

Death and Taxes. The two insurpassable laws of the universe. So long as humans exist in this world, these things will remain. However, there is a 3rd law which has always, and will always implement itself on people. Suffering. Reincarnated in a new world, five people are forced to learn this the hard way. Placed on 'Nightmare mode' and being reincarnated as monsters, they are forced to survive under incomprehensible conditions. However it is only through suffering, that we grow as people. And it is only through suffering, that we truly become monsters. "Nightmare mode.... eh? Tell me, what exactly was this mode supposed to mean again? Were our lives supposed to become nightmares?" Without suffering, there is no change in anything. "Or were we supposed to become the nightmares?" This is the story of the antiheroes.

Dubstheduke · Fantasy
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486 Chs

Volume 10: The Overconfident Invader: Chapter 234- Unpredictable Irrationality

The antiheroes laid in their beds as Trevor resumed the movie which was playing on the ectoplasmic screen in front of them.

"Oh? Coran is doing really well. He's using all sorts of different tactics, so as to not allow his enemies to recognize and predict his patterns. As expected of him.", Trevor commented with his hand to his chin in thought.

On the screen, Coran took out hundreds, and eventually thousands of the wasps and the offspring within the nest.

"No mercy even to the babies. Keh heh... Now all that's left is the queen.", Ashley giggled.

The four watched with amusement as Coran entered the lair of the queen and fought one of the guards, with a cocky attitude that showed his complete dominance over the wasps.

'While it is true that overconfidence can be a bad thing, it can also be used as a tool to irritate ones opponents, and when used properly and not taken advantage of, it is actually a preferred method.', Trevor thought.

The four enjoyed seeing the clear irritation in the wasps who served as guards as Coran played with them, only to finish them off after spouting a few lines.

"Get em!! Kill em!!! Hahaha!!"

Ashley seemed to be cheering from her bed.

It was then that the camera zoomed in on the face of Alicia.

"Look at that bitchy queen up there on her throne.... heh heh heh.... I bet she's lived an easy life with all those servants sucking up to her. Too bad she's about to lose everything!", Ashley snickered.

'Wait a minute....', Trevor thought. 'That facial expression.....'

Trevor pushed up his glasses and looked closer at the face of the wasp queen with utter confusion in his eyes.

'Just.... what could that mean? I can't read it!? I have absolutely no idea why she could possibly have a face like that. She isn't angry, nor is she flustered at losing her men.... but she isn't coldly shrugging it off either as if they didn't matter... there's something else which seems to have completely taken over the mind of that wasp... some strange and unpredictable emotion... just what is it?'

"Take a look at the expression of that wasp. What on earth is she thinking??", Trevor asked.

"Oh, you mean that.", Samantha replied smoothly. "Well, I suppose you wouldn't be able to understand that. You may be good at reading people when it comes to business, but you're pretty clueless when it comes to this type of emotion."

"What's that supposed to mean, woman?"

"She's in love. Just look at her face. Could it be anything else?"

"Love!? Are you telling me that the reason I can't comprehend her is because it's something as undefined.... something as irrational as love!?"


"Hmm..... I suppose that is my greatest fault.... while I can easily read people most of the time, so long as they act rationally, I am completely in the dark when it comes to irrational actions such as those under the influence of external emotions.... I should take this into account, but will this end up effecting my simulations regarding Coran's progress? No, I don't think so. It is that woman who is in love, and Coran seems to be about to kill her as well, so there shouldn't be any derivation from the simulations."

However, it was then that Coran offered to let the woman live.

'Impossible! No, wait.... this too is a rational decision. He isn't saving her because of something irrational like emotions. He believes that she could be of use to his mission, and that she could become a worthy member of the Dictatorship if she submits to us... I see! Well done, Coran! Expanding our following even in an unexpected situation like this. I've taught him well.'

"Ehh.... she isn't gonna die?"

Ashley seemed somewhat disappointed.

"Of course not. Coran has deemed her as a useful pawn to obtain. What leader would throw away the life of one who is willing to follow them so easily?"

"I see.... that's kinda boring...."

However, it was at this moment that- after Coran had offered for Alicia to become a slave of his masters- that Alicia replied emotionally.

"I want to become YOUR slave!!!"

"Ehh... so she's that type??", Samantha commented with disgust.

"Are our slaves even allowed to have slaves?", Garett inquired.

"Hmm.... a good question. I suppose we'll have to address Coran about this later. Let's continue watching.", Trevor replied.

The movie continued, and as if it was some sort of comedic act, Coran and his new 'slave' set off for the human realm, bantering back and forth like a couple.

"Heh heh... this is actually kinda funny.", Ashley giggled.

It was then that the four watched as Coran attempted to peacefully enter the wall, but of course the humans refused to so much as listen to a monster.

And so, dozens of men were killed.

'I told him to kill those who got in his way, and prioritize his own safety, so while this was a bit extreme, I don't think there was any better option here.', Trevor admitted.

The four continued watching as Coran progressed through the Empire, with Alicia at his side, and eventually made it to the town of Porta, where he witnessed the disturbing situation at the orphanage.

And finally, after hiding in the attic, they witnessed Coran snapping, completely deriving from his original orders and kidnapping the children.

The four sat in mere silence, looking back and forth to one another.

"Theo....", Garett asked.

"Yes, Gary?", Trevor replied with clear irritation in his voice.

"Was this a possibility among the simulations you ran?"

"No, Gary. It wasn't."

"Eh? You didn't predict this??", Samantha asked, flustered.

"No. I didn't."


'Just what went wrong!? Why did Coran act in an irrational, and emotional manner!? Was it really.... was it really to save those children?! Well, I suppose I can understand how he might have felt.... perhaps if I had witnessed them being abused like that, I too would not have been able to simply stand by and do nothing, but this is CORAN! He is far weaker than we are, and not quite as intelligent. He doesn't know for sure if that action is a safe one or not!! Are you telling me that he put himself in danger for the sake of those children?? What could it have been?? What could it have been?? AH! I know what it was! It was that woman next to him! Her unpredictability must have spread to Coran, creating a scenario which was also unpredictable!!! How could I have missed this!?'

Trevor was in deep thought as to Coran's overall situation.

'But, he should still be fine, right? Even in such a scenario, unless a hero shows up then he shouldn't have any issues, right? And.... I suppose we did send out those orders for him to run psychological tests and social experiments on people to determine their worth. Could it be that he did this for the sake of following those orders?? No, wait! Those orders didn't reach him until the following day- that is, today. Hmm... I suppose the best thing to do would be to keep watching.'

And so the four continued watching, to witness something which was far beyond expectations.

Coran established a family, with a father, a mother, and children among those who he had kidnapped.

'Oh!!! I see.... I see! He was doing all this for the sake of the mission, so that he could blend in among human society!! It all makes perfect sense now! How could I have missed this!? But.... will he be alright? His actions are sure to have caused repercussions among the humans...'

It was later on the second day that Coran received the message from Berith, at which his plans changed.

He smiled devilishly as he came up with a plot.

'I know exactly what that smile means.... he's figured out a plan.... that's more like it....'

And so, the four watched the videos as the six groups were put under all forms of tests, from simple fighting to moral choices and psychological games.

"Hahaha!! Look at the faces of those scum!! They really thought that they were gonna be let free!! I like this Nathan kid. We need to bring him over here sometime.", Ashley giggled.

"Take a look at the insects who insulted the children in front of Coran. They met a fate deserving of their impudence.", Samantha noted elegantly.

"And those money grubbers at the end there!! They really thought they were gonna get out alive with the money!! What pieces of shit!! Haha!!", Garett crackled.

In the end, the four were highly satisfied with Coran's performance.

"I admit that for one reason or another, Coran's actions were beyond my predictions.... but I will also say that in just a single day, he managed to complete the task which we spontaneously assigned him, and provided us with some quality entertainment as a result. Not only this, but he eliminated most of the scum in the town, and kept alive the few who were deemed to be decent human beings. To be honest, this is nothing less than a complete success. I wonder what he will do from here on out? Perhaps I was too worried about him. Maybe he really does know what he's doing.", Trevor noted.

The other three nodded in agreement.

"Should we contact him?", Garett asked. "We still need to ask about that woman. After all, what if his loyalty to us has wavered?"

"That is a possibility which I cannot completely deny, as much as it pains me to consider. We will contact him immediately."

And so, Trevor dialed Coran, who answered immediately. This was right after Coran had sent away the four humans which he allowed to live.

[Your excellency? As your humble and loyal servant, I await your command. I can only hope that my performance has been acceptable to you. Should there have been anything in my actions over the past two days which has displeased you, I will remedy it immediately.]

"Ah, hello Coran. Well.... I had a few questions to ask. But perhaps it would be inappropriate to do this over the phone. Don't you three agree?"

Samantha and Garett nodded, but Ashley merely rolled her eyes.

"Are you telling me I have to get out of bed?"

"This is important."


Trevor snapped his fingers, and the scenery around them changed.

Now, they were at a campfire in a cave, surrounded by children- most of whom were asleep. Only the oldest ones were still awake, and they seemed to have just finished getting the younger ones to bed.

At seeing his masters appear in front of him, Coran immediately kneeled facing the ground, and closing his eyes before his masters.

"You too, Alicia. Bow before them. These people are my masters."

The wasp queen next to Coran reluctantly followed suit, and knelt alongside Coran.

There were two children who were still awake as well- Nathan and Rebecca, the two oldest children. Coran too looked at them, and beckoned for them to bow.

"My children, these esteemed people are those who I am enslaved to. Bow before them, lest they kill you for insubordination."

The two nodded, and without a single bit of hesitation, joined Coran and Alicia, bowing before the antiheroes.

Ashley seemed to smile with glee at seeing how well trained these children were, and how they were bowing before her without even having ever met her.

It was a wonderful feeling.

If only her previous life was like this.

Samantha overheard the thoughts of the two in their minds.

'We were saved by father, and these are the people who ordered him to do so.'

'Our lives are indebted to them.'

'Were it not for these people, we would have been sold off as mere products.... but they intervened to save us.'

'They are our saviors! They are heroes, who came to reveal the dark underbelly of the corrupt people of this town!'

'No more do those corrupt people live! Only a few remain within the town, which they will surely order to be taken care of swiftly!'

'I wonder if these masters are more powerful than even father, who killed all those strong opponents....'

Samantha grinned deviously as she heard the thoughts of these children.

'I have an idea as to what made them this way, but this is insane..... that the woman who drove them to their deaths could prepare such perfect subjects.... are all the others like this as well? Is this what Coran saw in them?'

Samantha looked around, and saw the sleeping children.

It was only for a second, but she felt a ting of compassion in her heart.

'They have been through hell....'

Samantha decided at that moment to allow them to gain her protection.

'Coran has a good eye. He's found such perfect subjects. Perhaps these are the only humans who are completely.... pure. Free of sin.... but it is only because they were abused to the point of death.'

Trevor looked around the area. It was the typical lair of a monster. A dark cave. Water dripped from the ceiling here and there, and the constant dripping echoed throughout the cavern.

"Coran, we have reviewed your actions to this point, and deemed them to be acceptable. However, there is one thing which I am concerned of."

"What is it, your excellency? Just say the word, and I will do anything for you. I will even kill myself, or any of the others here if needed."

Coran spoke without a single hint of hesitation.

While he did deeply care for the children and for Alicia, his masters took priority.

If his masters ordered it, he would immediately abandon all emotion and kill those who he held dear.


Alicia looked worried.

"Your excellency, may I be given permission to speak to her?"

"Go ahead.", Trevor responded, waiting.

At this point, the antiheroes had not been emanating any form of pressure on those in front of them, for they felt no need to as they were under the control of Coran.

"Alicia.... I told you this when I first accepted you as my slave, but should my masters order me to kill you, I would do it without a second thought. I do care for you, but my respect and loyalty for my masters far exceeds that. I am sure you understand."

Alicia looked to Coran, bit her lip, and nodded submissively.

"I did agree to that. I understand."

Garett then walked over to the children, lifting up their faces and looking them straight in the eyes.

"Yo. How's it going, kids?"

"Hello, your... your excellency?", Nathan asked without a single shred of fear, despite the demon which stood in front of him that was grasping his chin.

"Hello your excellency.", Rebecca too repeated.

Garett smiled demonically and let out a light chuckle.

"You're not scared? I might just decide to kill you two on the spot, you know? I am a DEMON after all."

"May I speak bluntly, your excellency?", Rebecca asked.

"Sure! Go ahead."

"There are things in this world far worse than death. To merely kill us would not be something I would complain about."

Ashley at this point became intrigued and made her way over to the children.

"Oh?? So you two understand well then. You're right. Death is an easy way out. Heh heh heh..."

Ashley went behind the two and put her arms around their shoulders, as Garett continued holding both of their chins in each of his arms.

"But I like you two. You seem.... useful. You two are obedient and seem to have no fear of us, but you aren't fools who will go around disrespecting us either. I like that."

"As far as I can tell, the rest of the children are also like that.", Coran commented with a sinister smile.

"Perfect!! Haha!! I like it!! Then, these children are fine. Let them live! They can become useful tools for us.", Ashley shouted.

Garett looked the two in the eyes once more and asked them firmly.

"You two must have had it rough. Let me offer you a chance. Do you wish to become a part of our family?"

The two looked straight forward and smiled lightly before responding in tune with each other.

"It would be an honor, your excellency."

"Very well then. Now... what about the wasp woman?"

Garett and Ashley left the sides of the children and walked over to Alicia.

"Wait. Let me question her.", Samantha said with a snide smile.

"Oh? This is rare of you. We usually do the intimidation, and Theo usually does the bargaining, so having you do the interrogation must mean that you're interested in her, right? Go on.", Garett commented.

Samantha walked over elegantly to Alicia with a smile that confirmed Garett's conjecture.

Alicia could tell that she was outmatched by miles when it came to having a queenly aura.

This demon in front of her was likely some sort of succubus lord.

If Alicia had thousands of her offspring who were serving her undoubtedly as queen, then this woman had millions.

The woman crouched down slowly, using her demonic hands to straighten out the wrinkles in her nightgown before lightly lifting the head of Alicia.

"I understand you. I can read your inner thoughts like a book. Don't speak, just think. I'm going to ask you a few questions."