant as a beautiful man appeared out of nowhere in front of me. [Analyzing the subject...Failed] [Error! Error! Error!] [Unknown energy detected! Analyzing the energy!] [Error! Error! @#$&$-#@#] «!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» Wisdom is shocked, he can't even provide information. Before I could ask what is happening, the beautiful man that is in front of me smiled then I lost consciousness. _ _ _ _ _ _

The_Fool_Bunny · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Then he took a paper in his dimension and place it separately in the stack of paper.

The receptionist who is in a daze immediately woke up and began working immediately. She scans the missions and posts the recruitment that Cin gave her in the Recruitment hall.

Cin accepted a thousand missions, it only takes 5 minutes for it to be Scanned and the receptionist nodded.

"A total of 34,929 missions ranging from G-S. Would you like to put a separate Mission Hall in your clan territory? I will send a receptionist there to settle in, and it will be connected to all of the Mission Hall available in the whole area."

"Wait," said Cin, then he take out his wand that is on his waist and move it in some weird gestures.

A mini-hologram immediately materializes in front of Cin, only Cin can see it and not others. But the Magicians can feel a terrifying concentration of Mana in front of Cin, it is so condensed that you'll that once it broke it will cause a catastrophe.

Magicians and Healers got goosebumps, while the Warriors may not feel the mana but immediately feels that something changed in the atmosphere.

"Master," Cin said and bow politely

In the hologram, Ciel can be seen. The spell that Cin cast is not his spell, it is a spell that is in his wand which Ciel gave. It uses the surrounding mana and concentrates on perfection to form a connection to the other side of the person he is willing to call.

Ciel called this spell "Live Call"

"What's the matter?"

Cin recounted what the receptionist said, Ciel on the other side didn't move.

The people-watching Cin talk in the air didn't know what was going on, no they didn't know why he is talking in the air.

"I'll be there"


Then Ciel cut the call, Cin also put his wand in his waist and the mana in the surrounding immediately become stable as nothing happen.

It only took a slight delay, not even a second for the mana to stabilise. The Magicians sigh in relief but immediately all the people got goosebumps again.

A human appears in the back of Cin, there's no disturbance of mana in the surrounding, even the atmosphere is the same it's just like he appears out of nowhere.

A beautiful man in white appeared. Although he is wearing a veil it can't conceal his beauty. Whether it is a man or woman, they not only blushed but there's also blood dripping on their nose.

Others have lust in their eyes but didn't dare to move 'cause they feel that once they move they'll die.

Some freshmen fainted, and some even are seniors.

People who have a weakness in beauty and have weak minds faint on the spot, the veil that Ciel wears before is thick white but not it is white but also likes a transparent. If he still attracts attention in his thick white veil what's the use of that? So he modified the veil to be transparent and thin.

He just wears a veil since he always wears one for this 1 month and he easily got used to it.

Cin didn't speak, he is also shocked because Ciel's veil changes when he is calling him he still wears the thick white veil but has not changed.

Cin is still not immune to Ciel's beauty, no he can't be immune, it will always have this feeling of attraction. Ciel will only be beautiful and beautiful in his eyes.

Ciel's beauty is astonishing that's a given. Although he wears a veil that slightly covers his face, you can still see his face because the veil is transparent. The veil only acts as a purifier of air that Ciel breathes.

If someone sees Ciel, they'll have the first thought and that is to tear the Veil. The second thought does not do it. The last thought is just thankful that you see it.

Ciel walks in front of the receptionist and spoke.

"Any more convenient features that a clan can have?"

The receptionist's nose is bleeding but she continues to work, although she will glance at Ciel from time to time.

She gave the book to Ciel, Ciel took it and started scanning the book.


<<A total of 10 features are available to clans, the mission board, workers, mission hall, trade hall, recruitment board, teleportation, transport, deliver, buy, sell, and loan.>>

<< These 10 features are available to clans, the mission board is connected to all mission boards in Academy, Workers are free, they consist of assistants, receptionists, helpers and so on. They didn't need to be bought, paid, and fed, a total of 15 is available for small clans, and it will be more and more as the territory expands. Mission Hall, is like this one, you only need to give them a space of your territory to build the mission hall or you can choose to design the mission hall. Trade Hall is like the Mission Hall, but this didn't have a board 'cause the trade is face to face with a middleman. The recruitment board is also connected to all Recruitment boards in the Academy. Teleportation is available, a large crystal will be built which you can use to teleport to other areas with Teleportation. It cost 20 points peruse. Some magicians didn't need this but it is convenient for warriors and so on. Transport and Deliver is a separate and also one, you can transport your good in another hall to sell or it, and can use the deliver to but products that are available in another hall. Buy and Sell, are the only acceptable currency points.>>

<<That is the available feature.>>

'What do you think? Shall we put all ten or not?'

<<I suggest putting all ten for convenience if the territory got immigrants, they're going to use this. The book didn't contain that the Hall will not pay for the use of space territory, the master can rent them the space depending on how wide it is. But use the 3 months of protection as a free, then after 3 months, the master can start collecting rents. Master can put the Halls between the lower and inner districts. Master's territory is the only one with a floating island, it is the main attraction. Only a matter of time before the lower district will be full of rent.>>

'How about the shopping district?'

<<Master's territory is wide, although it is only 4km which is 2.5 miles, it is already wide. Houses here are not like the modern world. The 150 per month rent of the lower district is a condominium, each condominium consists of 50 floors and each floor has 10 rooms. Master's territory can have thousands of people. The inner district can have solo houses and stores for merchants or so on. The core district is for higher in status, it is located on the floating island. Not available for now. Master doesn't need to live in the ground since you have your territory in the sky, unlike others.>>

'I see, then let's proceed to the plan. Remind me if there's missing.'


Although I and Wisdom talk, it only lasts for 3 seconds. My thoughts can be accelerated to a degree so it is not that long.

"Yes, I can build the building you can send your workers there" then Ciel gave 30 coins with a C symbol.

"This is the passage, you just need to break it and you'll be sent to my territory. Each coin can carry one person. I'll talk to the person in charge if they arrive in my place."

Without waiting for a reply, I grabbed Cin and we disappear.

When the 2 disappear, it only registered to people that they're gone 10 seconds later. A commotion broke out.

"Who's that?"

"I feel like a fish"

"What clan is that?"

"You didn't find anything special?"

"What special? They're already special with that face. The one with white-silver hair, ahhh I can't forget that face."

"I mean, the mana. There's no disturbance but they disappear."

"I'm not a magician, how should I know?"



"F-fuck! Look at the recruitment board!!"

Then the people immediately hoard into the recruitment board.

"They're recruiting immigrants, providing housing and protection in their territory. 150 per month is the rent which is considered not cheap but not expensive. The image of the housing, is this real? You can have your bathroom?"

"What bathroom? You can just cleanse yourself with magic!"

"Trash! Don't compare your weird ethics to using warriors, we can't use mana so how can we clean ourselves in magic? You don't know the satisfaction of taking a bath!"




"L-look at this, they also have a room that is quiet and a training ground. 10 points per hour, if it is quiet then Magicians can have a better concentration for their practice, even Warriors. But they didn't let outsiders benefit in it, only those immigrants who choose to rent a room."

"They only have a room per person not for those who want to have a share."

"They have!! Look at this, 250 per month for two, 350 per month for three, and so on. You only need to take care of your food since the territory only opens now and no shops are available. B-but warriors and magicians can survive for not having a meal for a month."



"I'll immigrate here, if it is not to my satisfaction then I'll transfer a month later."

"Me too"

"Count me in"

[Recruitment post

We the Undyed Clan are going to open our territory for recruitment. We offer housing and protection in our territory for immigrants.

Lower district:

150 per month

250 per month for 2 person

350 per month for 3 person


Specialities: Have your room, bathroom, study room and so on.

Note: You can choose to design your room for 300 points.


Training Room - 10/hour

Speciality: A quiet place with no disturbance.

Inner District: Not available

Core District: Not available]

In another Mission Hall, a commotion breaks. A handsome man with a small dragon on his side flying, on his back, is his sister and brothers.

He is Lager, the crown prince of the Krypton Empire. The princes and princesses are on his back, but he didn't pay attention to them and even to the gazes he receives.

Lager is still in the dormitory, he didn't create a clan. His siblings are always following him but he didn't pay any attention to them.

Lager immediately walked in front of the Mission board, he glance at them and see which one is suitable. He didn't choose and shifted his gaze to the Recruitment board.

On the Recruitment board, posts from big clans, towers, and the academy, are here. There's also the Undyed recruitment for immigrants. But Lager didn't pay attention to that since he didn't know them, no, he choose not to pay attention because he was not interested.

A man with blonde hair and crystal eyes with a crow on his shoulder walked in. The attention that gathers at Lager immediately shifts to him.

The blonde man is alone, there's no one on his side except for the crow.

The small black dragon and crow eye to eye each other before choose not to ignore each other. The blonde man is Eram.

He immediately noticed Lager, he frowns 'cause although Lager's hair changes not his face.

"Lager Silva," he said in a cold tone

What Eram called is not the crown prince, but the Lager in the previous world.

Lager also shifts his gaze at Sonin and he also frowns.

"Eram Klaus" he also said in a cold tone

It feels like they have hatred for each other and see their number one enemy. The atmosphere in the Mission Hall dropped to a certain degree.

There's silence that descended. Although this new face looks like a freshman, no one belittles them. Their Aura is completely different. They're not like the seniors that are studying in Academy and doing missions for points.

Although they're freshmen, they have their skills since their summons from another world.

The summons is not uncommon here in Accra. It's just that no one got a summons from Earth, in this batch of summons only got a summon from Earth.

It is not that all of them are from Earth, so meeting someone you know in your previous world is like a fate or coincidence. The summons in this batch is mixed and this batch is one of the most summonses.

That is what they know, some are from Earth, the others are from the ancient era, some are from Magic Era, where some are from Murim and so on.

The thousands of summon in this Era can be considered special since they have a system that also acts as surveillance for them. Even though the earthlings know the system due to games, they still provide knowledge about it. So the Murim, Magicians and others know how to use this System.

The system is like an assistant but it didn't answer, it gives quests and choices, so for the month, the summons got to know how to use it.

They're special, they are in their teens. The previous summons is already dead or old, so the summons is not uncommon.

But if you compare the previous to the present summons, you'll feel their differences. The previous summons only knows the world and doesn't have skills and so on. So they start at weak and become strong. Some are even unmotivated.

These summonses are can be considered strong from the start, at least they know one profession or so on. But some still choose to live a normal life here in Accra or are afraid to be known.

The prophet calls this Era "The Bless and Chaos Era"

That is what is known to all of the Accra, The Bless Era since they're special and the Chaos Era since they're too many.

Accra is the name of the World, the Accra Academy is the oldest and most prestigious Academy, although there is many more Academy.

The Astrid Academy is purely an Academy for Magicians, Mages, Wizards and so on. Although they have different names they're the same.

The Zon Academy is purely an Academy for Warriors, Archers, and so on.

The Seron Academy is also known as the Criminal Academy. They're the cruellest Academy, the nature of them is to kill for their client and pursue profit, not loss. They can betray easily but they're also the greatest ally if paid handsomely.

The Laan Academy is the Academy with the best Healers, Priest, Doctors and so on. They're the most sought, they treat patients but they also seek payments.

There are also academies such as Morna, Zerin, Awun, Quimun and so on that study all professions but they're smaller than the Accra Academy.

The World is wide. That is a given.

Eram and Lager only glare at each other, but that glare contains everything.