

Death and Taxes. The two insurpassable laws of the universe. So long as humans exist in this world, these things will remain. However, there is a 3rd law which has always, and will always implement itself on people. Suffering. Reincarnated in a new world, five people are forced to learn this the hard way. Placed on 'Nightmare mode' and being reincarnated as monsters, they are forced to survive under incomprehensible conditions. However it is only through suffering, that we grow as people. And it is only through suffering, that we truly become monsters. "Nightmare mode.... eh? Tell me, what exactly was this mode supposed to mean again? Were our lives supposed to become nightmares?" Without suffering, there is no change in anything. "Or were we supposed to become the nightmares?" This is the story of the antiheroes.

Dubstheduke · Fantasy
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486 Chs

Chapter 381- Possibilities

"Now then. What is the difference between these two words?"

20 children sat in a classroom.

At the head of the class, a woman who took the form of a human yet held the features of a wasp stood, pointing at a chalkboard.

On the board, two words were written.

Slave and free.

One girl, 11 years of age, raised her hand.


"That's a trick question, mom. They mean the same thing, because we are all slaves to something. The only difference is what we are slaves to. Those who like to go around shouting that they are free are more enslaved than anyone else, because they don't even realize they're enslaved."

The humanoid wasp smiled with a nod.

"Very good! Do you all see how she got to that conclusion?"


"I see!"

"Everyone in the town was a slave to the system. They were forced to listen or they would be ostracized. They wouldn't be able to peacefully live if they stuck their heads out too far. If that is not slavery, then I'm not quite sure what is."

After explaining for all the children to understand, the woman then turned back to the board.

"Alright, how about this one? What's the difference between these two words?"

Pointing to another set, the insectoid finger reached out towards the words "Monster" and "Human"

"I know! A monster is someone who throws lives away without a care in the world, whereas a human is a person who treasures these lives. However, there are many monsters who claim to be human, and many humans who are accused of being monsters."

"Exactly. And where do we all fall?"

The wasp looked around, however none of the children had an answer.

They were conflicted, unable to say for certain.

Suddenly, the door slid open, interrupting the class.

"Of course, we are all monsters. What else could we be? But that is fine. For even monsters can show the slightest drop of humanity."

Walking into the room was an insectoid spider.

He wore a well tailored black suit now, properly made exactly for him, with sleeves for all of his appendages.

"C-Coran! What's wrong? Is there a reason you came to the class? I thought you were very busy with work."

The wasp was surprised and flustered at the sudden appearance of the spider, yet he placed his human hand on her head with a kind smile.

"It's because of that reason that I came by. I've been given another task by her eminence, so I wanted to let you know. After all, if I disappeared without saying anything you'd be worried about me. And as your master, that is the last thing I would want."

The wasp fidgeted as the spider said these words, unable to answer.

"Where are you going, dad?"

"Can I go too?"

"Are you going to slay more monsters?"

"Haha.... you could say that. But not completely. It looks like I'm off to take care of a hero."

"A hero!? Coran.... what!? Why would you be sent-"

The wasp shouted out in petition, however the spider quickly placed one finger on her lips, quieting her.

"Do not worry, Alicia. Her eminence has run these plans through their excellencies, and they understand the situation far better than we could ever. I am being sent with plenty of others to take care of this hero. The chance of failure is.... almost zero."

"Only almost?"

The wasp, Alicia, questioned that one bit.

"Yes. Only almost. For the risk of an action can never be completely zero, no matter how much you plan and prepare."

Biting her lip, Alicia looked down with a quick nod.

"Please.... be careful."

"I will. Take care of the children while I am gone."

"I will...."

With that, the spider exited the room, waving to the children.

"Bye, dad!"

"Bring us back some souvenirs if you can!"

With a grin, the fangs of the spider peeked out of his mouth.

"I'll see what I can do. Will some heads be fine?"


[For this mission, you are going to be working with..... a certain one of our slaves which you have never met before. She has some unique circumstances, therefore we have kept her isolated from the rest, however we have done some research on her past and circumstances. It seems that she has a deep past with the men Oraguth is currently infiltrating, and I would like to allow her a chance at revenge.]

"I understand, your excellency. Then, I hope to work well with her."

[I am glad you are willing, but as I said, there are unique circumstances. I have already informed Oraguth of this, therefore I must notify you as well before I send you two to the field.]

Trevor then went on to give Coran his orders over a call, informing him exactly of the situation, and how to act in each given circumstance.

"I see..... that is certainly a unique set of orders, however do not worry, your excellency. I will follow them as if my life depended on it."

[Indeed. It does.]

In an instant, Coran was teleported to the outskirts of a town.

This town had been razed and burned to the ground, and he could hear the sounds of marching armies in the distance.

Nobody was around Coran aside from a single person, who stood next to him with a discomforting smile.

It was a woman.

She had braided hair, and wore a pair of blue overalls with a white T shirt underneath.

However, she was covered in blood.

Her face, her clothes, her hair, every bit of her was lathered in blood.

"Hello! My name is Bella! I heard that you're one of the slaves of their excellencies? They saved me and my beautiful sons, and they even went out of their way to find my long lost husband..... it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it."

"Ah? So you have children as well?", Coran said with a grin.

"Indeed! Take a look! They're right behind me! Come on out boys!"

The woman held her hands before her as if holding them on the heads of two children, yet there was nobody there.

She looked at Coran with a dull madness, awaiting his response.

"Aren't they just the cutest little things? I hope they grow up to become fine men. With my husband back around, surely they'll go on to do great things. Don't you think?"

Coran looked down with a grin, flashing his fangs.

"Of course. Such wonderful children. I'm sure you're very proud to be their mother."

"Darn right I am!"

The woman looked down with mad kindness, rubbing the nonexistent heads which she held.

"Ya hear that boys? Say hello to the kind spider. He won't hurt ya! Nothin' to be scared of!"

Looking up, the woman shrugged her shoulders.

"They can be real shy sometimes. Don't worry about it!"

"Haha.... of course. I've taken no offense.", Coran responded.

Turning forward and walking into the town, Coran motioned for the woman to follow him.

"Come now. We have a mission to perform for their excellencies. There is a man who we need to kill, and after that there is somewhere else where they have told me to take you."

"Alright! Let's go."

The two walked off with a spring in their steps, towards the center of the city.

'Your excellencies..... you were hiding this within that dungeon? Hahaha..... to think that someone of such madness has gained your trust enough for you to promote them..... it truly speaks volumes about your kindness to all.'


Oraguth stood now, in an open plaza.

The men of the legion were stationed outside the town, and the Legion Commander was currently headed with the elites towards the center of the town.

'We will not be interrupted in this location.', Oraguth thought as he looked around, confirming that not a soul was watching.

'He is approaching.'

Before Oraguth had left on this campaign, he had a conversation with Trevor.

[Gary has truly outdone himself with the new models for the spider cameras. They now hold the same properties as insects themselves, so if somebody kills one they will not discover any mechanical or electrical components. Rather, guts will spill out of the creature as if it were an actual insect. This addition makes it so that it is almost impossible for someone to discover that the bug is acting as a camera.]

"Is that so, your excellency? How wonderful. I was concerned about spreading them around the world, but I now see why you gave me such an order."

[Indeed. It is almost completely foolproof, however we cannot allow ourselves to think that we cannot be caught. I have been considering scenarios in which they are discovered in such a case. Even so, our information network is rapidly expanding. We now have cameras all across the monster realm, with the City of Demons and the City of Dragons aside. Furthermore, the hordes have spread all around the Empire and are now making their way into the Kingdom and the Sultinate.]

"Excellent.", Oraguth replied.

[The accuracy of my simulations has increased greatly as a result of this, however there is one factor in your mission which still remains a mystery due to the lack of information.]

"And what information is missing, your excellency?"

[Data on the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom.]

"I see..... yes, the spider cameras have not made it to the Western side of the Kingdom quite yet. So? What discrepancies in your simulation has this gap created?"

[The only information we have on the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom is from the mouth of the Indeterminant, who we have been monitoring with extreme caution. Even so, this is merely word of mouth, and from a man to whom lying comes as naturally as breathing. To put it simply, his words cannot be taken for what they are.]

"I too felt as if he was encapsulating everyone around him, drawing them into his deception."

[The Indeterminant is a murderer and a liar. He has spent his life doing as he pleases, and I have.... witnessed some of these scenes with my own eyes as a result of our increased influence. However, these things are common in our nation, even among our slaves. They are not things which I take with too much concern.]

Trevor's voice became low and serious, as if he was spitting on the person he spoke of.

[The reason I will always view the Indeterminant as an enemy is not because of something as silly as fate or legends. To put it simply..... I hate him with every fiber of my being, because he is a politician.]

"A politician?"

[He is a monster who disguises himself as a hero, leading others to despair while smiling, shaking their hands, kissing their children, and waving to all around him. Furthermore, he was the very man who slayed the Determined in her previous life. And the internal suffering which she has hidden from even us.... is far greater than you could imagine. This alone is enough to destroy him.]

"Your excellency..... I did not realize that her eminence had such a past with the Indeterminant."

[I've perhaps said too much. I am getting too emotional. Forgive me, Oraguth. I will get back on track. Now then... due to the lack of information on Kyle Ruthobold, the so called hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom, my simulations are incomplete. There are three possibilities which I want you to be aware of.]

"I am listening, your excellency."

[The first, ranking at around a 20% chance is that the two heroes and the Indeterminant will fight against the hero, and Troy will end up dying before Kyle is killed. In this scenario, you must be prepared to withdraw completely. The cameras are spreading throughout the world, so we no longer need you to take a seat by the Emperor, but more importantly, without the hero around, you would likely be thrown into a military legion to fight for the Empire. I have better uses for you than that.]

"I see. So I should be prepared to return to the Dictatorship?"

[Indeed. The second possibility, ranking at only around a 10% chance..... is the most dangerous one of all.]

Oraguth could sense the tension in the voice of his master as he spoke, holding his breath as he awaited his words.

[If the heroes are able to come to see things the same way, and unite with one another, then this will be very troublesome. As I said, I am not inclined to listen to silly legends, however the fact of the matter is that we cannot simply throw them aside as fables. After all, we exist, do we not?]

Trevor let out a light laugh, then continued.

[In this scenario, we will order a full retreat. I do not know exactly what will happen, but if the heroes unite together with the Indeterminant, it is something which we cannot afford to approach carelessly. I will have all our subjects in the human realm relocated to the Capital if this scenario comes about, and we will likely plan to assassinate the hero of the Alliance before the Indeterminant can reach them.]

Lowering his tone, Trevor spoke in a grave manner.

[And if that means we have to slaughter every last person in the Alliance..... then so be it.]

"I see...."

Oraguth nodded in understanding.

"And what of the third possible outcome?"

[The third possible outcome, ranking at a 70% chance, and the one in which you should be most prepared for..... is that the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom will be killed without the death of Troy.]

"Is that not the best case scenario?", Oraguth asked.

After all, things would remain as they were, and there would be no need for a change in plans.

[Not quite. This is beyond my simulation capacity due to the lack of information, however my spiritual partner made a statement which cannot be ignored..... as her intuition is beyond human understanding.]

[Hehe..... ya know, I just feel like it'll happen.]

The crackling voice of the spiritual figure spoke, and Oraguth listened as the two chatted.

[Yes, and there is no reasoning behind it, however it was a possibility which I have been looking at for quite some time now, so I cannot deny your judgement. It merely bugs me that I do not understand the exact cause.]

[Ya don't need to know the cause of everything. If you knew that much, then we wouldn't really be living. We'd just be following a set of determined patterns. Keh heh..... alright, listen up, Oraguth. If it goes all as Theo here says and Kyle gets killed, Troy's gonna betray you. 100 percent. I don't know what the hell is gonna go through his head, but he's gonna betray you. That's certain.]

Oraguth was slightly surprised at hearing these words, yet he quickly resolved himself.

"I see. So he will betray me.... that is unexpected, given his personality. He appeared to be so willing to pay myself and you four back for your kindness.... are you saying he will throw your kindness aside?"

[That is what I don't understand. It is incompatible with his personality. Even so, taking his personality into account, for whatever reason he betrays us, he will absolutely not do so without first confronting us. He will not gather allies against us, nor turn to the Indeterminant before first confirming things on his own. Therefore, when he approaches you.... that is when you will kill him.]

Oraguth smiled, closing his eyes.

"I see."

[Are you saddened by this news?]

The one who asked this was Garett, in a rough tone.

"Not in the least. I am merely angered that he would throw aside your generosity."

[Whatever the reason for his betrayal, one thing is certain, Oraguth.], Samantha stated. [This is why we cannot coexist with those who believe themselves to be heroes of justice. They betray. They lie. They deceive. They are loved. They are cheered for, and glorified. And yet.... in the end, they are garbage doused in Febreze.]

"I will carry out your orders."

[Excellent. Now then, we cannot simply have you take on the hero alone. After all, that would be merely leaving things up to chance. Let me explain the plan.]


A man wearing the uniform of a legionnaire and cloth covering every square inch of his skin stood in an empty plaza, waiting patiently for something.

Before this man, as if appearing out of thin air, another man appeared.

This man too wore bronze armor and carried a greatsword on his back that was almost the length of his body, and he stared forward at the one before him, whose eyes were covered.

"Oraguth. I have come to question you."

"Question me? What has happened, Troy?"

Oraguth responded with a sarcastic answer, already aware of what was up.

"Was this... the death of Kyle Ruthobold..... the loss of the true ability of the heroes when they united with one another..... was this all part of your scheme? Did you manipulate the Indeterminant in some way, and convince him that the hero of the Ruthobold Kingdom was evil? Did your masters..... did they order you to assist me so that I could be led to such a position where my blade was aimed at his throat?"

Troy looked directly at Oraguth, questioning him with sincerity.

Oraguth took off the cloth to reveal his face.

The green face of a goblin, smiling lightly with a mocking expression.

"Did we manipulate you? Or to rephrase.... did we use you?"

Oraguth let out a light laugh, to which Troy furrowed his brows.

"Answer me, Oraguth."

"I told you already, at the moment I held out my hand to you that I was using you. That WE were using you. Why do you look so surprised?"

"I am.... not surprised that you used me..... but for something on this level..... for the very destruction of the heroes, and in order that we would lose the critical ability which would allow for our victory...."

"The critical ability? I know nothing of that. I am not sure what exactly you have experienced, Troy. But I will say one thing. I have been following the orders of my masters to the tee. Everything I have done is at their command, and I have not strayed."

"So you were unaware of the consequences of your actions? You merely obeyed your masters without question?"

"Were you not doing the same?"

Oraguth quickly snapped back at Troy, to which the man could not respond.

He had done exactly the same thing.

He had played to the tune of the antiheroes, listening to them because he felt that they offered him a string of hope.

Especially so when Brutus had been removed from his position.

Troy thought more than anything that they were a shadowed force of justice.

He understood that he was being used, but he was fine with that so long as that use was mutual.

So long as good things came out of him being used.

"Was everything a lie?"

Oraguth continued to grin, arrogantly staring at Troy as he asked this question.

"All those things about taking back the sky..... about assisting people.... about ridding scum from the world..... were they nothing more than the ravings of a monster?"

"They were true.", Oraguth said boldly. "I meant each and every one of those things. You were afraid of my masters, yet you were quick to accept me despite my appearance. I had accepted you as a comrade working towards the same goal, and even when you were promoted to the rank of hero, I did not doubt your loyalty. However..... it seems that you've realized something since then."

"Yes, I've realized something. I've realized that your masters are merely toying with everyone. They deceived me into working for them so that they could eliminate any possible resistance..... they gained my trust and smashed it. I owe them for assisting me in taking over Brutus, and I owe you in particular. And that is why I have come to ask you yourself. Oraguth, I want to hear the words out of your mouth."

Troy stepped forward, unyielding even in the face of a monster whose grin widened as he got closer.

"Oraguth. Are you alright with the elimination of everyone who goes against your masters? Do you care nothing more than the advancement of their goals? And most importantly.... are they willing to resort to anything in order to spread chaos throughout the world?"

At this question, Oraguth closed his eyes, looking down with a smile, and chuckled.

"I said before, didn't I? We would take back the skies..... for everything underneath them is the property of my masters. You, the other heroes, all other humans, the humanoids and demons of the monster realm, all the cities and lands of this world..... it is all their property. However, sometimes property becomes defective..... and that is when you must throw it out."

Troy was shaken at this proclamation, and Oraguth gave him a horrible glare.

Stepping back with anger, Troy grabbed the handle of his sword.

"I see. Then we must fight. Even if you were unaware of their plans, the fact that you will carry them out without question tells me everything. However, let me ask you one more time, Oraguth. Even now, are you still unaware? Was it the plot of your masters for one of the heroes to be killed in order to weaken their enemies?"

Oraguth held forward his spear, preparing to fight as well.

"Who knows? But I told you this before as well, didn't I? Over and over, if I remember correctly."

The goblin licked his lips, excited for battle.

"My masters can do anything."
