
Underworlds Void

The Underworld

AbyssChaotix · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Underworld

Along the plains of a world, scorched in havoc. A remaining Hades, wounded and banished by the Gods-


In a time of eruption, the realms sought war with one another. Hades left banished within the charred remains of Earth. His blood leak through into the ground. The blood of a Devil, infused with the corpses of dead soldiers. The undead were born- but rather than leaking through the ground. They began to borough even further-

"My children- Create my world, my plain of existence. For I, the Dark Lord will rebuild".

With that, within the earths core- a world was born. The Underworld was born…

Hades began to experiment with his blood, and infuse elixirs- creating dark alchemy from the likes of his kingdom.

The alchemical reaction supercharged the undead to procreate. One mutation caused the demons to take birth. And with that, Hades had given life to armies of creatures- monsters, within his domain.

Four of those demons became powerful, very powerful… within a few hundreds years- these four came to be known as THE FOUR DEVIL LORDS. Hades First Reich, also known as The Pillars of The Underworld.

And then, Hades created it… during the years that humans inhabited a reborn world. The birth of Earth had hatched in a new generation. And with that, the balance of light and dark was tested. For Hades, he had created his savior to the light- The Amulet of Darkness. But in so, The Amulet of Light was born- banished to Earth. For one day, a warrior would claim this Amulet, and would attempt to purge The Underworld of darkness.

"My four Pillars, my First Reich- find the Amulet at any cost. Go, in human-like forms. Scatter along the plains of Earth. You're powers will not take aim in that world, but you're tricks may come of use".

Two of the Lords went, but in so- the other two stayed. For the Pillars of The Underworld could not be knocked with them at its hold.

Earth | Year: Unknown

Syeri Forest

A young boy, no older than fourteen- walk along a ravine scaling through the likes of a beautiful forest. A glimmer matching his eye in the distance, he began to move towards it. Drawn to the light, guillable and keen on answers.

The light faded in and out, as he reached it- a necklace (old, ancient) lay in a pile of leaves, directly under a tree. A mark clawed into the tree- a crown.

The moment the young boys hands grasped the necklace…

DeadLand Prison | The Underworld | Floor 483 - Cell 78

The boy arose, no memory drew through his wake. He had forgotten his name, his past life wiped in an instant. All he knew was he was in a rusted cell, chains scattered along the ground of the cell. But for some reason, not around his own self. The nameless boy felt a necklace, heavy- around his neck.

He decided not to speak, and to only look within his limited range.

Hades Castle | Hades Kingdom

"I see, after ten thousand years, a challenger of the amulet has appeared. A fabled warrior- This shall be interesting"…

End of First Chapter